I watched Advent Children and then I beat Dirge of Cerberus and couldn't help myself. I have to write a Valwind with all my favorite pairings in it! Also, I'm going to make this a touch more realistic than the video game and movie, but only a tiny bit so I can set off a part of the plot.

After Shelke led Vincent onto the Shera, he was suddenly engulfed in a huge bear hug from Cid.

"I missed ya Vince!" Cid grinned, nearly crushing the life out of Vincent who just smiled all the same. Without even thinking, he let Vincent slide down his body before capturing the other man's lips with his own. "Never do something like that again," he ordered firmly against the stunned gunner's lips before kissing them firmly again, surprised when Vincent kissed back.

Cloud cleared his throat loudly, making the two jump back in surprise. "Is there something you two want to tell us?" He asked, curious about the exchange.

"None of your damn business," Cid snapped back gruffly, lighting up a cigarette he pulled out of nowhere.

Barret coughed and pretended nothing had happened between the two. "Good to have you back," he said with a nod.

Yuffie and Tifa both hugged Vincent who stood there stiff as always, politely replying to their greetings.

"Where to Cloud?" Cid asked when everyone had their turn greeting Vincent.

"Just drop us off at the bar," Cloud said, leaning coolly against a wall. "We'll call you if anything comes up later."

"You got it," Cid said and took his position at the controls, spinning the helm around and heading towards the bar.


Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Shelke, and Yuffie walked into Tifa's bar, Cid and Vincent chose to stay on the Highwind, and stopped dead. Leaning against the far wall was none-other-than Sephiroth.

Cloud drew his sword and charged at the man. He felt his sword sink into the man's shoulder, more than a little surprised when Sephiroth never drew his weapon or made an attempt to even block the attack. His blade sunk in deep, through Sephiroth's shoulder and into the man's chest, narrowly missing the blonde's heart.

Sephiroth just looked into Cloud's eyes, making the blonde stop dead. "I want to be healed," he said, his voice painful with emotion. "Just like you healed those children, heal me, please."

"Why?" Cloud asked, finally regaining the ability of speech as he ripped his blade from Sephiroth's shoulder, making the man hold back a wince.

"I don't want to be like this anymore," Sephiroth hissed as he clamped a hand over his wound, blood gushing between his gloved fingers. "I don't want to hate anymore," he whispered, feeling weak from blood loss, the blade had hit something vital. His vision began to blur and he stumbled forward, barely catching himself on a table only to have his hand slip.

Without thinking, Cloud rushed forward and caught Sephiroth, supporting the platinum blonde's weight as he helped the other man stand. "Barret, help me get him upstairs," he ordered at the shocked man who rushed over to help.

"Why, why are you helping me?" Sephiroth asked weakly as he was mostly carried up the stairs.

"Because you want to change," Cloud said firmly, worried about the amount of blood that was pouring from Sephiroth's wound all over his arm.

All Sephiroth could do was stare at the ex-Soldier before the blood loss finally got to him and he passed out, going limp in the two men's arms.

"Shit, Tifa! Get some potions now!" Cloud ordered as he and Barret laid Sephiroth down on a bed.


Vincent walked into the Engine room where Cid was yelling at a crewmember for some unknown reason. "Cid," he said receiving no response from the yelling man. With a sigh, he placed his hand on the aviator's shoulder, making the man jump and whirl around.

"Shit, Vince, don't sneak up on people like that," Cid said, clutching at his franticly beating heart. "Need somethin'?" He asked, avoiding the obvious.

"We need to talk," Vincent said coolly even though his insides were churning with nervousness, a feeling he hadn't felt since he had been around Lucrecia.

Cid nodded and gestured for Vincent to follow him. He led the gunman to his room and locked the door behind them. "This is about the kiss, ain't it?" He asked and sighed when Vincent nodded. "I'm sorry…"

"Did you mean it?" Vincent asked sharply, cutting Cid off.

