Disclaimer: D. Gray-Man belongs to Hoshino Katsura. This series is only intended for personal entertainment, and is not intended for profit etc. This disclaimer is in effect throughout this entire fanfiction.

The Sown Seed

"Damn it...!"

Why was this happening?

Those easy moments of peace two months ago now seem but a dream. Lavi certainly prayed that he was only having a nightmare now. The irony of it all, was that it was indeed a nightmare, one that none of them could escape from. They were all betrayed. But who held the knife bloodied with the lives of vampires and lycans alike? In that meeting two months ago, he still was wary of Tyki.

But now, Lavi desperately wished that the vampire lord was safe. He no longer knew whom he could trust, not even his own so-called neutral brethren. He had his secret family to turn to, but they were all so caught-up in the recent turmoils, none of them had the time or opportunity to converge. The latest news he heard was that the lycans planned to have an all-out war. Earlier, a supposed uproar was caused when Zerulis, Lulubell and Vlodfield disappeared from the lycans. Lulubell, undoubtedly, must have returned to the Millennium Earl's side the moment the fragile truce broke.

Zerulis' and Vlodfield's motives of leaving were unknown, but most lycans swore that 'the human bewitched the dragon and led him astray'. With the young Zerulis' unearthly beauty, Lavi hardly doubted that the lycans thought so. When he had asked, Cross had point blank answered that he did not order Zerulis to withdraw from the side of the Lycans. But because the human had done so, the trust between the neutrals and the lycans had plummeted.

Kanda, his friend, did not leave the neutrals. He rather forsake the lycans than lose his treasured partner, the child Immortal, Allen. Being a Bookman apprentice, it was only normal for Lavi to return back to the neutrals, and with him came Aouruu who left the vampires to be with his dubbed foster father and mother. Or rather, the vampires allowed all their figurative hostages to go as they please. It was only the lycans who tried to hold them back, to no success, of course. Lavi searched his surroundings, observing for a moment before he deemed it safe enough to morph into his wolf form. It was easier to move this way; hardly anyone recognised him in his animal form.

The lycan had to return to headquarters to report the situation.


"What are we going to do next, Zero?"

"...We need to infiltrate vampire territory next. The lycans seem to know nothing of value. Their disorganisation and outright rage certainly prove that their hierarchy is in a disarray. Akuma activity has drastically increased; the probability that there is an insider who is working with those who control the Akuma is high. If complete war breaks out...it's the perfect opportunity to create more Akuma..." Zerulis mused, watching the street from behind the curtains.

Vlodfield was sprawled on the bed, observing the young human. A whole month of travelling with Zerulis taught the humanoid much about the mortal who served the neutral faction. He, while looking a lot like Aouruu, was almost completely different from the boy he had raised. Zerulis was intelligent and efficient, possibly owing to his responsibility as the General's Sword. The boy seemed cold at times, but he was actually quite kind.

"But what makes you so sure there's an insider?" The dragon, despite his vast age and supposed knowledge, certainly was an inquisitive creature. The human momentarily glanced at the humanoid, before his gaze returned to its watch of the outside world.

"The first incident; the death of General Yeegar. The second incident, the disappearance of twenty-five Innocence belonging to the vampires. The third incident, a mass organised Akuma attack on the neutral faction headquarters. The increase of Akuma activity coincides with the escalation of hostility between the vampires and the lycans, not to mention the decimation of a majority of the neutral forces. Should full-scale war break out; the whole world will be involved. Humans are ill-equipped to defend against involuntary involvement. The manufacturers of Akuma will not let go of the ideal chance to bolster their forces. That means someone from within the factions have manipulated puppets to create such chaos; he or she knew exactly who to target and what to do to incite further hatred. Still...the knowledge to destroy Innocence is one puzzle even a Bookman will not know...Therefore I have no choice but to force you to cooperate with me on this investigation."

