Enjoy x


The Game

"Moony, your turn" spoke a playful tone, belonging to none other than Sirius Black. James caught the sinister smile stretching on his friend's lips and could not help but feel sorry for the werewolf.

A lot of blushing followed as the blonde considered what he'd been told to do. No, no, he couldn't...not even with firewhiskey in him. "That's-that's just silly..." he managed to mutter.

"Well then if it's just silly then it will be a doddle won't it?" said Sirius, smiling at his response, however the boy cast a worried look, "just do it already". The three surrounding marauders leaned in as they watched Remus crawl over to his bed, pick up his pillow and, resenting every moment, smothered it with loud sloppy kisses, groaning into the material. Padfoot and Prongs were in tears on the floor, and Peter was cringing a little.

When he'd stopped, the blonde re-emerged looking very dishevelled. "Not so bad was it now?!" laughed Sirius as he passed the boy another shot of firewhiskey. Remus loosened his tie and took the drink. "Okay, your go already Pads" he said, giving him a look that said 'you're in for it'.

"What do you think Moony?" asked James, smirking.

The werewolf caught his friends eyes "Hmm, lick Peter's...", Remus paused, letting the colour drain from his friends face, "...feet"

Sirius looked disgusted but relieved, and shrugged this off as he grabbed hold of Wormtail. "Come here mate" he said, pulling at the boys socks. Peter looked terrified as the boy licked his right foot. "There", Sirius looked up at Remus, smiling and said in a voice just loud enough for the blonde to hear, "I'm not afraid to lick body parts Moony, I hope your not..."

Remus blushed furiously, terrified of his next dare.

"Right, Wormtail!" spoke James suddenly, who had already drank plenty of firewhiskey before the game had started, "I dare you to...be put under a love spell"

Peter shook his head, "What? No!"

Sirius looked completely taken by the idea. "Yes! By Moony! Great one mate" he spoke to James.

Remus piped up, "This isn't my dare! I don't want bloody Wormtail swooning over me! That's not fair...I'm not casting the spell"

"Oh come on" smiled Sirius, staring at his friend with dangerous brown eyes, knowing that the boy could not say no to him.


"Do it Moony" spoke James.

Remus scowled, "Fine, under one condition, you've all got to do it too"

"What", said Prongs, smelling his drink, "put Wormy under the love spell?"

"No, be put under it" Sirius interjected.

"Short term" said Remus.

"Or I'll hex you" said Sirius.

All four marauders looked at each other and exchanged handshakes, before each downing a double shot, fresh from a newly opened bottle of whiskey. However, the serious mood which had taken them all quickly slipped away as they gave way to laughter.

The rules were simple, they would take it in turns to stand, eyes closed in the circle, the spell would be cast as the person rotated on the spot. Whoever they laid eyes on first they would instantly fall for. "Right, let's call it Love-Roulette. Christ I'm clever" smirked Sirius.

"Only keep the person under the spell for, 30 seconds" added Remus, looking very concerned.

"2 minutes!" James laughed.

"Right, Wormtail first" said Padfoot, pushing the shortest boy into the middle, who stood with eyes closed, and began to rotate on the spot, tripping occasionally on his own feet.

James cast the spell surprisingly well considering how drunk he'd gotten...

Soon, a pair of dark beaded eyes peeled open, and fell on Sirius as Peter came to an abrupt hault. The boy was breathing heavily as he sank to his knees and took both of the brunette's hands, and began professing his love to him, in a shy timid voice. "...you are the only one I could ever love, I-I've never seen such beauty with these eyes...This can't be right, I like girls..."

James couldn't breathe through his laughing fit, Remus couldn't suppress his chuckles, and Sirius looked horrified. Peter seemed hurt by the boy's expression, "Please I know I'm not good looking, but would you, go out with me? I know this is sudden and that we're friends...oh bloody hell, what's wrong with me? I'm not gay!"

When James had finally come around he'd managed to lift the spell. Peter snapped out of his trance and jumped back from Sirius looking disturbed. Even Sirius had managed to shrug off his friend's antics.

Next, James stood, letting himself be put under the spell by Peter. The moment he opened his eyes, he was staring at Remus, who suddenly looked terribly handsome.

"Wow, Remus, have you, done something with your hair?" he asked, sliding down next to the boy, never breaking his gaze. Peter was laughing loudly, and Remus managed to stop blushing long enough to play along. "Thanks for noticing James, are you alright?"

The boy graced Remus with a very seductive smile, which had probably been used on Lily Evans many times. "Yeah I'm fine, it's just, well don't you think it's getting hot in here?" he said with a wink.

Remus hardly suppressed laughter, but managed to say, in a very flirtatious tone, "Say it is pretty hot in here...why don't you, take off your shirt?"

Peter and Remus laughed at James's eager smile, not quite believing his luck as he tugged off his shirt, revealing a very toned torso. Sirius glared at James.

"Can I...help you out of yours?" pleaded James, moving towards the blonde. Remus gulped uneasily, but laughed it off, "No I'd rather keep mine on"

"But, I bet you'd look even better without it on..." said the brunette, fire behind his eyes.

"Okay Wormtail lift the spell" spoke Sirius suddenly, agitation in his tone. But he managed to smile when James sat dumbfounded next to Remus, shirtless, still in his advancing position. All four were laughing as Peter poured more whiskey.

"Right, get in there Moony, your turn" spoke James, buttoning his shirt back up.

The boy sighed nervously as he stood and began to spin on the spot, hoping to God that he didn't land on Sirius.

