-x-o-I Loved Her First-o-x-

A/N: Well, I got this idea from my Dad really, we were just talk and then we got on to the subject of wedding songs. He told me that he wanted the song 'I Loved Her First' to be my wedding song. I'd never heard this song so I went on YouTube and found it. I absolutely LOVE it. It's a beautiful song. I would advise listening to it as you read this oneshot.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything sniffs except the storyline… The words on this page (that aren't song words) are all mine! yummy!


I smiled as I watched my daughter dancing, never taking her eyes off her partner, her glossy auburn hair swaying with her. You'd think there was no body else in the world; that they were alone in this room.

It was her wedding day.

-x-o-So Much In Love You're Alone In This Place-o-x-

I could remember the silent tears ran down her cheeks as we walked down the aisle. Tears of joy. Everyone cries on their wedding day, yet, she still smiled. The same smile she'd worn for as long as I could remember. It never disappeared, not once, sometimes it would relax, fade, but it would never completely disappear. It lit up her face, her eyes shone bright, turning even brighter when they found his at the altar.

-x-o-I Was Her Number One-o-x-

I remembered the way their hands clasped as they made their vows; binding themselves to each other forever, and always.

Her threw back her veil, smiling, as ever. He took her in his arms. brushing her hair back as his lips touched hers, sealing the vow.

-x-o-Time changes everything-o-x-

I remembered when she was young, when I was her number one; the only man in her life. She told me that herself. Even though that's no longer perfectly true; she still means the world to me. But time changes everything; life goes on. I couldn't, I wouldn't, stand in his way. He'd be careful with my little girl.

-x-o-And She Still Means The World To Me-o-x-

I can still remember holding her for the first time. I held her, and watched as she drew her first breath, I received her first smile… And with that; she captured a save place in my heart that would always be hers. I loved her as much as it was possible for a father too; with all my heart. With all my might, I prayed that she would find someone to be happy with. Though, when I did, it was still hard to give her away.

-x-o-I Knew The Love Of A Father Runs Deep-o-x-

She looked radiant, more beautiful than I'd ever seen her. She was no longer my freckled little girl, the one I read all those fairytales to. The one I tucked into bed all those nights, sending her to sleep, watching her peaceful look rest on her face.

My eyes turned to him, his messy chocolate brown hair flopped into the bright blue eyes that were staring deeply into hers. I remembered the first time I'd ever seen them together; I'd known then that it would only a matter of time until this day. And I was right.

-x-o -When A Miracle Smiles Up At You-o-x-

Maybe, someday, this day will come for them. And he might know what I'm going through right now. Maybe he'll go through it too. When his daughter smiles up at him; he'll see a miracle, just like I do.

-x-o-I Loved Her First-o-x-

A/N: Well, I hope you liked it. I did the best I could and I still love this song.

Just in case you could guess (i didn't make it very obvious) it was Kairi and Sora getting married.

Please review, I really want to know what you think!