Chapter 1:discovery As Aizen trudged back to his throne room, after a long day, he noticed the door to Ulquiorra's room slightly ajar. As he peered in he saw something that made him jump back in shock. Ulquiorra was kissing Orihime, biting her lip while embracing her. At this Aizen cleared his throat rather loudly and the two split apart as if they were on fire. Aizen could see red creep up Ulquiorra's pale skin. Orihime was full red. Aizen tried hard to stifle a laugh. " Am I…Err…intruding on anything". "N-n-no" stammered Ulquiorra. " W-w-we were j-just…" " Hmm…" Aizen inquired, a smug expression on his face. Orihime seemed lost for words. "Now," Aizen continued "if you two are done drooling on each other, Ulquiorra I have a mission for you." Over the course of the next few days, Aizen kept an awfully close watch on both Orihime and Ulquiorra. Every time either Orihime or Ulquiorra went near each other Aizen would find a job for them to do far away from each other. Finally, he said one day to Orihime, "what happened between you and Ulquiorra?" "What do you mean," Orihime asked innocently. Aizen couldn't help but chuckle, "I've, shall we say, noticed a certain relationship developing between you and my son." His tone was caring and fatherly, but there was a certain air of demanding in his voice. "Well," she explained "it all started when he cornered me in the hall…" "I have something for you." Ulquiorra said. "Hmm" Orihime asked. "I was in the human world getting ingredients when I ran into your "friend" ichigo we got into a fight and I won. Before he became unconscious he handed me this present. Here." Ulquiorra said as he thrust the present into Orihime's hands. " Wow," exclaimed Orihime " you are really trustworthy, I didn't think you liked me that much." "W-well I-I-I mean you a-are a r-really l-likeable person, I-I mean you are really beautiful, I-I mean pretty, I-I mean…" "…And then I kissed him because I got his meaning. But when we kissed it felt so good we didn't want it to stop. So after that day we kept meeting in secret. And after a while we ended up together. When you saw us kissing that day we were discussing the best way to break the news to you, because we didn't like meeting in secret all the time, and I think Ichimaru's on to us." Here I have a gift for you." He hands Orihime a box. "Wow, a phone!" she exclaimed. "Ulquiorra has the same one so you can talk to each other." He said "Oh and I've known all along." And with that he walked out of the room.