Summary: Gabriella Montez in the nerd of West High. Troy Bolton is the Basketball Superstar at East High. What happens when they meet at a party, and start to fall for each other. Even more importantly, what happens when the two schools find out, and disapprove? Whatever it is, It won't be good for Gabriella.

Troy Bolton. East High's Golden Boy. He is the true definition of a basketball superstar, school bully, and overall manwhore. After all, he's dated practically every cheerleader at East High. Everyone within a 50 mile radius of East High knew Troy Bolton, and to be completely honest, they were scared of him. He wouldn't take shit from anyone.

Gabriella Montez. The biggest nerd at West High. If you ever needed help with your homework, she was the one to go to. Unfortunately for Gabriella, the jocks always made her life a living hell. Everyday at school she was either shoved into lockers, knocked to the floor, or horribly insulted.


Troy Bolton was walking down the halls of East High, with his posse following close behind him.

"Yo Troy! Wait up dude!" Troy's best friend, Chad Danforth, screamed as he ran down the hall to catch up with him. "There's a party tonight at Jason's House, you in?" he asked, trying to catch his breath.

" Of course. After all, would it be a party without East High's Golden Boy?" Troy questioned as she flashed his million dollar smile to everyone standing in the hallway.

"Hell no!" Chad screamed.

" Danforth! Watch your language!" Ms Darbus, the schools drama teacher, screamed as she narrowed her eyes at the big-haired basketball boy.

"Sorry Ms. Darbus" Chad said as she turned his head and looked at Troy who was trying to hold back laughter. Chad gave Troy a mad look.

"Sorry dude, but you really gotta learn to talk quieter." Troy said in between laughs.

" Yeah Yeah whatever. So meet me there at 10, alright?" Chad said. Troy nodded and walked to his locker to grab his bags for after school basketball practice.


Gabriella Montez was currently picking up her books that were recently knocked to the ground by a group of jocks.

"Gabi!" screamed a short, blonde haired girl who was running down the hall. She immediately knew it was her best friend, Ellie. " Gabi! There's a party tonight. Go with me?" Ellie said as she reached her friends.

Gabi stood up, now holding all her books in her hands. " I don't know El. Parties aren't my thing" She said with an uneasy look on her face.

" Come on Gabs! It's just my cousin Jason's!" Ellie said, practically begging her best friend to go.

"Jason?" Gabi questioned.

" Yeah he goes to East High. So will you!?" She asked, and this time, she WAS begging.

"EAST HIGH! If we go to a party with people from East High, they'll kill us!" Gabi screamed, giving her friend a how-could-you-not-know-that look.

"Come on. We just won't mention we go to West High!" Ellie said, trying to reason with her friend.

Gabriella looked at her friend for a second, who was now giving her the puppy-dog look. " UGH FINE!" she yelled, finally giving in!

"Thank you so much Gabs!" Ellie said while giving her best friend a hug. " I'll pick you up at 9:45!" She yelled as she ran down the hall. Gabi went to her locker, got her things, and went home.


Troy was in his bedroom, looking for something to wear to the party tonight. He decided to go with a pair of faded jeans and a dark blue polo shirt. He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself.

" Eh good enough. Some hot chick will more then likely be ripping off my clothes tonight anyhow." He said to no one in particular. He finished getting ready, and walked downstairs to watch tv until it was time to leave.

In the meantime, Gabriella was in her room, trying to figure out what to wear. She'd been trying to get ready for the past hour, and tried on at lease 9 different outfits, but she couldn't find anything. She ended up wearing a white top with gemstones under the bust, a pair of faded skinny jeans, and a black beaded necklace. ( picture in profile) She wore her hair down, letting her loose curls hand over her shoulders. She applied a little make-up, and by the time she was done, it was 9:45, and Ellie was at her door.

Gabi and Ellie ended up getting at the party at 10:05. They walked in the house and noticed it was already started. Music was blaring, people were dancing, and couples were making out everywhere. As soon as Gabi got in the house, she noticed a tall boy with amazing blue eyes. She looked at him for a second, but her friend brought her out of her thoughts.

"Gabs why don't you go meet some people! Cody's over there!" Ellie said as she fixed her hair.

" Ellie…who's Cody?" Gabriella questioned.

" Um…well you see… I met him the other day…and um-" Ellie started to explain buy Gabriella cut her off.

" YOU ASKED ME TO THIS PARTY SO YOU COULD MEET UP WITH SOME HOT GUY?!" She screamed, getting attention from a few people.

" Well…sorta" Ellie said in a small voice. " Please Gabs. I really like him!" She said.

" Fine. Go" she said flatly as her best friend hugged her and ran off.

She decided to go to the punch bowl and get a drink. Since she hasn't been to many parties, she didn't know that people spike the punch. After 6 glasses, she started feeling a little dizzy. She decided to go outside to get some air, and maybe sit down.


Troy was sitting out on a bench on the porch of Jason's House all alone. He decided to go outside and get away from the party after 7 girls had tried getting all over him, all of which were pretty ugly-and drunk.

Troy himself wasn't much of a drinker. The last time he got drunk, his dad found out and grounded him from basketball for a month, which practically killed him. After that, he learned his lesson.

Troy was sitting on the porch, just thinking about random things when he saw a beautiful brown haired girl walk out of the front door. She wasn't walking in a straight line, which led him to believe she was drunk.

As she was walking down the steps to get off the porch, she tripped and went tumbling down. Then, he knew she was drunk.

" Oh that had to hurt" he said to himself as he got off of the bench he was sitting on and ran over to her.

He kneeled down beside her and said "Um, are you alright?" All he could get as a response from her was "UGH."

He shook her gently and said " Um, I can't understand you"

" Ouch" she groaned as she laid on the hard cement sidewalk. This time he understood her.

" Here, let me help you up" He said as he put one arm around her and hoisted her off the ground. Once she had both her feet on the ground, he let go. That was probably not a good idea, considering the fact she got pretty dizzy and started to fall over. Luckily, Troy caught her in his arms before she could fall.

" Woah There!" He said as she held her. " Come sit down" He said as he led her to the bunch with one arm around her waist.

" Too much to drink?" He questioned.

She nodded and said " I didn't know the punch was spiked. I don't come to parties much" After a few minutes of silence she stuck out her hand and said " I'm Gabriella by the way" He gladly took her hand and said " Troy"

" So why haven't I seen you around the halls" He asked.

"Um." was all she could say.

She mentally slapped herself, wondering why she said that.

" Um….well…"

" Gabriella! W-Where do you go to school?" He asked.

" West High" she said in a small voice. She looked up and his face was pale.

A/N: So this is my first High School Musical fanfic. Leave me a review if you like it, and tell me if I should continue writing it!