The New Prophecy

Chapter - 1

All families were happy, even during the war: the neutrals, the light side, even the dark side. They were unaware that everything would fall apart in the blink of an eye, and nothing would be as it seemed.

Lily Evans and Severus Snape had gotten together after graduation and had a son. Alexander Severus Salazar Snape was now three years old and had a mother and father who loved him very much.

"Dada," squealed three-year-old Alexander as he hugged his dad. It was late at night after dealing with brats all day, as Severus would say, but he never meant it. He always just said it in a nice, amused sort of way. Grabbing his child, he swung him around in the air. Alex squealed. All the while Lily was sitting on the chair looking at them fondly with a bright smile on her face.

After about an hour playing with his child, the child himself was nearly falling asleep in his fathers arms. Taking Alex, Severus walked into the child's room. Having already had his supper, he sat in the rocking chair singing a lullaby in a soft silky voice, gently stroking his son's face. It was not long before the child was asleep. The child listened to his father's voice unaware that he would not remember, or hear the voice sing to him ever again.

Alexander loved his mum and dad; they played with him, constantly sung to him and always provided him with toys to play with. He loved his father and that's what Severus loved about his family: Lily and Alex both loved him unconditionally. Even when he showed her the Dark Mark, she still loved him. That's what he loved about her, she could see the good in anyone. He was content and could not imagine life without his wife and child.

That same night, the Rookwoods put their little angel to sleep. Her name was Rachel and she too was three. She was already very gifted and beautiful, an elemental that was a well-kept secret. They did not want their daughter to get into the war, not aware that they would never be there for their daughter again.

The Prewett brothers put their children -- a little girl with fiery red hair called Serena, and a boy, her cousin, who was the same age named Daniel -- down to sleep. Their wives usually looked after the children, as their fathers were busy aurors. That night, the Prewett brothers went down, taking ten Death Eaters with them, protecting their sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, knowing that their wives could look after them.

Regulus Black had just put his son to sleep when the Dark Mark began to burn. Placing a kiss on his son's forehead, he got his house elf to look after him because his wife was not there. Regulus was unaware that it was the last kiss he would ever bestow upon his son.

Half way around the world, a three- year-old girl went to bed. Her name was Iris Lily Evans. She was the cousin of Alexander and she saw him often. Lily and Severus would spend their summers with Lily's brother and their niece. Lily Evans, before she had married Severus, had looked for her parents when she had learned that she was adopted. She had found out that when she was born she was kidnapped. She also found out that she was the descendant of Ravenclaw. Lily only told Severus about what had happened to her.

The lives of those children were about to change. It all started with the Snape family. Severus, Lily, and Alexander sat in the headmaster's office. Severus was having a bad feeling about everything. Lily held Alex while Severus had his wife at his side.

Before they knew it, they were frozen on the spot. Severus tried to get out of the bindings that held him down to get to his son, who was calling for him, as well as screaming and crying.

"Dada! No, I want my dad! Mummy, no… Dada," said Alex, trying to get back to his dad, realizing something was wrong. He tried to not drink the potion but to no avail. He screamed when he felt his body begin to get smaller. He didn't know what was happening, but it hurt. "Ahh! GGGet off! Daddy! No, please… Daddy! Ahh!" Soon Alexander could not move or scream, he hurt everywhere. All he could think was, 'Why isn't my daddy helping me?' He had always helped him. Unaware that his dad would not be able to help him again a cry of, "Daddy," was all Alex could manage before he fell unconscious from the magic suppressor and the memory charm placed upon him to forget his dad.

It was useless. Severus had to watch as his child was turned into a newborn with potions he knew, and even brewed: de-ageing potion, memory potion, and then a magic suppressing potion. Severus watched as Dumbledore put glamours on his son. It left a bitter taste in his throat, causing Alex to look like James Potter and he hated it, as did Lily. Their perfect son was turned into a James Potter miniature.

