A/N: I don't own the rights to Kentaro Yabuki's Black Cat manga series….. An beforehand apology for any flaws concerning Trains age place he live and so on.

Chapter one: Sanity

Water splashed when the kid fell to his knees, his eyes only on his parent's killer, whom now lay dead in the gutter. A faint noise was heard when the kid dropped his gun, his hands rubbing his eyes "why am I crying…" was the single thought that pierced his mind as he sat there in the rain. A faint sound was to be heard coming closer to the area where the boy sat.

Tom surveyed two shades in the blur of the rain, He opened the car door and went out in the rain.

When he closed in on the noise, he could see a boy sitting on his knees crying, though he also saw a man lying in the gutter, and bullet wounds which coloured him a crimson red, despite of the rain. Tom went a little further and now noticed a silver glint near the boy, and soon identified it as a gun, the scene that lay in front of Tom made him think the only logical thing, he could come up with, that is, the boy had shot the man for whichever reasons he might've had.

Tom kicked the gun way from the devastated kid, he had expected some kind of reaction, some kicking and screaming but the kid just kept crying while Tom swept him up in his arms and carried him away.

"The bullet's doesn't match this gun, it's a different caliber" Tom nodded to the investigator and went to the interrogation room.

"Ok you're of the hook" tom said the second he entered the room. "Now if you don't tell me where you got that gun from I'll have to put you in isolation in a few hours. Train just looked down counting table fibres, trying to get his mind on something else, than what had just happened hours ago.

"Hey where'd that kid go?"

Tom stopped and turned around "Ah officer Jennings, well he's been in isolation these last ten hours" Tom started his pace.

"You can't do that! Are some kind of nutjob we can't have a 10 year old in isolation!" Jennings grabbed Toms shoulder hard.

"And now how'd you know he was 10?"

"That's not the point!"

"Guess you're right, no good if the media discovers… they have their ways" Tom turned "now how'd you know about his age?"

"He told me when I asked… just let him out of isolation already!"

"Aha a feminine hand is all that was needed, I'll require your help in the interrogation then"

"Ok Train guess there ain't much left to do than try look for a foster home or a good Childrens Home to you ok" Jennings padded him lightly on his head and followed Train to the car that would lead him to the Seasons Children home for lost children.

As Train sat in the back of the moving car he came to the conclusion that he didn't care about anything anymore really. The rain slowly ceased and the hollow sound of raindrops beating a car roof stopped with a sudden.

A/N: well I wasn't really fond of writing this part don't think I made it connect that well… anyway the reasons I haven't used any funky jokes or not that funky jokes xD is mostly because that I/you whom read Black Cat, know that he was a cold killer in a long time so I'm trying to explain how he became the way he was so all in all it ain't gonna be a jolly happily story thoughg I got some things planned.

yah this is the first chapter I made back in the day, is to be said I never spellcheck my chapters, which is why when I preview em before writing the next chapter I notice, quite few mistakes, but I'm to lazy to act upon such notions. anyway, the second arc just started days, ago and will be updated frequently, compared to the first arc which took 2 years to finish, as well as the second arc's chapters are about double the size of the first one

Now it seems that I concluded that Train is 10 if that's wrong please tell. That's all for this time -