Disclaimers: I do not own Naruto and this is for this whole story I will not put it in the rest of the chapters.

Author's Note-I am warning you know this is a Dark fic, and it will have blood and guts in it, and maybe language.

The Past Shapes the Future

Chapter 1

Naruto was sitting in a tree, outside of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He was thinking, about how much stronger he had become after spending two years with the pervy-sage. He chuckled, and decided to have a talk with the Fox inside of him.

"What is you want brat?"

The Nine-Tails was just trying to have a nap, and that little boy just had to come in. Sigh; when he was up and not sleepy the child didn't want anything, it seemed it always wanted to talk to him when he was tried. The real question here was did it matter? To either of them really, whether one wanted it or no the child was going to do what he wanted, it was that simple.

Naruto looked at the cage in front of him and looked down. He was thinking. He looked back up and saw the Fox was more interested then before. Very, if you wanted the whole truth, the Fox knew what was in the boy's heart and head; it was no surprise that he knew what the boy wanted to ask.

Naruto finally got the words to fit what he wanted to ask. He looked up and said "Nine-Tail Fox, do you really enjoy killing? Is that really fun?"

The Fox thought, he knew what the boy was getting at. He felt the pain and sorrow inside of him, Even though the Fox loved pain and misery he didn't like this. Why didn't he love this though? Was it because he had grown attached to the child? The Fox shook his head; he knew he wasn't that soft.

The Fox looked at the child who thought like a man at times and this was one of those times. "Are you sure this is what you want child? There is no going back from this. I can and will help you, because when it is against you it is against me as well. This is your choice; choose well for there is no going back. Make sure this choice you chose it with your heart and soul not just your mind."

Naruto had thought about this for a while, years in fact. He knew he wanted this, he knew this was the only way to make it better, to make the pain go away. He knew what he must do. Naruto looked at the fox and nodded his head, and for the first time in fifteen years he smiled.

Gaara was looking out at the moon as he thought of what had happened in the last two years. He had become strong enough to be the Kazekage. He had finally proven to everyone he was something, but this wasn't what he wanted. He knew there was something else he wanted. Nothing he could do about it himself, was he to weak to seek what he wanted?

The Raccoon deep inside of Gaara chuckled, as he sensed the turmoil inside of his host. He was bemused at the turn of events, he knew this was coming of course, and knew for awhile his host would not sleep for awhile because of these thoughts. It was kind of amusing knowing what was going to happen and just sit there watching and waiting for it to happen, also kind of tiring. He wondered if this was what she felt, all of the time.

He wasn't prepared for what happened next though; Gaara was in front of him. That made the Raccoon remember how his host could appear in front of him.

He sighed, damn him to hell for all of all of time. How could that old man that traveled with the Fox-brat could have done this to him.

The old man…what was it the brat called him? Pervy-Sage, was it? Anyway, they had come to this Village before his host was Kazekage and sealed him in this body. Just like the Nine-Tailed Fox, he was sealed inside of a child. He had heard what had happened to the one who did that to the Fox, but it didn't happen to the Old man so he must have tweaked it.

It did not matter, how it happened, but it did, Naruto had showed the child how to talk to him, but his host had never came to talk to him, but now he had. Something had to be very wrong, the Demon Raccoon knew what it was, how it could be solved, but he need the boy to talk, he need him to tell him.

That was the only way this could work, was for the child to talk, explain everything. If he didn't the Raccoon could and sadly would do nothing.

Gaara looked into the eyes of the Demon inside of him and said "You know why I am here don't you?" The Demon nodded, but said, "Tell me, that is the only way I can help."

Gaara thought about it and nodded, and tried to find the words for it, it took him awhile but the time it took him to say it only made the Demon restless with excitement. This was going to be good, the Raccoon knew.

Gaara looked at him again "You know why I am here, you alone can help me. What must I do for your help?" The Raccoon thought about this, he did know this would count, but he needed the child to answer the one question before he could help him.

"A question first, why are you doing this, there is no going back, yet you know this, everything you know and like will be lost so why want this?" Gaara was shocked at first, but he answer with an attitude, "You know why the hell I am doing, but what I want to know is why are you asking me this? You want this more then me, you love it so why give me a reason not to do it? I can feel your excitement, so what's your problem?"

The Raccoon just chuckled and smiled for the first time since being let out of this body in the battle against Naruto, the Nine-Tails brat. "Of course I want this, but for me to help you, you need to say it."