Trying to move, he found he could not. He watched as Dumbledore walked over to his wife. "Obliviate!" was what he heard, then, "You married James Potter and had his new born son. Go into hiding and use Peter Pettigrew as your Secret Keeper."

Her eyes blank, she nodded. Gathering her son, she left, giving Severus a curious stare on her way out. Severus could only watch in growing horror as his wife was obliviated and told she was James Potter's wife with their three-year-old son now a newborn, whom resembled James Potter. He felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces. The man he thought of as a father had betrayed him and he wanted to know why.

"I'm sorry, Severus, but it had to be done. Your son will be too powerful. I don't want a Death Eater spy having a child and spoiling everything. She will be fine with James; they will have children and make more soldiers for me to mould and manipulate. Your son is only going to get in my way, and we can't have that, now can we? No, that will not do. Just remember, it's all for the greater good." A memory charm was then cast on Snape.


The Rookwoods were found dead by the killing curse. It was said to be Death Eaters, but what they didn't know was that it was their own hero, Headmaster Dumbledore. He took their daughter and, like Alex, was given potions: a de-ageing potion, magic suppressor, and a memory charm. As there were no Order members alive, or most were too old to look after children, the headmaster dumped her on the Grangers, a young married couple who could not conceive any children. They kept her, knowing she was adopted, but they didn't tell her.

The Prewetts went down, taking a load of Death Eaters with them. Their wives were mysteriously killed, too, the ministry suspected death eaters. The children were given to Molly Weasley, whom -- as well as everyone else -- had her memory modified. She believed her brothers' children to be hers after getting the potions down her throat.

Regulus Black was caught as a spy, for Dumbledore. His wife and child were killed, and then he was as well for defying the Dark Lord. The Blacks were unaware that the child they had was a squib, who was the real Neville Longbottom. The headmaster had switched Regulus Black's child with the Longbottom's son, the couples having no idea what happened. The boy, too, had been given the same potions as Alex and the others.

Albus Dumbledore then killed the last Evans from the Ravenclaw line, gave the child the same potions, and modified the Lovegoods' memory making them think that Iris was their daughter Luna.

Severus didn't remember loving Lily Evans or his child. His instincts were screaming not to trust Dumbledore, and he didn't since he still played his part as spy and hated everything and everyone. Eventually the war was won, Harry Potter was sent to his relatives, abused, beaten and most of all, alone. Although Severus didn't know why, he felt his heart ache when Lily died. But he hated her, right? He was beginning to wonder whether he did or not.

What they were all unaware of was that their own leader of the light was a power hungry tyrant. He wanted power, and had done a lot more than kill people and split six families apart. The reason for this was because of a prophecy that was made that year, by a very gifted seer that had gone missing after a supposed meeting with Albus Dumbledore. All of them were unaware that he himself had killed the woman, for she had seen him for what he was. After all, why would he want a decade of gaining power?

Six descendants from Pure-blood families…elementals of lightning, fire, earth, water and air. The leader will be most powerful…a boy with the scar of lightning. Together, the children will stop house rivalry… shoving the Bumblebee aside. Together, the great six will change Hogwarts forever. Together, they will stop the darkness that's descending…

He had killed her after hearing the prophecy. With his status at the Ministry, he realized who the elementals were: the Rookwoods' child, his spy's child, the Prewett brother's children, the Evans' child, and the Black's child.

Dumbledore gave James Potter what he had always wanted, Lily, not that he would live to enjoy it. James got Lily Evans as well as her son, whom James thought was his. The New Prophecy Chapter - 1

All families were happy, even during the war: the neutrals, the light side, even the dark side. They were unaware that everything would fall apart in the blink of an eye, and nothing would be as it seemed.

Lily Evans and Severus Snape had gotten together after graduation and had a son. Alexander Severus Salazar Snape was now three years old and had a mother and father who loved him very much.

"Dada," squealed three-year-old Alexander as he hugged his dad. It was late at night after dealing with brats all day, as Severus would say, but he never meant it. He always just said it in a nice, amused sort of way. Grabbing his child, he swung him around in the air. Alex squealed. All the while Lily was sitting on the chair looking at them fondly with a bright smile on her face.

