Mending a broken heart

Summary: Youko makes a mistake, but he has five hundred years to think it over.


Chapter 8: I'm a goner


Koenma's stomach was in knots. Ever since he had been visited by Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kouga, the little princeling had barely been able to stomach any food and not for lack of trying.

To make matters worse no one had seen hide nor hair of Kurama since the incident, and his father had requested his presence ASAP.

He assumed it had to do with the miko, but he was unsure and he didn't want a repeat of what happened in his office yesterday.

He shuddered at the thought.


(Flashback )

"Prince," He winced at the softly uttered word and the sound of knuckles cracking.

His worst nightmare come to life was there in his office mere feet away from his person.

He briefly wondered how it was they already knew of Youko's little stunt.

All color left his face as he nodded numbly to the Lord of the West, his half-brother, and the Leader of the Wolf tribes in Makai who looked at him with the utmost contempt.

"We believe explanations are in order."

Promptly after the words left the Daiyoukai's mouth he fainted.

Kouga groaned.

"Well what the fuck do we do now?" Inuyasha cursed, prodding Koenma with the tip of his foot.

Sesshomaru looked even less pleased than when they had arrived.

"Inuyasha set him on the couch. I do not wish to be delayed any longer than necessary." Inuyasha grumbled a bit but did as he was told.

"The little tyke has all of Kagome's files on his desk." Kouga couldn't help the grin that made its way onto his face as he shuffled through the papers.

"Does it mention anything of importance?" Sesshomaru was fairly sure the information within the files was only the information they had supplied. However, he did not want to overlook anything that might be helpful.

"How long do you think we'll have to wait before he wakes?" Inuyasha asked as his claws flexed in agitation.

"If he does not wake within the next couple of minutes I will see to it that he does." Sesshomaru muttered darkly, his hands glowing green as acid bubbled at the tips of his claws.

"These files are useless." Kouga pouted feeling at a loss.

"Then I believe it is time the little prince woke up." If Inuyasha was not related to Sesshomaru and did not know him as well as he did, he would have cringed. A small smile tugged the corners of his lips up. Kagome had helped bridge the awkward gap that had left them at odds for decades. It was because of her that they had been able to put aside their differences, so they both felt it necessary to right any injustice that might have been dealt to her due to the incompetence of the Prince of Reikai.

"I think the little shit is coming to." Inuyasha chuckled. He felt sorry for him, but he should know not to cross the Lord of the West or the Shikon Miko's allies.

Koenma blinked to clear his vision.

"What," But he stopped abruptly, his mouth closing like a bear trap. He remembered what happened.

The hanyou stood over Koenma's prone form, his amber eyes dark with anger.

"Hey, we want some answers." Kouga and Sesshomaru wanted to roll their eyes. Even after five hundred years Inuyasha was still as brash as ever.

Koenma leapt from his seated position, terror clearly evident in his eyes.


"We do not have all day." Sesshomaru barked, his aura radiating his displeasure.

"I did not know he would leave mid-battle to find her." Koenma sputtered, hoping to appease the group with his answer.

However, it had the opposite effect.

A deadly calm swept through the group as they tried to make sense of Koenma's words.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Inuyasha shouted clearly having been previously unaware of that little bit of information.

'Oh no!'

"What are you trying to say?" Kouga asked as he stepped toward the shaking prince.

"I…I meant to say,"

"Koenma, my patience wears thin." Sesshomaru's hand flexed at his side. At that moment he wanted nothing else than to squeeze the life from Koenma's pathetic little body.

"Youko left mid-battle earlier this afternoon. I have confirmation from his teammates he headed in the same direction where Kagome is currently residing."

If the three before him had not been demons, they would not have been able to hear his softly spoken words.

"WHAT?" Kouga and Inuyasha both bellowed seeing red at the thought.

They had taken every precaution to ensure that if Kagome was alive, she and Youko would not cross paths, but it seemed like everything had been for naught.

"Inuyasha, Kouga, you will cease your shouting." Sesshomaru ordered. Koenma was silently grateful to the dog demon before his amber eyes turned on him.

"Koenma, please elaborate. We would not want to have any unfortunate incidents happening due to your incompetence now that Kagome has awoken."

His tone belied nothing of the anger that he felt.

Koenma gulped.

"When I took her case over for my father, I failed to familiarize myself with the exact details of her file. I assumed that your initial thoughts were correct and that the miko had passed. It was not until she had arrived through the well into this era did I realize I was wrong."

All three demons narrowed their eyes at him.

"It seemed highly implausible that she would be alive. I understand that it was five hundred years for you, but the facts seemed to point in the right direction. Earlier today several S class demons broke through the barrier shortly after Kagome appeared through the well."

Kouga and Inuyasha growled.

