Simon's Experiments II

By Alius111



I've gotten some enthusiastic reviews lately about an old story I did ... was doing. While I'm glad people are still finding enjoyment from my work, I regret to inform I will not be continuing this. EVER. I mean, C'mon it's been like four years. I've realized that I have out grown the world I created and the characters. This was written by a teenager... I'm an adult now. I think as an adult, I act as an adult and I write as an adult (although my grammar and punctuation have not gotten any better) It would be impossible creatively for me to jump back into a story created by a very immature young man with little life experience. I can't work with the bad decisions I made, the gaping plot holes, complete lack of reason and rationality in every character, and the really creepy, homosexual/sadomasochistic undertones. My mind repels at it. I'm not judging myself; I was young and inexperienced. There were moments of good writing but mostly I find this to be ... shitty. The patient is too far gone, riddled deeply with too many tumours, the plug has been pulled now it's time to cremate this bitch.

Thank you all for everything. Your support and praise helped me through a difficult time in my life. Writing had been an outlet for feelings I didn't know how to express. You loved and read what was essentially a self-insert fan-fic presenting a glorified version of myself who seemed to suffer infinitely, mirror what I felt to be my own suffering (when really I was just in a bitch because of puberty and the fact that girls didn't like me.) I am not ashamed or embarrassed of my work. Nor will I disown it. It is mine, my own. I'll remember it with fondness and it will have a special place in my heart. As will all of you.

Before I sign off, I would like to formerly apologize to any who were disappointed by the stories end so close to its conclusion. I don't think I meant for it to fizzle out but things—whether they be laziness, loss of interest or a shift in priorities, pulled me from writing and this story just sort of ... faded away.


In case any of you were wondering; I will tell you what was going to happen ... at least what I can remember. My notes for this fic were lost two or three hard drives ago.

So ... Experiment O had been unleashed and would gradually evolve in strength, destroying cities/populations inciting a world-wide panic and the sudden and devastating realization that aliens exist (All the time I had inter galactic warships attacking Hawaii, you think they would have figured this out sooner. I'm surprised no one called bullshit on that) Simon's master plan was to use a super-enhanced Chemical 606 (WITH THE POWER OF SCIENCE!) to kill Experiment O. Since it would evolve to defeat any direct threat, Simon elected to use Chemical 606 and it's degenerative properties to kill it from the inside before it could adapt. This whole thing would have culminated in an epic Dragonball Z fight between 628 and Experiment O—who would pretty much wipe out an entire fucking continent with their god-like powers (Think Man of Steel multiplied by about a MILLION) Since 628's powers would diminish if she does not recharge (that bitch was solar-powered after-all) she would eventually weaken. Then, using the power of love—kidding!... Mostly. Simon would distract Experiment O with his pseudo paternal influence long enough for Stitch to administer the serum. Big dramatic scene and Experiment O collapses into a puddle of green goo.

Hamsterviel and the Grand Councilwoman would both arrive and attack earth, trying to get to Simon... that seems to happen a lot in this story. Just when all hope was lost, Experiment O would resurrect, having evolved past the need for a physical body (think Akira) and would proceed to decimate both forces and save the day. Now his consciousness elevated to a point where destruction and mortal concerns were immaterial, Experiment O would choose to leave Earth alone and go off to explore the universe and find a deeper meaning to life and reality. I kind of like that actually. I'm surprised I thought of that at such a young age.

In all the choas, Simon would have abducted Elvis, leading to a dramatic show down at the cliff—the one with the Elvis bench—now this is where I'm divided. The story had two possible endings. One where Simon lived and one where Simon died. Simon, now powered up with Chemical 606 once again and quite insane, would either be forced to let Elvis go by 628 who would then proceed to murder Simon and escape. Or pretty much the same thing but he would healed by 628 and run off with Fletcher to Argon-whatever-I-named-that-planet. I think I was going to go with the first ending. It was much more interesting. 628, realizing Simon was a monster (who just tried to kill her for getting in his way) and a lost cause, lets him die. But there would have been a prologue where she decided to leave Earth and use her powers to assassinate all those who destroyed the love of her life. So in the end, the Grand Council Woman, Elvis and Acervus would all be killed by 628 and the story would end on a very sombre, bittersweet note. Simon didn't get his bloody revenge he oh so craved but now he could rest in peace.

Had Simon lived there would have been a third and final instalment—cleverly entitled Simon's Experiments III. God what a stupid title ... sounds like a really fetishy porno. It would have involved the war between Fletcher's gang and the Federation with Simon killing the Grand Councilwoman and returning to earth for a short reprieve (where he would then learn he had a son ... yes. I was going to go there) blah blah blah, parenting and family crap. The Hamsterviel would kidnap Logan and Simon (that was going to be his name) and force Simon to create for him a new experiment called Experiment J (for juggernaut) but Simon would ultimately deceive him in the end by making his new experiment fatally allergic to oxygen. Fletcher would burst in two the rescue and Simon would sacrifice himself to save everyone else while the ship exploded around him. So yeah. Either way that little shit was toast. There was never an ending where he lived indefinitely. He always died.

So now you know.

Oh and about Acervus's resurrection. Either he would have highly sophisticated regenerative abilities. Or he would keep coming back due to a telepathic link he had with some clones bodies. Well, more like siblings. He kept his brain dead mother (which was pretty much an enormous, shapeless blob of flesh with a bunch of metal cord sticking out in all directions) alive on life support and constantly pregnant with hundreds of eggs. Every time he died, he would transfer his mind into one his siblings and would be born anew.

And that's that. If there's something I've forgotten feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities.

For the last time. A1 out.