After about an hour playing with his child, the child himself was nearly falling asleep in his fathers arms. Taking Alex, Severus walked into the child's room. Having already had his supper, he sat in the rocking chair singing a lullaby in a soft silky voice, gently stroking his son's face. It was not long before the child was asleep. The child listened to his father's voice unaware that he would not remember, or hear the voice sing to him ever again.

Alexander loved his mum and dad; they played with him, constantly sung to him and always provided him with toys to play with. He loved his father and that's what Severus loved about his family: Lily and Alex both loved him unconditionally. Even when he showed her the Dark Mark, she still loved him. That's what he loved about her, she could see the good in anyone. He was content and could not imagine life without his wife and child.

That same night, the Rookwoods put their little angel to sleep. Her name was Rachel and she too was three. She was already very gifted and beautiful, an elemental that was a well-kept secret. They did not want their daughter to get into the war, not aware that they would never be there for their daughter again.

The Prewett brothers put their children -- a little girl with fiery red hair called Serena, and a boy, her cousin, who was the same age named Daniel -- down to sleep. Their wives usually looked after the children, as their fathers were busy aurors. That night, the Prewett brothers went down, taking ten Death Eaters with them, protecting their sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, knowing that their wives could look after them.

Regulus Black had just put his son to sleep when the Dark Mark began to burn. Placing a kiss on his son's forehead, he got his house elf to look after him because his wife was not there. Regulus was unaware that it was the last kiss he would ever bestow upon his son.

Half way around the world, a three- year-old girl went to bed. Her name was Iris Lily Evans. She was the cousin of Alexander and she saw him often. Lily and Severus would spend their summers with Lily's brother and their niece. Lily Evans, before she had married Severus, had looked for her parents when she had learned that she was adopted. She had found out that when she was born she was kidnapped. She also found out that she was the descendant of Ravenclaw. Lily only told Severus about what had happened to her.

The lives of those children were about to change. It all started with the Snape family. Severus, Lily, and Alexander sat in the headmaster's office. Severus was having a bad feeling about everything. Lily held Alex while Severus had his wife at his side.

Before they knew it, they were frozen on the spot. Severus tried to get out of the bindings that held him down to get to his son, who was calling for him, as well as screaming and crying.

"Dada! No, I want my dad! Mummy, no… Dada," said Alex, trying to get back to his dad, realizing something was wrong. He tried to not drink the potion but to no avail. He screamed when he felt his body begin to get smaller. He didn't know what was happening, but it hurt. "Ahh! GGGet off! Daddy! No, please… Daddy! Ahh!" Soon Alexander could not move or scream, he hurt everywhere. All he could think was, 'Why isn't my daddy helping me?' He had always helped him. Unaware that his dad would not be able to help him again a cry of, "Daddy," was all Alex could manage before he fell unconscious from the magic suppressor and the memory charm placed upon him to forget his dad.

It was useless. Severus had to watch as his child was turned into a newborn with potions he knew, and even brewed: de-ageing potion, memory potion, and then a magic suppressing potion. Severus watched as Dumbledore put glamours on his son. It left a bitter taste in his throat, causing Alex to look like James Potter and he hated it, as did Lily. Their perfect son was turned into a James Potter miniature.

Trying to move, he found he could not. He watched as Dumbledore walked over to his wife. "Obliviate!" was what he heard, then, "You married James Potter and had his new born son. Go into hiding and use Peter Pettigrew as your Secret Keeper."

Her eyes blank, she nodded. Gathering her son, she left, giving Severus a curious stare on her way out. Severus could only watch in growing horror as his wife was obliviated and told she was James Potter's wife with their three-year-old son now a newborn, whom resembled James Potter. He felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces. The man he thought of as a father had betrayed him and he wanted to know why.