"Of course I meant it! I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't!" Cid snapped and found his lips captured by Vincent's. He began to kiss back passionately, his hands falling onto Vincent's hips as the gunner's arms wound around his neck, on hand entangling itself in his short blonde hair. Slowly, he pushed Vincent towards the bed.

The bed hit the back Vincent's legs, sending him falling back onto it, Cid following.

Heatedly, the kissed, grinding their erection's together. Cid moved down Vincent's jaw line to the gunner's neck, latching on and sucking, biting, and licking, leaving a vibrant love bite in his wake.

Soon they stiffened, cumming inside their pants with strangled screams of the other's name.

xXx( ::small squeak:: I broke rule number one! I finished the first scene!)

Sephiroth woke to find himself in an unfamiliar room. He sat up, trying to ignore the sharp pain in his chest. Quickly, he noticed that he was naked with only a blanket and bandages covering him.

"You shouldn't be sitting up!" Yuffie half-yelled in surprise when she walked into the and rushed over to Sephiroth. She pushed firmly on his shoulder but he didn't budge. "You need to lay back down!"

Sephiroth just gave her a look that said "make me", making her huff in annoyance. When she pushed harder, he stayed still. Finally she shoved him and he shoved back, pain shooting through his shoulder and chest.

"You ripped your stitches!" She yelled when she saw blood seeping through the bandages. "Cloud is so going to kill me for this!"

"I'm going to kill you for what?" Cloud asked, walking into the room, quirking a brow when Yuffie jumped into his view of Sephiroth who just smirked.

"She ripped my stitches," Sephiroth smirked, leaning to look around the glaring ninja. "See?" He leered and gestured to the blood now staining his bandages.

Cloud glared at Yuffie and pushed her out of the way as he walked over to Sephiroth. He removed the soiled bandages and gently pushed on the blonde's shoulder.

With a smirk at Yuffie, Sephiroth laid down, making her huff and stomp out of the room. He watched as Cloud pulled out a med-kit and began cutting the torn stitches, pulling them free from his skin.

"This is going to sting," Cloud said and pushed the needle in, not surprised when Sephiroth remained impassive as he was stitched up. "We'll go to the church as soon as you're well enough to go."

Sephiroth nodded and watched as the needle slipped in and out of his skin. When he was stitched up, he felt the gentle warmth of Cloud's bare fingers rub healing salve onto the deep cuts, enjoying the warm, gentle pressure on his bare chest. "Why am I completely naked?" He whispered sensuously into Cloud's ear, making the blonde pause a moment.

"To check your injuries," Cloud said quickly and tugged Sephiroth into a sitting position before beginning to bandaging the blonde's wounds.

With a smirk, Sephiroth grabbed Cloud's collar and tugged the man down, his breath hot on the ex-Soldier's ear. "You didn't hit below the waist and you know it," he hissed in the man's ear, flicking his tongue out gently.

Cloud quickly finished wrapping Sephiroth's wounds and stood. "Tifa will be up in a minute with some food," he said and left the room.

True to Cloud's word, Tifa bumped open the door with her hip, a tray carried in her hands with a bowl of steaming soup and a cup of sweet herbal tea balanced on it. She placed the tray on the bedside table before moving to help Sephiroth sit up. "Be careful, you'll rip your stitches again," she said when the man shrugged off her help. "You really hurt him you know," she said as she placed the try on Sephiroth's lap. "He has always loved you and it tore him up every time he had to fight you."

"That's why I want to be healed," Sephiroth said quietly as he ate his soup. "If I'm healed, we won't have to fight to the death anymore."

Tifa smiled and sat in the chair by the bed. "You know, you're not a bad person when you're not trying to kill us," she grinned, making Sephiroth chuckle softly.

"I'll be able to make it to the church today," Sephiroth said and placed his now empty bowl back onto the try before sipping at the sweet tea.

Tifa nodded and took the tray from Sephiroth when he finished his tea. "I'll tell Cloud," she smiled and left the room.

I couldn't help it! I love both those pairings! And soon my other favorite FF7 pairing will appear!

And remember, every review not given to this story, Sephiroth dies forever!