Too late to pray. He was staring down at the handsome boy, and suddenly his fear was replaced with fire. He did not sit, rather extended a hand to the boy, who took it. Sirius had never noticed how much taller Remus was when he let himself be. Remus gave a wicked smile, one that the brunette had never witnessed before, and whispered in a low tone, "I'm not afraid of licking body parts either".

The blonde's eyes bore down into the boy, amber orbs strikingly serious. Speechless, Sirius let himself be led to Remus' bed where the curtains were shut tight.

James and Peter stared at each other in confusion. "Maybe you should break the spell" said Peter.

James looked at his friend, "I didn't cast it, Sirius did".

The two friends exchanged glances for a moment, then decided to drink more shots and turn a blind eye to their friend's activities, whatever they were.

"They might just be talking" suggested Peter after a few moments.

"I seriously doubt that Wormtail" James said, fairly amused by the idea, and pulled out a pack of cards for the wait.

Meanwhile, Sirius let himself be sat on the bed as Remus crawled towards him, sitting cross-legged before him.

"You know", spoke the blonde, "I've always wanted to get you into my bed..." almost musing to himself as he studied the boy before him.

Sirius found himself blushing under the intense eyes of the werewolf. He'd almost found words when suddenly the taller boy pounced on him, pinning him onto the bed. Grinning down at the brunette, Remus let his hand slip beneath the boy's shirt, tracing patterns across his chest. Then the hand emerged again and fell down to the shorter boy's thigh.

Sirius swallowed his guilt as his pulse raised and could only just convince himself that it was not right that his friend should do this to him against his will...however much he seemed to be enjoying it.

Sirius reached between them, his hand brushing Remus, to pull out his wand. The taller boy smirked and leaned down into the boy below. The spell broke.

Remus was suddenly fully aware that he'd just seduced his best friend into his bed, that Sirius had let him...that they were pressed so closely together now in the dim. He stared down at his guilty friend in alarm. "I-I'm so sorry!" he said in a hushed voice. Pulling himself off of the boy and sitting up.

Sirius tried to laugh it off, but it didn't quite sound genuine, "No, don't worry about it. You were under a spell remember?"

"Right, erm, yes. Bloody hell. I didn't expect it to be so..."

Suddenly the curtains were pulled open, revealing Peter and James, who seemed to be bracing themselves for nudity. "Oh", said James in surprise, "are you two done? Can we get on with it please? I though you were busy sharing saliva or something worse..." James and Peter laughed loudly at the two, returning to their seats as Sirius and Remus joined them. "Oh piss off" snapped Sirius.

"Right then, your go Sirius...actually, is there any point? It's my dare next. Hit me with whatever you've got...whiskey would be good" he chuckled.

Sirius looked put out, and dared James to throw himself out of the window. "Now now, Pads. Give me a good dare, if you please, no hard feelings yeah?"

Peter, not brilliant at holding his drink, piped up with mad eyes "Kiss Moony!"

James rolled on the floor at the mere suggestion, and hooked a playful arm around Remus' neck, "what do you say Moony? Give us a kiss?"

Remus raised an eyebrow, "I say you're pissed mate"

They all laughed. James suddenly launched himself at Remus, making the boy try desperatly hard to throw him off, to no avail. The werewolf was choking as the other boy managed to break his lips apart and force his tongue inside. After a few moments James pulled away. Remus made gagging noises as Peter giggled furiously. James lifted his arms in a kind of victory pose, and cast Sirius a look who seemed to be scowling. "What?!"

The night drew to an end. Cards and bottles were scattered about. Peter had been the first to fall asleep. They kept the candles lit for a while longer, and James ranted about Lily Evans to no one in particular, lying back on his bed. Finally he fell into slumber.

Remus was tugging at his tie and socks, and looking anywhere but at the bed next to his, where Sirius was removing a shoe.

"You were quite convincing you know" spoke Sirius out of the blue. Remus turned to his friend, "What do you mean?" he asked, though he knew exactly what the brunette meant. The boy sighed and dared not to look at Remus. "I mean that love spell..."

"Oh" said Remus, sitting down at the edge of his bed. "I guess they work better than expected" he added.

"Yeah" agreed Sirius.

"It feels weird, even now" said the blonde without much thought.

Sirius had already turned to him however. "It does?"

Remus decided that he wouldn't be saying this without firewhiskey, and was wishing more than anything that he could shut himself up. "Yeah"

"It wouldn't be right though, would it, taking advantage of someone under a spell? Because no matter how convincing they seem, that doesn't mean that they feel that way at all" It seemed as though it wasn't a coincidence that Sirius had mentioned this.

"Well, it depends. If you can prove to them that they have feelings for you then the spell might just give the person the push they need to take action"

"I guess so. But, I mean, how do you make someone realise they have feelings for you, assuming they like you at all?"

Remus hesitated for a moment, before deciding to sit by his friend, "Well, I guess, you'd sit them down, look into their eyes, and tell them how you feel, firstly"

Sirius stared up into amber eyes, "What if you can't tell them how you feel?"

Remus gave the brunette a reassuring smile, "Show them how you feel"

The handsome boy before him seemed lost…he was always so unpredictable. For a fleeting moment Remus was secretly hoping that his best friend was about to kiss him. The feeling was forced to the pit of his stomach as his friend spoke again.

"I'm beginning to sound like a right soppy git" he said in a sombre tone, and the blonde decided not to smile., rather stood again and made his way to his own bed. "Goodnight Padfoot"


I will shortly update, thanks for reading so far. Review if you care to.