Ok, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time, ant I've been working on this first chapter for a loooooooong time.

Disclaimers: I do not own Metroid, Nintendo, Sony, Konami, Metal Gear Solid, or any of that stuff, This is written for the sake of being written.


Metroid Gear Solid

Chapter One, Part One: The Hunter

In the year 20XX, in a apartment building in the capital city of the Northern continent of the planet K-07 lives a woman. The mid sized apartment is in no way extravagant, there's a living room with a couch, arm chair, coffee table, a TV, a treadmill in one corner facing a wall covered in pictures of charity events the owner of the apartment has participated in. The kitchen has an ordinary stove and refrigerator stocked with health food. The bathroom has no frills, no special perfume, just a shower with shampoo and a bar of soap. The bed room is plane, with only abed, dresser stocked with sweat pants, blue jeans, unmentionables, and a bible in the back stuffed with a few hundred credits in case of emergencies, the closet has very few shirts, many sweat shirts, and one black dress that is worn to all charity events that she attends. There is one room next to the bedroom that is always locked. In fact, if you ignored the name on the buzzer and the woman where you walked in, you would probably assume that this was a bachelor pad, but you would never guess that a woman lived here, let alone the glacially famous bounty hunter Samus Aran.

At the moment, Samus was shut away in the locked room, her workshop, improving on her already technology advanced Chozo Vera Suit. She let out a sigh, wiped the sweat off her forehead, and tried on the helmet she was working on. As she put it on, the orange and green helmet automatically fused to her blue, neural-interface suit that she wore under her trademark sweat suit, she rarely removed the suit, except to bathe, so she wore baggy sweat suits. "I think I got the targeting system back on line," She said to herself, as she reached for her arm canon and attached it to her right arm and watched the targeting reticale move where she aimed the weapon, "I'll take it the firing range tonight..." Then it hit her, "Oh no, I forgot about the award ceremony tonight!." She glanced at the clock on the wall, "Shit, two hours, I better get ready." She ran to her room and removed her body suit and rant to the bathroom to take a shower, as she washer herself she recalled the events that lead her to receive yet another award from the federation.

A few months ago, a Galactic Federation out post received a distress signal, the translated it a found it to be of Space Pirate origin. They ordered Samus to investigate due to her previous experience with the violent race. She found a space station in ruins, and after finding out what the Pirates were doing in orbit of Tallon IV, destroyed the station and tracked the Pirates to the surface where she eliminated there new energy supplied. Although she had to destroy a sacred Chozo ruin in the prosses, something she deeply regretted. As she as she put on her dress, She reached for her ankle holster for her Federation Issue Emergency Pistol she recently modified. As she left her apartment, she wondered if she should bring her armor, "I's just an award ceremony, I doubt I'll need it..."

Chapter One, Part Two: The Soldier

In the year 2005, a lonely speck moves quickly across the snow covered tundra of Northern Alaska. The man is headed to his shack on his sled of trained dogs carrying supplies that would last him a few months. As he pulled up to the lonely shack he untied the sled dogs and let them in the house to warm up by the fire he left burning. He walked to a near by table and proceeded to sort the supplies into groups to be buried in the snow out back, then Black, his lead sled dog, stood up and started barking loudly and scratching the door. "What is it boy?" asked the man, but then he herd it to, it was a helicopter. He walked out side to see the helicopter land and a few soldiers,and one familiar face step out. "I'm sorry gentlemen," Said the man, "but I'm retired."

"Well if your retired," Said Colonel Roy Campbell, "why are you holding an army issue nine-mil behind your back?"

"You got me colonel, but I have no intention of going back on active duty." Said the man, reviling, but not aiming the gun.

"But we came all this way, at least hear us out, come to our near by base and we'll talk there."

