MOON SAYS: Well here you go my faithful readers! The end to TpStF! Sorry it took so long. This is the Epilogue. It's short I know, but its sweet. Gosh I can't believe I have just ended another story! Well, next to go will be CBTM, I hope I type up two chapters by the end of the week! After Come Back to Me (CMTM) is done I will load up Masks and maybe A New Start...I have been waiting so long to do that. I have only five more days till I go back to school. I better get as much as I can done!

ANOTHER NOTE: Yes, this is the end! I can't believe it either! Over one year and its done! I just hope you like it. I know that it isn't what I thought it was going to turn out as. I figured when I got the the Villages, Gaara and Naruto would end up killing everyone but a select few. The ending is the same thought. I will admit i forgot all about Neji! That was until i dung out the sheet of paper I had on the Guardian's weapons. Well that's enough talk, read on!

2 pages; 1033 words; ENJOY!

The Past Shapes the Future

Chapter 15/Epilogue

Two more years had passed since the almost destruction of the Leaf Village. That made Linda laugh as she realized the pattern, God knew she loved patterns. Two years after their childhoods, two years training their ass off with her, then two years re-building her Village back up. Naruto had doubts that they could be happy. Linda had hit him on the head every time he thought something like that. That fool thought they couldn't beat the Akatsuki? It wouldn't matter whether they came or not.

The One Tailed Demon and the Nine Tailed Demon were reborn—without all their powers this time. Linda had felt Madara trying to Summon the Kyuubi. She laughed; the Kyuubi didn't have his old powers anymore so it wouldn't work. The same with the One Tailed Demon, they didn't have the power that made them valuable to that organization.

The only thing that had them worried was that there was only one Tailed Demon left—the Seven Tailed Demon. The girl who had that Demon inside of her had called to her mate and her Queen out of fear. She had escaped for so many years—from the Akatsuki. But then they had come after her with a vengeance. Linda had growled at them when she and the girl's mate had found them. How had they found Liana? More importantly, how did they know she was Gaara's mate? They had thought to lure the host of the One Tailed Demon and then get both Tailed Demons.

Linda grabbed the seventeen year old girl and let Gaara have free reign to do what he wanted. Linda always hated to kill—that was her human side. Her Demon side just wanted to fight. But a mate had every right to destroy those who threatened his mate. But as she watched Gaara kill ever member of the Akatsuki in rage, she still felt disgusted.

That was halfway through the two years. When the two years had passed laughter filled the once cold and lifeless Village.

The scene that played out had a really pissed off Linda chasing three out of the four males who lived in the new happy laughter filled Village. Temari and Linda didn't even want to know what their mates did to anger the Demon Queen, but whatever they did it was the cause of their entertainment.

"Get back here! Just wait till I get done with you…" Linda trailed off as she ran faster after her mate and two friends.

Temari and Liana sighed. Liana started to look around as she thought about something. "Shouldn't Linda-sama be chasing Neji-kun too? Where is he?"

Her mate answered her; he went to Konoha with her to visit her family.Liana nodded, and Temari took that as her cue to say; "Our mates are still a pain in our asses, aren't they?"

The two females laughed, as their sighs turned to grins.

Linda laughed from where she was as she slowed down a little. "Hell yeah, but that's just the way we like them!"

The guys smirked, while their mates just grinned. "Hai!"

Linda then turned to the smirking guys fixing to wipe it off their faces. "I wouldn't be smirking boys. Your mates are pregnant…you are in a whole shit load of trouble."

Gaara and Naruto paled, "Isn't Tenten pregnant too?" they asked while Sasuke continued to smirk. He thought he was the only one without a pregnant mate.

Temari told her mate yes in her mind as she kept her grin inside as she burst Sasuke's bubble. "Poor Sasuke though. His mate's a handful without being pregnant. Remember mate; be glad I am not the Queen."

"Hai, your right Temari-chan. You too mate, be glad." Liana said as she couldn't keep the grin off her face as Sasuke himself paled.

Sasuke flat out stopped. "What the fuck? She's WHAT?"

Linda chuckled as she grabbed him from behind, and pulled him to her. "You're more than screwed buddy!"


Sasuke is screwed and that is all I can say! This was a laugh for me to right, the last part. My favorite part of the whole story was Rock Lee and Neji's dance...I had help with that! THANKS EPIC! I couldn't have done it without you, heehee.

Well that is the end! Hope you loved it!