Kishimoto has made the storyline so complicated that i resolve that all my stories are not going to follow his canon thoroughly anylonger.

This is fanfiction deal with it.


"This is the great kyuubi no Yoko huh?" Tobi asked as his fist connected with Naruto's stomach, "weak, so weak and dumb as well."

"Narutooooo!" Sakura yelled immediately started running, her fist started glowing green.

"Oooo am I about to witness Tsunade hime's monstrous strength?" Tobi mocked as he easily lifted the boy over one shoulder, "I'm so scared…"

"Let go of Naruto!" Yamato demanded raising his hands to form seals.

Tobi smiled under his mask, how pathetic, "come to the hidden village of rain if you want him back, till then…."

"Stop him!" Yamato yelled, "Naruto must not be captured!"

Immediately Kika bugs flew out of Shino's hands, but Tobi was faster, "see ya boys and girls!"


"He got away," Yamato murmured.


Konan managed to free herself easily after Jiraiya had left and taken his battle with Pein elsewhere. Alone, she wondered what was she going to do?

"Aren't you sick of fighting?" asked a familiar voice that Konan immediately recognised, she turned and saw a familiar masked man standing there.

"How did you get here?" Konan asked slight anger was shown in her eyes.

"It stopped raining," Tobi said one hand reached out towards the sky, "so I was able to sneak in."

"Last I checked, you were dead," Konan said.

"No I wasn't dead," Tobi said softly, "you merely killed the other me."

"So you are the original owner," Konan said.

Tobi did a the thumbs up gesture, "correct!"

"Then why are you here?" Konan asked, "it is now none of your concern!"

"I merely want to end what he did," Tobi said, "to finish it, everything, undo my mistakes."

"And who do you intend to do that?" Konan asked, already her body was crouched in a fighting stance.

"Killing Akatsuki no Konan," Tobi said also crouching in a fighting stance, "then destroying the statue, and finally killing Pein. The world doesn't need more chaos Konan."

"Then our motives after different aren't they?" Konan said.

"Sorry," Tobi said lowering his head apologetically, " but before we begin I give you time to tell Pein I have the Kyuubi and anything else you wish to say."

Konan frowned suspecting a trap, "go on," Tobi said, "hurry!"

Konan did, raising her hand in a familiar seal, she establish the link "Pein."

"What is it Konan?" came Pein reply after a slight delay.

"Tobi has the kyuubi, and is aiming to destroy the statue," Konan replied.

There came a sudden explosion at the other side of the village, "damn him, he set up a genjutsu trap and killed three of my clones, looks like I have to go all out. Konan can you report this later?"

"I also have something else to say," Konan said checking back a sob, "I'm…."

"Times up, now you die!" came Tobi's voice intruded into their link.


"Konan?" Pein asked, after her managed to corner his former teacher in a swamp, he absentmindedly sent one of his clones that specialised in summoning to attack using one of his special swords, he needed to know what happened to Konan.

There came a sudden gurgling sound, Pein redirected his rinnegan to his clone that was attacking, to his surprise it was dying, using what strength that body had left, Pein forced the clone to stabbed his old sensei. Afterwards the clone died.

"Konan answer me!" Pein demanded searching for the link that they always held but there was none. No link, nothing.

The statue! Pein remembered suddenly what Konan last told him, he needed to go to the statue immediately, but he needed to kill his old sensei first. But luckily for Pein, the old man choose to come out and meet his death. Pein ordered all his clones to me him.

"I have killed her," Tobi said thought at Pein through the rings, Pein received it and was distracted enough to be unable to prevent Jiraiya from standing up and sending his thoughts through the old toad that crept out of his shoulder.

"Why you…." Pein took his anger out on the dead man, cutting him into pieces.

"Like your friend, she wont come back," Tobi said, "pitiful no?"

"I'll kill you!!" Pein roared.

"In the statue, how many Bijuu do we have left unsealed?" Tobi mocked, "only two, one was taken by Orochimaru and the other is with me."

The rage that Pein felt was unbearable, the heaven immediately opened up an it started to rain. Through the rain, Pein was not able to find Konan anywhere, alive or dead. "I going to call a meeting," Pein said, "I'm going to remove all traitors once an for all."


"I don't trust him Hinata," Kakashi said to the dark haired girl as the blond glared at the two of them, Kakashi in particular.

"I know you," Deidara said frowning, "you're the guy who destroyed my arm, sent it off to some freaky space hmm."

"And you are Deidara from Iwakauge, S ranked missing nin known as the bomb specialist," Kakashi said.

