A/N: Hello Everyone! Its Reverseharemhime here! This is my first official fan fic on this site. So be nice, please. All reviews are welcome. Even if you hate it. You can be as honest as you like. Love to you all for reading!

Iruka sat there at his desk, grading papers as always. It was always this time of day that a hint of sadness gripped the teacher's heart. The courtyard was filled with the fading echoes of growing children and aspiring ninja. He could distantly hear the faint thud of a kunai hitting a tree. It was probably Rei and Ayame, a pair of paternal twins that wouldn't stop training until the sun had gone well down past the horizon. The two were determined to become shinobi like their heroes, which surprisingly were among his former students. Ayame wanted to be like Sakura and Ino, two young women who were quickly becoming brilliant kuinoichi that Iruka was proud of. While Rei held many of the famous "Rookie Nine" in high esteem. Especially Naruto.

Ah. Naruto. The hint of sadness returned to Iruka's heart. It had been nearly a year since he had seen the orange bundle of energy. As the golden rays of the sinking sun reached into the classroom over the now glittering rooftops of Konoha, Iruka remembered why it was this time of day that brought such pain. It was usually this point that Naruto would come and beg for ramen after a hard day of training with his team. Though, the rogue would usually wait for Iruka to finish his work. It had always baffled the tan-skinned chuunin. All of Konoha knew Naruto for his obnoxiousness and high energy, but at this moment, when everyone was going home to their families after work, or returning from reporting their last mission, Naruto would come back to his classroom, and sit there in his old seat, waiting, however impatiently. But still…

There had never been any doubt in Iruka's mind that the two were family. If there was one thing that Iruka could count on the devious genin for it would undoubtedly be his ability to maintain the connection that Iruka had worked so hard to build with the village outcast. That and the insatiable need for ramen.

Iruka cleared his throat and blinked away a tear that threatened to form in the corner of his eye. It was time to go towards the mission room and file away all the reports that had probably piled up on his desk during the day. The doors of the Academy slide open and shut as Iruka made his way outside. The sight that met his eyes made his heart fill with pride, if that was even possible…it was quite full already. Two young hopefuls, practicing in the same spot that many great and powerful shinobi had trained before, focused on the task at hand. They had just begun working on aim with kunai this week, and the pair hadn't gone home before dark since.

"Rei-kun! Ayame-chan! Isn't it time you headed home?" the sensei said in a tone that only a teacher with years of experience with children could acquire. "Your mother has written me complaining of your lack of punctuality." He looked down on them sternly. "Do you know what that means?"

The two shook their heads balefully. "No Iruka-sensei…" they said softly in unison.

"It means that you two have been late for dinner every night this week." The twins looked up to see a reproachful look in their sensei's eyes. "What if it was Tsunade-hokage-sama that wanted you at a certain time? Would you be there when she told you to?" Both of their heads nodded earnestly. "Well then to show Tsunade-hokage-sama, and me, that you can be on time when we need you, you should be on time for dinner." Two pairs of identical eyes grew wide with ideas of being called in on an important mission by the Hokage. "And I'll even mention to Hokage-sama that you two are always on time if you can prove it to me by going home right now and being on time for dinner."

Rei puffed out his chest and nodded sharply, while Ayame stood a little straighter, her face set with a plan. "Come on Onii-san. We only have 10 minutes to make it!" Ayame said as she put away her kunai. Rei nodded and grabbed her hand, leading her away from the supply shed and out the gates. "Bye Iruka-sensei!" they called over their shoulders as the disappeared into the streets of Konoha.

Iruka sat at the missions desk staring at a report that should have been turned in a month ago. His head hung towards his chest. He was going to have to kill Kakashi…again. And after that he would remind all of his students that handing mission reports in on time were the sign of a good shinobi and that Kakashi was not one of them.

A small chuckle escaped his lips as he imagined the shock and horror on the faces of his students as he told them that Sharingan Kakashi, one of Konoha's greatest, was a bad shinobi.

A/N: So? What did you think? You like? You hate? Please tell! Thanks for reading.