"These demons all sought beings with immense spiritual powers, so I sent out the Spirit Detectives to handle the situation. I overlooked the proximity with which the fight was taking place with regards to the hospital. I assume he picked up on her scent and went to her, which explains his sudden departure."

"Impossible." Kouga uttered, his face had taken on an ashen pallor. He would die before he let Youko and Kagome reunite.

"Do you mean to say that at this very moment Youko is running around looking for Kagome?" His cool demeanor belied his true emotions, but Sesshomaru was livid. He wanted to severely maim the little prince in front of him. He would be well within his right to do so if he desired.

Koenma shifted uncomfortably in his chair. The gleam in the group's eyes had him very much on edge.

"Inuyasha call Jineji immediately. Kouga head back to the hospital at once. I would like to make sure that he is unable to get close to her should he arrive."

Both demons nodded before stepping out of the office.

"Why were we not informed earlier of this indiscretion?" Sesshomaru was slowly walking around Koenma's office in a predatory manner. A bead of sweat rolled down Koenma's brow.

"I assumed the Spirit Detectives would draw the demons away from the Shikon Miko."

"Do not think your feeble lie will work on this Sesshomaru."

A small whimper filled the air as the space between Koenma and Sesshomaru disappeared.

"Botan opened a portal that led the SD to the entry point. I figured the S class demons would seek out the Shikon Miko, but I assumed the SD would have ample time to take care of the problem before anyone noticed. From what I was told, the SD attracted the S class demons back to the entry point upon their arrival."

He was unable to continue as Sesshomaru unleashed his aura. His youki swirled around him in an angry whirlwind of unkempt rage.

"The stipulations laid down between your father and the Western Lands state that if such an occurrence as the one today should arise, we be notified immediately." Koenma almost wished the demon lord would yell at him. The frigid tone he used was almost more frightening.

"I understand."

Sesshomaru reigned some of his youki back in.

"Do you?" A silver brow rose in question.

A small nod was his only answer. Words escaped the little princeling as he was choked by fear.

"Do not think I will overlook such a matter as this twice." His knuckles cracked loudly as he flexed his claws. "I shall seek blood the next time something of this nature happens."

Koenma cowered in his chair. "Yes, Sesshomaru-sama."

An uncomfortable silence fell between the two figures. Koenma was too afraid to ask the demon lord to leave and Sesshomaru wanted to be sure he got his point across.

"Now back to the original matter at hand." Sesshomaru pinned Koenma with a cool stare.

"Yes, how may I be of assistance?"

"Why is it that Kagome has no memories of Youko?"

Koenma turned big owlish eyes toward the Daiyoukai.

He had been unaware that something had happened to her memories. There was nothing in the files that mentioned why she would not have any memories of her time with the fox bandit.


"If you cannot provide me with a suitable answer," Koenma could only watch helplessly as Sesshomaru's acid disintegrated his desk. "You will rue the day you crossed this Sesshomaru."

"Give me two days to look into this matter. I promise I will have some information for you."

"You know of the agreement we have made in the past," Sesshomaru addressed him formally as was expected of a demon of his stature, but Koenma did not miss the slight edge that colored his voice or the acid that ate through the arm rest of his chair. "I will not permit such nonchalance where she is concerned."

"I have already taken preemptive measures to avoid any further complications to her safety."

Sesshomaru nodded curtly.

"If such an instance happens again I will serve her your heart on a platter."

Koenma gulped and nodded. He knew enough about Lord Sesshomaru to know that was not a threat. It was a promise. Koenma had absolutely no doubt in his mind that Sesshomaru would no hesitate to rip his heart from his body and serve it to the Shikon Miko.

"Then we will leave this matter in your hands." Sesshomaru straightened from his position over Koenma.

"Remember Prince two days." And with that he was gone.


Koenma couldn't quell his fear as he stood in front of his father's chambers.

Once he had gathered all of the courage he could, he raised a fist and knocked.


He hoped he would make it out of there unharmed, but he had sinking suspicion that his behind would have a permanent handprint after his father was through with him.

At the present moment he wasn't sure which fate was worse as both the demon lord and his father were downright terrifying.

A/N: Happy Holidays everyone! I cannot believe it's been over a year since I have updated. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed! It has meant the world to me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please drop me a line if you feel so inclined. I would appreciate it :)

Thank you to:

Kakashixangela, Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf,miracle68, sakura1208, walnut43, cranberry391, isla1212, xXkUmiKoXx, kistunekuruoshii, grimmich, snowcoveredcamellias, lilpopslash, shootingstar77, Cosmic-Lover, Catalina26, SpeedyKitten1643, DragonFire Pricness, Paranoid Crack Abuser, fierynightangel, lonewolfgirl-sademo588

Lilypad14: That should be answered within the next couple of chapters :P

Kage Hasu: I laughed so hard when I read your reiview! hehe