As the man and his escort walked through the corridors of the military base, He was struck by hundreds of memories of his military background, his combat training, his first missions, and his eventual retirement. They were memories he wanted to forget. Soon the came to a door at the end of one of the corridors, Campbell opened the door and reviled a medical bay complete with a few beds, security cameras, and a single nurse. The nurse was about the man's height, with long brown hair, and fair skin.

"Take off your shirt and sit down." Said the woman.

The man did as he was told, and the Colonel stood in front of him, "It's been a long time Snake." He said.

Solid Snake, the legendary hero of modern time, the man who single handedly brought down Outer Heaven, and Big Boss, twice, was the man Campbell need for this upcoming mission.

"What do you want from me?" asked Snake.

"I just invited you here so we could have a talk."

"Invited!? Is that what you call it?"

"Sorry if we were a little rough with you. But we've got a serious situation here. Only you can get us out of it."

"I'm retired from FOXHOUND. You're not my commander anymore, and I don't have to take orders from you or anyone else."

"You will take these orders. I know it."

"Excuse me?" Asked the nurse.

"Who's this?" asked Snake"

"Dr. Naomi Hunter. She's chief of FOX-HOUND's medical staff and an expert in gene therapy." Replied Campbell.

"Are you military?" Snake asked Naomi.

"No, civilian. I've been sent here from ATGC. Pleasure to meet you and don't worry this injection won't hurt a bit."

"What's the shot for?"

"What's wrong? You don't like shots?"

Before Snake could reply, the Colonel chimed in, "Snake listen up. It all went down five hours ago. Heavily armed solders occupied Shadow Moses Island, a remote island off the coast of Alaska."

"What soldiers?" asked Snake.

"Next-Generation Special Forces led by members of unit FOXHOUND. They've presented Washington with a single demand, and they say that if it isn't met, they'll launch a nuclear weapon."

"A nuclear weapon?"

"I'm afraid so. You see, the island is the site of a secret nuclear weapons disposal facility."

It just hit Snake that his old unit has gone renegade, "FOX-HOUND hijacking a nuclear weapon?"

"Now you understand how serious the situation is. You'll have two mission objectives. First, you're to rescue the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Chief, Donald Anderson, and the president of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker. They're both being held as hostages."

"Those are some heavy duty hostages."

"Secondly, you're to investigate whether or not the terrorists have the ability to launch a nuclear strike, and stop them if they do. Any questions, Snake?"

"Questions? I haven't even said whether I'd accept this mission."

"Well you can make up your mind after you hear more about the situation."

Snake was briefed for almost an hour on the situation, how he was to infiltrate the island by a modified torpedo launched from a submarine, about how the shot he received would keep him from freezing in the icy water, and how nano-machines in his blood stream would keep his codec charged at all times. Finally, Campbell got to the story of FOXHOUND. "Hi-Tech special forces unit FOX-HOUND. Your former unit, and one that I was a commander of. An elite group combining firepower and expertise. They're every bit as good as when I was commanding them."

"So they're still around." Asked Snake.

"There are six members of FOX-HOUND involved in this terrorist activity. Psycho Mantis, with his powerful psychic abilities. Sniper Wolf, the beautiful and deadly sharpshooter. Decoy Octopus, master of disguise. Vulcan Raven, giant and shaman. And Revolver Ocelot, specialist in interrogation and a formidable gunfighter."

"Sounds like a lovely bunch of folks. Too bad we'll be meeting under these circumstances."

"And finally, in charge of them, FOXHOUND's squad leader Liquid Snake."

"Liquid Snake?!"

"Yes and you're the only person who can stand against him."

"Liquid Snake." Snake repeated,as if it meant something to him.

"Liquid Snake. The man with the same codename as you."

"Tell me what you know."

"He fought in the Gulf War as a teenager, the youngest person in the SAS (British Special Air Service). His job was to track down and destroy mobile SCUD missile launching platforms. You were there too I believe. Didn't you infiltrate western Iraq with a platoon of Green Berets?"

"I was just a kid myself back then."

