Disclaimer: All the credit here goes to my brother!

My little brother (who is 6 years old) loves Bionicles and wrote several stories. Since he does not have a Fanfiction account I offered to post them for him. What can I say--I like to show off Mikey's talent!

As for the milk... it's kind of an inside joke between us. Enjoy!

The Flood of Milk

Once upon a time, 500 armies fought against each other. And they all hit each other right in the middle of the battlefield. And it was a big crash. Thousands of soldiers died right in the beginning. And trillions more joined in for backup. A thousand miles away, thousands of armies of tanks were fighting against each other.

And then just a mile away from the tank battle there were thousands of airplanes on one of the good guy sides.

And then a thousand miles away from that tank battle the Battle of the Bionicle began in the Battlefield of Terror. First in the Battle of the Bionicle, Jaller and Pridak hit each other with their swords of fire and ice. The sword of fire destroyed Pridak. The sword of ice just wounded Jaller.

And then all the Inika and all the Barraki hit each other again. All the rest of the Inika and Barraki stopped when they were just halfway towards each other. And then they looked to their left. And then a bunch of milk was just flooding towards them. All the rest of the Barraki were destroyed. And the Mask of Life was just destroyed a little bit. Just a tiny piece came off it and sank into the ocean where they were fighting.

And then armies and armies of eels and everything you could imagine came swimming toward the Mask of Life, and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons and gallons of milk came towards the Mask of Life. That was the end of the Mask of Life. It was just destroyed from all those things biting it and making it all soggy so it just went "Leeuwp"

Then the Inika just found on a rock a second Mask of Life. Its range was thousands and thousands and thousands of miles. The Inika pointed it to the sky. And then they accidentally pressed a button on it. And they all disappeared into the air. And then the Inika came in the air to the gate of the Heroes of Voya Nui.

The End