Chapter 29

Hitsugaya blinked as he saw a blue haired boy resembling 'Ayame Sohma', a cartoon character in Fruits Basket anime that he watched in Karakura a while back, stood in fury with his intense blue eyes directed to him. Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes when he realized that the handsome boy was none other the hougyoku. Rukia on the other hand, quickly corrected her garbs and as she was about to descend the 'bed' and move towards the hougyoku. However, a pair of strong arms caught her waist and brought her back to him. Rukia eyed Hitsugaya in confusion as he acted all possessive on her suddenly. At the same time she actually failed to see the tension between him and the hougyoku which still caught in staring competition.

"Toushiro? He is the hougyoku. If he's here then it's time for me to go," Rukia explained softly.

"I know. But I don't want you to go. Please…stay with me, Rukia," Hitsugaya replied huskily as his teal eyes tear his gaze from the Hougyoku to Rukia.

Rukia turned to face him and shower him with small kisses and Hitsugaya took the opportunity to close his eyes and kiss her deeply as his arms wrapped around her protectively. The hougyoku was blazed with fury when he saw the white haired prodigy cracked open his teal eyes to him as if daring him to come any near. It was dawn to the blue haired boy that Hitsugaya was actually telling him indirectly that Rukia belonged to him and him only.

As his narrowed eyes turned into slits, the boy marched towards them and with a simple move, he pried Rukia easily from Hitsugaya. Rukia was dumbfounded and before she could gain her senses, Hitsugaya was thrown backward and slammed into the ice wall. Shocked was evident in Hitsugaya face as he realized that the hougyoku power was strong, far stronger than his.

"Toushiro!" Rukia screamed and almost went after Hitsugaya if not for a firm grip on her wrist that halted her.

"Don't…" the boy said and his angry voice made Rukia turned to look at him but the boy's eyes were directed to the white haired captain.

"Don't make me beat the shit out of you. If they can feel Rukia's reaitsu flickered outside her body, they will know something was off. So, don't… Don't make me kill you if anything happens to her due to your stupidity," the hougyoku said venomously.

Hitsugaya stood up and Rukia heaved in relief when she saw that he was alright. But her breath hitched as he came forward and kiss her again before he let her go and faced the boy.

"I guess it's futile to fight you here and I understand the situation. Guard her well until I come. If there is slightest hair missing from her, I will crush you with my hands. Mark my word," he threatened.

"Che. Tell me something I don't know," the latter only scowled and opened a portal back to Hueco Mondo.

As the portal opened to reveal a black hole, Hitsugaya grabbed Rukia and envelop her in a tight embrace.

"Wait for me. I love you, Rukia" he whispered softly and Rukia smile genuinely and slowly he let her go.

Annoyed, the hougyoku quickly took Rukia's wrist and dragged her into the portal. His irritation grew stronger when he saw Rukia silently mouthed I love you too towards the white haired prodigy.

'Give me sometime Rukia and I'll make you mine,' he said mentally feeling utterly jealous.

In Hueco Mondo…

Rukia blinked slowly as her eyes familiarized with her surroundings. She sighed in relief knowing that Hitsugaya and the others have come in terms of her fake death. Now, there is only one thing she has to do. She needs to get stronger and reach her bankai as soon as possible. A day without the white haired 10th division captain left her with an aching heart and she knew that the faster she could free herself from Aizen, the faster she could be in his arms again feeling safe and loved.

She was lost in her train of thoughts when the door suddenly creaked open to reveal...none other Hinamori Momo. She was wearing all white tank top and extreme short frilly skirt along with thigh high boots. Rukia only shook her head knowing too well that Aizen had changed her appearance. From a normal shy shinigami, Hinamori Momo had lost her innocence thoroughly. But Rukia's eyes snapped up to her when a plan suddenly formed in her head.

"When can I see Aizen?" she asked monotonously.

"Show him some respect, Kuchiki Rukia. You are, after all under his care. Get up. Aizen-sama is waiting for you in the main hall," she replied sarcastically.

Rukia rolled her eyes when Hinamori mention 'under his care'.

'His care my ass. Like hell I'm going to respect him,' she muttered mentally. Suddenly her mood change and Rukia move to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Ne, Hinamori... Tell me something. Is it worth it? You left your duty as a shinigami…your friends and especially….him. Is it truly worth it?" Rukia asked melancholy as her eyes dropped a little.

Rukia then glanced only to see Hinamori eyes widen in shock. A fleeting of emotions passed the brown eyes showing her true self if only a second. Hinamori let down her guard when she saw sadness in Rukia's eyes. Truth to be told, Hinamori felt something began to resurface when Rukia mentioned about him. Through she didn't voice out to ask about the said person, but she knew too well that Rukia was referring to Hitsugaya Toushiro. A guilt and uncertainty showed openly on her face. Rukia caught that and cursed loudly.

"What the hell are you thinking then if you don't really want to be here?" Rukia yelled.

Hinamori flinched a little before her face hardens and shouted back.

"So what if I left Seireitei to be with Aizen-sama? He's the only one that accepted me of who I am! He loves me and he needs me!"

"You really believe that crap? If he loves you then why did he stabbed you in the first place? If he loves you then why did he betray Soul Society and threatened to kill everyone you know and care and destroy the only place you give your heart and soul to protect and love? Not to mention trying to let you kill the person that is so close to you and left you to die in my hands if we're not interfered by his sudden runaway act. And correct me if I'm wrong. Don't you have nightmares of him taunting you with your blood splashed all over his body that left you feeling scared when you saw him afterwards?" and her raised voice slowed down to the last sentence.

