Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made.

Draco ignored the sounds of the pots and pans rattling. He wanted just a few more precious minutes of sleep. Pulling the blanket over his head to block out the light, he wiggled closer to the warmth at his back. Sighing contently he let himself drift off to sleep. Only to wake up a few short moments later. Sitting up he dislodged the blanket from around him and the man sleeping soundly next to him. If Harry was still beside him, and not in the kitchen...

Trying to get his limbs to cooperate with his waking mind, he gentle shook Harry awake. Swallowing a squeak of surprise when the brunet pulled him down for a morning kiss, which incidentally left him breathless. He could still taste the syrup from the previous night. He leaned into the man, before realizing why he woke him up in the first place. Opening his mouth he let out a groan as Harry placed teasing bites along his collar bone soothing them with short. quick licks. He felt Harry run his hands down his back pulling him closer. Draco lost himself in the soft strokes and kisses, feeling the passion flood his body. Wiggling closer he brought his legs up so they straddled Harry. Dragging his nails down the brunet's chest leaving red welts behind, he leaned down and soothed them with him tongue. Sliding down Harry's body he teased and nipped the skin.

"Master Draco, I made pancakes but there's no syr-" The housekeeper rounder the corner and stopped dead in her tracks.

Draco was too stunned to do anything other then bury his face in Harry's shoulder. He'd been so distracted he had forgotten she was here as soon as Harry touched him. Feeling his face heat up he refused to look at Fleur. He felt the brunet trembling and looked up into the green eyes. He just couldn't believe that Harry was laughing at him, again.

Harry reached behind him and grabbed the handle of the basket before holding it out the housekeeper. "I'll think you'll find what you're looking for in there." He couldn't help but to chuckle as the blush spread from Draco's face down to his shoulders.

"This is still safe to use right?" The made looked at the various syrups dubiously.

"Safe?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

Humiliated beyond belief that his housekeeper caught him in such and undignified way he felt compelled to get rid of her, and quick. "Yes, it's safe to use. Now could you please ex-"

"Why wouldn't it be safe?" He knew there had to be a good story behind this and he was determined to get it.

"Oh, you don't know?" At Harry's head shake she chuckled. "I thought everyone who knew Master Draco knew."

"It's not important Fleur. If you'll excuse us we'll be out in a moment." Draco tried dismissing the housekeeper again.

"Oh, but I think the monsieur would enjoy the story of you and the peanut butter."

Harry amusingly asked, "Peanut butter." At the same time that Draco pleaded, "God, no!"

"Oh yes. You see our young master used to love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when he was younger." Fleur took a seat the sofa. "One day I went to go make him his lunch only to find that the new jar of peanut butter was gone. When I went to ask him if he wanted anything else, I found him spread out on his bed the jar between his legs and his little Draco coated in it."

Harry barked with laughter, while Draco groaned with embarrassment. "So Draco. This isn't the first sticky situation that you've found yourself in."

The Fleur joined into the laughter before a shirt hit her in the face. Pulling it off she discovered the master of the house had vacated the room. Leaving his laughing lover behind.

Nicole: I know it's short but I wasn't plan on writing this. I just didn't want to leave it in a sex scene. I never have to so I felt this needed something else. Besides I'm a tease at heart.