"Aw, you know I came with you voluntarily! I mean, it sounds like very serious stuff! Of course, I was shocked when you made me leave the lycan headquarters without telling me why, then you were making me travel all over the place with you looking into unusual rumours and all. So this was what all the sneaking around is about, huh? Well, I'm happy that you trust me to work with you," Vlodfield merely answered in good nature. Zerulis shook his head in exasperation.

"Do not forget you are part of our secret alliance. To leave you in lycan hands is foolish. Bringing you along is my way of assurance that you do not betray us. If you do...it is always my responsibility to kill you before it happens. Also, I work alone whenever possible."

"You know, I've been thinking this for a while...But you kinda remind me of Ayane."

"...And who is Ayane?"

"My previous mate," Vlodfield replied with a cheer that did not befit a person who lost his partner. Zerulis knew not what to say; offering condolences to someone who did not seem to mourn a loss which may have been important appeared to him a wasted effort. Vlodfield, ignorant of Zerulis' hesitance, continued to speak, "She was really beautiful and ferocious, but she was also very gentle and caring. She also knew more about humans than I did, because she found them interesting and she liked them. Lots of people say I'm supposed to be wise and intelligent since I'm old, but Ayane was way smarter!"

"...Then what happened?" Zerulis quietly asked.

"She died. She was killed by humans."

Again, another surprising fact. The human was truly confused. "You say your mate was killed by humans. Yet you can still stand to be near them. Why? Do you not hate them for what they had done to you?"

"I did, for a while. When I lost Ayane, I also lost my brood. Dragon eggs could not survive without their mother's care and protection. I was so furious; all I thought of was destroying the village where the murderers of my family resided. That was exactly what I did, razed the whole village until nothing was left...Until...I saw little children emerging from underground rooms, crying for their parents..." Vlodfield's eyes became glum, downcast by his reminiscence, "I realised...I did to the children what those humans did to me. I robbed them of their parents and their family. I was so ashamed of myself, I retreated deep into the mountains and never approached human habitation again. Until Aou-chan came to me, that is. Now when I see humans, I remember that we are the same inside, no matter how we look outside."

"Strangely poetic of you," Zerulis off-handedly commented, but his eyes held a strange glimmer. "Now rest up...We'll move tomorrow."


The Immortal brooded, his dark obsidian eyes never leaving the flickering embers inside the small fireplace. Lying beside him, nestled in the covers was a smaller body, his cool skin plastered against his chest as the child continued his slumber within the older one's arms. Upon his expression fatigue was etched, and the Immortal knew what burdened the little one. The two months past were chaos, not only for them, but for the world. Humans remain blissfully ignorant at the moment, but sooner or later, word of war may reach them, and they would be forced to protect themselves from being a victim of the war.

Slowly, the bundle in his arms stirred as the younger Immortal lifted his head, blearily blinking his eyes. The blanket slipped off his bare shoulder like silk as he righted himself in bed. "Kanda...How long have I slept?" His voice rang, like the silver chime of a bell in the silence of the room that they shared. Kanda finally turned to rest his eyes upon the small frame of his lover, skin glistening like pale ivory in the darkness of the room. Though they shared the bed, Kanda never touched him inappropriately for Lavi's advice was still in his mind, and with the recent events, such things were out of the question.

"It's early dawn, if that answers your question, moyashi."

"Dawn...When will dawn bless us with sunlight once more?"

Allen was speaking to himself, but Kanda understood his sentiments. The sun came and went as it always has, but the energy and life force once felt with the bright rays seemed to be all but drained in light of recent events. Being in the neutral faction proved more burdensome than most. The vampires do not court danger of their own accord, but they would be more than willing companions to the bloodthirsty lycans who were calling for war. They were a hasty, aggressive group, more agitated than any other factions, ready to cry for blood. An eye for an eye was the most apt saying for this group, and their thirst for revenge may very well soon lose sight of the ones they should claim it from. Should the lycans choose to unleash their fury upon the world, the neutrals might have no choice but to take up arms in order to protect innocent humans.