Rukia watched Hinamori's face turned into horror and tried to grab the door handle to steady herself. Rukia lowered her gaze as she had confirmed her suspicion. Deep down, she suddenly felt sorry towards Hinamori. How on earth a soft pretty nice girl such as Hinamori is scared with the person whom she fell in love with? It doesn't feel right.

Rukia got up from her bed and move slowly towards Hinamori Momo. Her eyes were solemn whilst Hinamori's were filled with tears. Rukia couldn't help but let her instinct took control. She touched Hinamori's cheek and took a deep breath.

"You worship him, you care for him and you adore him. Probably you did fell in love with him. But the thing is…you have to realize that you actually love the person who he was before...not who he is now. Know that Hinamori and you will be free. No more nightmares, no more guilt and no more sadness. Somehow, I can feel that you are not happy here. So why force yourself? If he loves you like you claim he is, then why are you standing in front of me with those eyes?" Rukia said softly.

"I-I…" Hinamori stuttered and as Rukia sensed that she failed to form any words, she smiled softly.

"It's alright. You don't have to answer that now. Whenever you have a proper one, just let me know. I would like to hear your reasons…I actually don't have anyone here as a person I could trust. Maybe you want to call me stupid but somehow I trust you. My heart says so…Now, lead me to Aizen. I want to know what he had planned for me," she said as she straightened her shihakushō and motioned towards the door.

Hinamori nodded and then lead her to the main hall. As they walk side by side, Hinamori couldn't help but steal glances towards the girl and deep down, she felt a little relief that she could talk to her. Rukia's words seemed to infest her mind and point out the things that she never dared to discuss with anyone in Hueco Mondo especially with Aizen. Instantly she realized that she never trusts anyone in this place. No one at all…not even Aizen.

'Did Aizen ever loved me? Can Shiro accept me again? A broken doll…' she thought right before both of them entered the main hall…


Renji, Ichigo and Hitsugaya instantly wake up at the same time. To everyone horrors, the three simultaneously scrambled down their bed and demand to see Soutaicho Yamamoto. Isane, Hanatarou and other 4th Division members were trying so hard to restraint the movement of the three but when Unohana taichou entered the room, Ichigo and Renji stiffened suddenly as they could feel cold glare from the 4th Division captain. However, Hitsugaya ignored her silent anger towards them and stood straight facing her.

"Unohana taicho, I apologize for this sudden act. But I need to see Yamamoto Soutaicho immediately. Kurosaki Ichigo, Abarai Renji and I woke up at the same time due to a unique event that we need to report this immediately to Soutaicho. I believe, the attendance of all taicho is vital as well," Hitsugaya said diplomatically but with determination in his eyes.

Unohana Retsu contemplated his request for sometime when she nodded at Isane and instantly the fourth division healer released their hold on Ichigo and Renji. With that, all four of them move quickly to the first division while Isane send hell butterflies to inform all captains to Yamamoto chamber.

In Hueco Mondo…

Rukia narrowed her eyes when she spotted Aizen, Gin and Tousen waited for her on the high throne. She couldn't help feeling absolute hatred towards the man who betrayed Soul Society and hurt her love ones. She almost releases her kido when she heard a voice.

'Not yet Rukia…We will get him later. Refrain yourself from doing anything. I don't want to loose you now. Be patient…our time will come,' and instantly Rukia knew it was the hougyoku.

"Welcome to my humble place Kuchiki san. I sincerely glad to see you again after our short encounter along with the tenth division taicho," said Aizen while smirking.

"What. Do. You. Want. From. Me?" she hissed angrily.

"Want is understatement. We actually need you Rukia san. We need you and your power to ensure our existence is permanent," he smiled.

Rukia held her grips tightly until her knuckles turned white. She seriously wanted to vomit as she watched Aizen smiled sickly from his throne.

"What are you going to do if I refuse to do as you said? What are going to do if I kill myself now and let you have my corpse to do as you please? What are you going to do Aizen?" Rukia's voice boomed at the last sentence.

Aizen couldn't help but laugh at Rukia naivety. With slow but steady motion, he rose from his throne and shunpo towards Rukia. Rukia widen her eyes as she felt his presence behind her and quickly shut her eyes for few seconds and look at Hinamori, before she could turn to faced Aizen. But half way before she could face him, Aizen bend slightly to whisper softly to her.

"You are asking me what I'm going to do if you dare to defy me, Kuchiki san?" and Rukia swear she could hear chuckle behind his words, "Simple…did you see Hinamori san over there?" Aizen asked as his eyes and Rukia's divert to the girl, "I will skin her alive in front of you..." Rukia gasped before he continues, "I know deep down you do care about your comrade, so I will ensure I'll drained her blood slowly and torture her before I let her die…right…in front…of you".

"NO! I will not let you do that!" Rukia pushed Aizen and screamed wildly. Aizen laughter could be heard across the hall.

"Then, you will do exactly what I said, Kuchiki san…Tousen, inform Yammy. Tomorrow, he will be the first to fight her…and tomorrow….we will begin the initiation of Hougyoku power in her," Aizen smiled and Tousen nodded at his request leaving Rukia shudder slightly.

She knew they will ask her to fight to fully 'awaken' the hougyoku and she knew she is ready to face her fate but with Hinamori's life at stake, she could feel fear start to build up in her. Somehow, as no one paid attention towards the fragile looking girl, little that they know Hinamori had been listening to every detail of Aizen and Rukia conversations…by a simple kido spell Rukia send to Hinamori, right before Aizen whispered to her...

Author's Note

Sorry...sorry..soryy...i know it takes a long time for me to continue but I promise I will update this every single week! Promise! Thank you for all the lovely reviews and for those who just love to read this, I thank you as well :)