"And you must be a hyuuga," Deidara said glancing at Hinata in disgust, "another member of an arrogant clan living in konoha."

"Actually she's an exception," Kakashi said, "she's not arrogant at all."

"So how did you guys find me?" Deidara asked.

"By luck actually," Kakashi replied, "we were searching for someone else, maybe you know him….Obito?"

Deidara blinked, "no I don't hmm."

"He's round about thirty something years of age," Kakashisaid eyes not leaving his opponent's face, "black spiky hair, possessing the sharingan eye?"

Deidara blinked twice, "the only one in our organisation with the sharingan is Itachi, maybe you got the wrong guy hmm."

"You're lying," Kakashi, said, "I'm going to catch you and bring you back to konoha for interrogation."

"Not on your life," Deidara retorted, "I'm a little busy and having got time to chat, so if you would excuse me."

Kakashi closed his sharingan eye, "Hinata can you fight him with taijutsu?"

"Hai!" Hinata ran forward and fist poised in the jyuuken stance.

"Damn," Deidara thought, he knew never to fight with a hyuuga with Taijutsu, so he was left with two options, flight or fight. After his battle with Kansai, Deidara knew flight was the only option.

POOF! Faster than Hinata's attack, Deidara took out one of his readied clay birds and leaped onto its back.


"What the…." Deidara unintentionally spoke aloud, "why rain country hmm?"

"You are now in my field of divination!" Hinata said directly in front of Deidara.

"Shit!" Deidara cursed as he took the blow.



"This is unexpected," Zetsu said, "I agree," his other half said.

"Poison," Karin choked, "the dust was filled with Poison." The four of them were lying on the ground, Juugo already poisoned by his mark was already unconscious.

"I'm afraid leader's orders take first place," Zetsu said, before his other half continued, "you four wont last through the poison anyway, I will come back and take the ring later."

But Sasuke had reached out cut Zetsu by the back of the heel, "die die die! I wont lose to my brother and I definitely wont lose to you!" By now the cursed mark had activated and a pair of reptilian eyes glared at Zetsu.

"Hmm this is unexpected," Zetsu looked down at Sasuke whose colour had returned to his face, "you actually recovered. Why?"

Zetsu lowered his head, "I'm taking you with me," Sasuke looked up to see the jaws gaping down.

"Gyaaah!" Sasuke's cried rang throughout the forest.


"Looks like your brother wont be coming neh Itachi san?" Kisame asked smiling, "I don't understand why the leader wants us to confront him."


"Let's go Kisame," Itachi said standing up, if Sasuke wasn't coming, there was no need to blow his cover.


Tobi stood in front of a large statue that was surrounded by wires and such, there was a coffin lying in the centre, "he will come here soon," Tobi said mostly to himself, "might as well arrange for his arrival."

Taking out a kunai and walked directly over to the coffin itself, "sorry Yahiko," Tobi whispered, as he plunged the kunai into the fragile coffin, "but you wont be coming back."



Deidara held his arm, he could barely feel the circulation in his right arm, the girl had effectively sealed all the tenketsu in his right arm and some on his body, he was lucky to avoid as many as he can. By his side the bird flapped uselessly, its head was almost torn off.

"Kill me," Deidara said for once feeling tired, very tired, meanwhile the scroll that Tobi left for him had unknowingly fell from his pouch to hit the ground. Hinata's hand flared blue, she raised her hand, Deidara closed his eyes, I cant believe I going to have to say sorry twice to that idiot, Deidara thought.


Tobi felt it the moment he smashed the glass, some part of him he had left behind had disappeared.

"Your clones are really impressive," came Kraki's voice, "I was almost convinced I have you. Till they turned to a corpse, you must have been the one to teach Pein sama that."

"Heh," Tobi turned, "come to have revenge for Konan no angel sama?"

"Yes," Kraki said, "but before that, where did you hide the kyuubi brat?"

"Behind you," Tobi said with false cheerfulness and Kraki immediately felt the ransengan hit the back of his spine.

"I'm not a brat teme!" Naruto yelled.

"Stupid boy, I thought I told you to hide?" Tobi said.

Naruto caste Tobi a grin, "from all this action mask freak?"


I hate this chapter, I have so many ideas for this that I just didn't know how to write.

All will be explain in the next chapter, with lots of fights blood and evil Tobi?

Just don't flame…I'm having a really bad writers block for this okay?

For those who care i check this and found i have the numbers 666 in my word count, freaky neh?