"The details are classified, but it seems that originally he penetrated the Middle East as a sleeper for the SIS."

"He was a spy for the British Secret Intelligence Service?"

"But he never once showed his face in Century House. He was taken prisoner in Iraq, and after that there was no trace of him for several years. After you retired, he was rescued and became a member of FOXHOUND."

"I thought that by the time I left they were no longer using codenames."

"I don't know his real name. That information is so highly classified that even I can't look at it. Here's a photo of him." The Colonel handed Snake a photo, but he could have sworn it was a mirror. "Pretty shocking, huh? His skin tone is a little different but otherwise you two are exact duplicates."

"I have a twin?" Asked Snake as he handed back the picture.

"I don't know the details, but it seems so. That's why we really need you for this mission."

Naomi chimed in, "You're the only one who can beat him. Now that I've met you, I know. You've got something he doesn't. I can see it in your eyes."

"You will accept this assignment?" Asked the Colonel.

"Why should I be stupid enough to do that? I'm no patriot." Spat Snake.

"Snake, there's enough dirt in your file from your days as an agent to keep you in the stockade until you're a very old man."

"Oh I see. Blackmail."

"No Snake. I prefer to look at it as helping you to come to a decision more easily. But anyway, I know you better than that. You'd take this assignment even without the threat."

"Why do you say that?"

"You're a natural born soldier. You're not the grow old gracefully type. Same for all of us who've seen real action. The only place we can feel truly alive is on the battlefield. I'm a solider too. I know those feelings of powerlessness, frustration that you feel everyday. You've tried to

play the boy scout out there in Alaska, but you can't race dogs in the snow forever. Why don't you come back to us and be a soldier again."

"You think my life is some kind of joke?"

"Snake, I just want to give you back your purpose in life."

"Colonel, you're retired. Why are you involved in this?"

"Because there aren't many people who know FOX-HOUND as well as I do."

"Is that really the only reason?"

"I've been soldiering for a long time, I don't know anything else. I guess even though I'm getting a little old, I still love to be in the field."

"Colonel, you're a lousy liar. Tell me the real reason."

Colonel Campbell let out a sigh, "Okay Snake. Sorry. I'll be frank. A person very dear to me is being held hostage."

"Who is it?"

"My niece. Meryl."

"What was your niece doing here?"

"Several soldiers were reported missing the day of the revolt. And my niece was one of those called in as an emergency replacement." The Colonel handed Snake a photo.

"She looks like you."

"She's my little brother's girl. He died in the Gulf War. Since then I've been watching after her."

"A personal motive, Colonel. That's not very soldierly."

"I'm retired. I'm just an old man now. And I'm your friend."

"Since when are we friends?"

"I've thought of us as friends since the fall of Zanzibar."

"With my personality I don't have too many friends."

"That's what I trust about you. It's what makes you human. Please Snake. Save my niece Meryl."

"All right, but I have two conditions."

"Name them."

"One, no more secrets between us. I want complete disclosure at all times and two, I'll only accept orders from you, Colonel. No cutoffs involved okay?"

"Agreed. That's why I was called. But one thing."


"I'm not a colonel anymore. Just a retired old warhorse."

"I understand, Colonel. That doctor. Is she part of this operation too?"

"She was in charge of FOX-HOUND's gene therapy. She knows more about those men than anyone else."

Snake looked at Naomi, "You mean you've seen them naked?" he asked sarcastically.

"Make no mistake. I'm not a nurse. I'm a scientist." She replied in a serious tone.

Snake thought for a moment, "I need to borrow your scissors."

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry. Just going to clean myself up a little. I don't want to be mistaken for the leader of the terrorists."

End Chapter One


So, that's my first chapter... If you liked it,please review it.

P.S. Where Snake and Campbell were talking, most (if not all of it) came directly out of the game ant the script was provided to me by a dude named El Greco So credit goes to him for that!