Many people asked for me to add more to the premise of the chapter I recently wrote for my other fic Sub Rosa Symphony. You can read that as a pre-cursor, or simply enjoy this on its own. Thanks. :)


"Alright, let's get this show on the road."


"C'mon Cuddy. I'll even get things started."

She sighed in defeat. "Fine."

"I spy with my little eye…" He proclaimed in a singsong voice. "Two things that are perky."

Cuddy glared at House as he leered at her.

"I am not sitting here for the next four hours while you ogle me, House. You do enough of that when we're at the hospital."

"Hey, I just thought we'd pass the time before we get to that conference. But if you don't want to play 'I Spy', suit yourself." House shrugged.

"Just sit still, and be quiet." Cuddy demanded.

He nodded sagely, folding his hands in his lap. Cuddy gave his compliance a slightly shocked look and continued to drive.

Maybe she would be lucky enough to get a couple of hours of peace and quiet.

The long expanse of the road extended for an eternity, showing no signs of ending. Cuddy was certain she had never driven this much in her life. She hoped that the conference would be worth it.

She glanced over at House, finding him fast asleep in his seat. It was much better than the alternative of him trying to figure out the most efficient way to irritate her. A sleeping House was a House who wasn't scheming, for the time being.

She wondered if someone up there loved her enough to let him sleep for the whole trip.

Suddenly, she heard a loud, grating, unpleasant sound.

"Great, just what I need…" Cuddy muttered under her breath.

House, who was sleeping as soundly as a newborn, was also emitting a noise louder than an elephant. She had never heard anyone snore so loudly.

She tapped him gently on the shoulder, but he did not stir. Instead, he began to snore more fiercely. She sighed before hitting him hard in the stomach.

"Ah!" He squealed, waking up with a start.

"Good, you're awake." Cuddy replied with a smirk.

"What did you do that for?" House shouted.

"You were snoring so loudly, I thought I was having engine trouble." Cuddy shot back.

"I am definitely not going on anymore road trips with you ever again." He pouted.

She snorted. "Fine by me."

House stared at her out of the corner of his eye. "You'll pay for that…" He mumbled under his breath.


"Nothing. Can I at least turn on the radio?" House asked.

"Yeah, sure." Cuddy answered, keeping her eyes on the road.

He turned on the radio and set the volume to its loudest setting.

"House!" Cuddy screamed, but her voice was drowned out by the music.

House grinned evilly and lowered his car window.

"Now this is more like it!" He yelled back.

Cuddy moved her hand to turn the radio off, but House smacked it away.

"No! Don't turn it off!"

"Give me one good reason not to, House."

"This is our song!" He smiled at her warmly.

She looked at him incredulously. "Mmm-bop?!"

"Ba doo ba dop!" He agreed.

Cuddy rolled her eyes and turned the radio's volume down. "Either I'm getting smarter, or your excuses are becoming more ridiculous."

"But still, you didn't turn the radio off." He gave her a smug look.

She grimaced. "Shut up, House. I'm trying to be nice here."

"Or maybe you do realize that these deep lyrical words describe our unshakeable bond perfectly." House mocked; Cuddy didn't even dignify him with an answer.

"…Or, that wonderfully infamous Cuddy guilt is kicking in again. You're probably feeling bad for waking me up, aren't you?"

"I told you to shut up." She grumbled.

"You're cute when you try to ignore me." House replied with a wink.

He studied her closely, waiting for a reaction to his comment, but her face was blank. No anger, no embarrassment. None of the signs he was looking for. He sighed inwardly. He wasn't succeeding at pushing her buttons; he wasn't getting anything from her.

"Fine, here's the deal: If you're feeling guilty, then be a nice boss lady and take a stop at that gas station. I'm going to go stock up on candy."

She shot him an annoyed look.

"Please?" He pleaded. "I'll even pick up something for you."


Cuddy parked at the gas station as House quickly swiped the wallet from her purse.

"I'll be back in a flash!" He proclaimed, rushing off to the store inside.

Cuddy didn't believe in Karma, but she wondered what sins she had committed to deserve such hell.

"Honey, I'm home!" House announced joyfully as he returned to the car.

"Did you get your candy?" Cuddy asked through gritted teeth.

"Stockpiled. And I even got you something, just like I promised." He tossed her a pack of cigarettes.

"House, you know I don't smoke!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, pity. Well, then I guess you can keep these for later. They'll be good for trades. You know, for when you're in jail."


"Well, judging by that murderous look you're giving me, I'm a goner. Jail isn't pretty, but maybe you'll get lucky and they'll give you the chair."

Cuddy laughed, releasing some of the tension in her shoulders. "I'm not that mad at you, House."

"Good." He answered softly, unable to look her in the eye.

"House…it's just, well, do you always have to be so difficult?"

He shrugged. "It comes naturally to me."

"It definitely does…"

"Look, Cuddy, I will try to be good. I'm not making any promises, but I will try."

"Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"I've never backed down from a challenge." He grinned at her. She laughed.

"Thanks." Cuddy smiled at him. "That's all I ask."

She was surprised to find him smiling back.

"Cuddy…" He began, her name sounding delicate, tender. Lighter, simpler.

But the moment was cut short as a sharp hiss filled the air, and the car began to slow down.

"Oh no. You have got to be kidding me!" Cuddy protested as the car came to a stop.

"Oh, great." House complained.

Cuddy looked at him, astonishment, irritation and resignation clear upon her face.

"Sorry Cuddy, you can't blame this one on me!"

...To be continued!