"I'm sorry, Severus, but it had to be done. Your son will be too powerful. I don't want a Death Eater spy having a child and spoiling everything. She will be fine with James; they will have children and make more soldiers for me to mould and manipulate. Your son is only going to get in my way, and we can't have that, now can we? No, that will not do. Just remember, it's all for the greater good." A memory charm was then cast on Snape.


The Rookwoods were found dead by the killing curse. It was said to be Death Eaters, but what they didn't know was that it was their own hero, Headmaster Dumbledore. He took their daughter and, like Alex, was given potions: a de-ageing potion, magic suppressor, and a memory charm. As there were no Order members alive, or most were too old to look after children, the headmaster dumped her on the Grangers, a young married couple who could not conceive any children. They kept her, knowing she was adopted, but they didn't tell her.

The Prewetts went down, taking a load of Death Eaters with them. Their wives were mysteriously killed, too, the ministry suspected death eaters. The children were given to Molly Weasley, whom -- as well as everyone else -- had her memory modified. She believed her brothers' children to be hers after getting the potions down her throat.

Regulus Black was caught as a spy, for Dumbledore. His wife and child were killed, and then he was as well for defying the Dark Lord. The Blacks were unaware that the child they had was a squib, who was the real Neville Longbottom. The headmaster had switched Regulus Black's child with the Longbottom's son, the couples having no idea what happened. The boy, too, had been given the same potions as Alex and the others.

Albus Dumbledore then killed the last Evans from the Ravenclaw line, gave the child the same potions, and modified the Lovegoods' memory making them think that Iris was their daughter Luna.

Severus didn't remember loving Lily Evans or his child. His instincts were screaming not to trust Dumbledore, and he didn't since he still played his part as spy and hated everything and everyone. Eventually the war was won, Harry Potter was sent to his relatives, abused, beaten and most of all, alone. Although Severus didn't know why, he felt his heart ache when Lily died. But he hated her, right? He was beginning to wonder whether he did or not.

What they were all unaware of was that their own leader of the light was a power hungry tyrant. He wanted power, and had done a lot more than kill people and split six families apart. The reason for this was because of a prophecy that was made that year, by a very gifted seer that had gone missing after a supposed meeting with Albus Dumbledore. All of them were unaware that he himself had killed the woman, for she had seen him for what he was. After all, why would he want a decade of gaining power?

Six descendants from Pure-blood families…elementals of lightning, fire, earth, water and air. The leader will be most powerful…a boy with the scar of lightning. Together, the children will stop house rivalry… shoving the Bumblebee aside. Together, the great six will change Hogwarts forever. Together, they will stop the darkness that's descending…

He had killed her after hearing the prophesy. With his status at the Ministry, he realized who the elementals were: the Rookwoods' child, his spy's child, the Prewett brother's children, the Evans' child, and the Black's child.

Dumbledore gave James Potter what he had always wanted, Lily, not that he would live to enjoy it. James got Lily Evans as well as her son, whom James thought was his.

Because of a prophecy they all paid dearly. Only Alexander Severus Salazar Snape, better known as Harry Potter, and the witch who told it, got the blunt of Dumbledore's treachery. Albus Dumbledore had known what he was doing sending Alex to the Dursleys, making sure he was as down trodden as possible.

He had made sure Peter was the Secret Keeper and made sure that Voldemort got wind of a different prophecy, but there was no such prophecy ever really made. Albus was a master at Occlumency and Legilimency, he could fake a memory and he did it often.

Because of a prophecy they all paid dearly. Only Alexander Severus Salazar Snape, better known as Harry Potter, and the witch who told it, got the blunt of Dumbledore's treachery. Albus Dumbledore had known what he was doing sending Alex to the Dursleys, making sure he was as down trodden as possible.

He had made sure Peter was the Secret Keeper and made sure that Voldemort got wind of a different prophecy, but there was no such prophecy ever really made. Albus was a master at Occlumency and Legilimency, he could fake a memory and he did it often.


This has been edited i hope it makes more sense to you than it did before! So a big thank you to Sage! it means alot so enjoy!