His young lover's silver eyes glimmered unnaturally in the dim lights of the room, resting his small hand on Kanda's arm, as if reassuring to himself that Kanda did exist. In turn, the older Immortal gathered the petite body to his chest, seeking brief respite in the sweet scent of Allen's hair. They, upon Cross' request, had been travelling about to perform their duties and tying up loose ends. At every checkpoint they went, news was not encouraging.

Lavi was of the Bookman clan and that status granted him certain immunity against hostilities. They were Keepers of Lore from times of the ancient, thus largely accepted as the true neutral party. But Allen could not be certain that there were no party foolish enough to raise a hand against the red-haired lycan. However, due to his title Lavi was in a great position to move about and gather information which was exactly what Cross ordered.

The Noahs had their family together at all times, and Allen was sure that Tyki was pining for his Socio de la Sangre. He had heard no news from the family for some time but he was assured that they would be safe, the Earl would never let his clan come to harm. As for the mortal children within their sworn family, they were all gathered under the banner of the neutrals barring Zerulis. He had disappeared along with Vlodfield if floating rumours were to be trusted. He was an intelligent child though and Allen was certain that Zerulis was capable of handling himself until he decided to return to headquarters. It was almost morbid how Zerulis could handle affairs of any sort with an almost cruel efficiency.

"...We should get going, Kanda. The Noah's manor will not be far from here."

Kanda softly snorted, nuzzling into the vulnerable and pale nape of the younger. In all honesty, Kanda would not have spared a second glance should the world fall apart right now save for one young-looking Immortal's insistence to preserve life with all the power he commanded. Allen was young, but he bore a spirit far more mature and noble than most who have lived longer. A little foolish of Allen, that was what he thought, but Kanda always swayed to the snow-haired Immortal's whims.

He finally rose to his feet, drawing the curtains open. The sun is finally gleaming from its concealing drape of clouds. Allen shared Kanda's gaze momentarily, before gently laying claim on the lips of his lover from his safe perch within Kanda's arms. So natural it had become to seek comfort from a lover so intimate, when just a few months before he considered that he would never have such a person for his limited physical being. Kanda's lips etched into a graceful smirk as Allen pulled away after his chaste kiss.

"Let's go and be done with this farce."

What would Kanda have done, should he know this would be the last kiss he shared with Allen?

First of all, let me apologise for being such an arse and leaving without a word for such a long period of time. I have no excuses.

To be honest, for that time period (and currently still) I am sticking by Pixiv. I was also struck down by Kuroko no Basuke and woke up to the beauty of minority pairings (I think majority of Kuroko cultists will kill me if I name my favoured pairings here). In that time I was completely dedicated to writing fanfiction in Japanese, and grew this STUPID, REALLY STUPID elitist purist favouritism for the real Japanese fanarts etc over English ones, which is one of the major contributions to my temporarily leaving DA and FF.

While I don't dislike English fanfiction, for a time I avoided reading them because I was afraid I would grow to hate it because of the above reason. And I didn't want to dislike English fanfiction because there are really awesome ones out there! So for a while I wrote Japanese fanfiction while struggling with this stupid favouritism that grew inside me without notice. I think part of the reason that I grew this bloody idiotic elitist ego is because I've been losing confidence in writing in English. I felt my expressions in English were limited, but that isn't the language's fault. It's my fault since I am not working hard enough at mastering English. (Despite having a degree in English Language, har har har...) I also had raging self-hate because of this issue... ;;

Before I knew it we survived the Mayan Apocalypse and the new year is here. And I've finally mustered the courage to crawl on. Having so many people still reading my works and supporting me in DA and FF was a major reason I was able to return. And as apology, allow me to offer these chapters up as penance...

Lustful Carnage is now renamed At World's End, and I'm still struggling with it because I've always had an aversion to adding OCs to fanfictions...Even if they are my own brood. Sometimes I wonder if I should just put an end to it once and for all and swipe it under the proverbial carpet...