Gaara thought about it and sighed he gave up he would reveal it, the reason why he needed to do this, "It is the only way to stop it, these feelings needs to stop, I just can't take it no more. I know am I strong already but I need to be stronger and only you can help Demon of the Sands."

The Demon Raccon nodded, this was going to be so much fun.

The One-Tailed Raccoon and the Nine-Tailed Fox told Naruto and Gaara the same thing.

"I can only tell you what to do right now, after it is complete that is only when I can truly help. There is a woman you need to seek; she has to give you her blessing and perform the deed herself. We can not do this, only her."

Both boys looked at their Demons and said, "Who is she? Is she powerful?"

They didn't even ask if she was pretty or not, that wasn't even on their minds at all; it was like they didn't care at all about that kind of stuff.

The Demon laughed at them, thinking they are so foolish, "This woman is the most powerful human in this world of yours, and she is the most powerful in our world as well. Our world is the world that the animals you summon come from; we come from there as well. Though we left, as she has, though if we are lucky she has come back, the lady we are talking about was in the world two years ago, after what had happened to Sasuke she left."

The Demon's looked at their hosts, just to make sure they were listening and saw that they were so into it, they laughed at themselves.

"She is not someone to play with; if you piss her off she will probably kill you straight off and not give you a chance to repent. She has a nasty temper, quick temper too. So be careful, though I will say she is fun."

The boys were so excited, they honesty didn't know why, but there was something they just had to ask "Where is she?"

The Demon's thought about this and said, "No one really knows, we have been too locked up inside of human bodies, so we can't sense her power. That is where you have to find her."

Before the children could interrupt they replied with. "You have seen her before, you just can't remember, she knows you, and I think maybe even like you. (Nine-Tails talking) though the last time I saw her was when I was sealed into you. (Raccoon talking) The last time I saw her I believe it was when you craved that symbol into you head."

They boys wanted to know more about this woman who would make them stronger. Would she train them? So many questions ran through their minds, but they wisely did not voice them.

That was when they asked, "How will we found her though?" The Demon's laughed, "You know someone who knows where she lives, well two actually, but I believe you will not find one of them unless you really want to die. Or get captured, he is still looking for the humans with Demons sealed inside their bodies."

They wanted to know so bad this really it had stopped being funny, to the Demons. Finally after an annoying five minutes, they told them. "I believe the only ones who have actually been to the Village is the Third Hokage; well really any Hokage should know where it is. I think Tsunade is one of the Guardians…well was. I don't think you should ask her though, she will stop you, I really don't think she will like why you want to seek her old friend."

The boys thought about that last sentence and said, "She is old?" That made them laugh, "Yes, but don't tell her that she will kill you even if you think it. No, the body she is in is not that old, well you will see when you see her. No more questions about it or I will not tell you who can tell you. Okay there is Jaraiya and Orochimaru, but they are just like Tsunade, just don't go asking them. Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha are the ones you need to see, but as I said before you don't want to see Itachi, he will try to take us from you then you can't ever become stronger."

Naruto fell down on his butt when he heard those names, how could they know someone like this? Why did he have to see Sasuke again?

Naruto looked up at the Fox and said in a sad, defeated voice, "We can't find him, that old snake took him away, no one can found them."

Gaara looked at the Raccoon and said, "Sasuke Uchiha? I know that name, he fought against me in the Chunin Exams, isn't he a rogue? No one has found him yet, how will I?"

The Fox thought and said, "If you can give me something of his I can find it."

The Raccoon said, "This is where we have to ask the Naruto's help, he has the Nine-Tails inside of him. So I guess you will have to ask a favor of him."

What the Raccoon didn't tell him was he knew the boy would help him, because he himself was doing the same, it was great sometimes to have that link between him and the Fox. He would have to thank Melinda for this.

The Fox looked at Naruto and said, "I will do it on one condition: If I say someone should cone should come with us, then they will alright?"

Naruto didn't care, he nodded, and he wasn't really in his right mind. He would see Sasuke again. That is what he was dreading, he didn't really care to have someone else come. It didn't matter to him, with that Naruto left to pack and to go get Sasuke's headband.

Gaara didn't really care if he need to ask Naruto's help, he knew he's friend would help him, they were the same were they not? They had the same life, well mostly anyway. Gaara left and went to his room and started to pack for his trip to the Village Hidden in the Leaves.