A/N:Ahhh so sorry I havn't updated in an eternity. Life has been Busy but I reread this today and I love this story a lot a lot and I'm into doing some great plot twists I think will be soo much fun. Def. more to come as I have NOTHING to do right now for a month and want to work on this story. As always please read and review but most importantly ENJOY! :)

Chapter 6: Flirts and Crackers

The sun would be rising soon and Spike stared intently into Buffy's eyes. It was enough to make Buffy seriously uncomfortable.


"Ok. So you're mad. I get that and I'm sorry but you can't stay mad at me forever." I guess he could. Probably not the best way to apologize.

"You're sorry are you? You know Buffy, I went to hell and back for you. The very least you could have done was just be honest with me."

"You were in hell?"

"Well, no. Actually I don't quite remember where I was at all. Missing the point"

"Right. I don't know what you want me to say."

"Nothing. I don't want anything anymore. I think it was a mistake rushing into this..with you..again."

"Maybe." Or maybe not. Maybe it was rushed because we both have wanted it for so long. Maybe this was how it had to happen for it to ever happen.

"Right then. So let us just leave this be. I think I should find my own place you know. Maybe look for a good crypt to stay at."

"You don't have to do that Spike. I don't want you out there by yourself."

"Well I can't bloody well stay here."

"Why not? We have the space…"

But it wasn't about the space. It had everything to do with her. Spike couldn't imagine living with Buffy and not being able to be with her. It was just too tortures for him. At least not right now while things were still fresh. No, he had to get himself a place.

"What are you two doing up?" A confused Dawn asked the pair who sat at the kitchen table.

"Dawn, go back to sleep." What terrible timing, Buffy thought.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not 5 years old Buffy and besides it's 5am. Anyways I'm just here for a snack, not to listen in on your conversation. Sheez."

"No it's alright. I think we're all done here. I'm just gonna go watch some tele in the den." As Spike got up Buffy followed in his movement. She reached over and grabbed his arm as to stop him but he didn't even flinch. Their conversation was indeed over.


"Where did you go?"

"Oh, I got hungry. I brought crackers." Dawn giggled and tiptoed over to the bed. She plopped down and shoved a cracker into her mouth. "So yummy."

"Hmm. Give me one." As Xander layed in bed he looked up to Dawn who started to tease him with the cracker. She wasn't giving in that easy. Ohh So you want to play it like that do you?

He reached out his arms and grabbed Dawn by the waist. He pulled her close to his chest and squeezed her tight.

"Chocking…meee…" Dawn squealed while laughing.

"This is the death grip little lady. Give me cracker or I'll squeeze harder" The two laughed as Dawn shoved a cracker into Xanders mouth. He let go and she collapsed back onto him. Interesting positioning, not unlike what he sometimes woke up to. Bad Xander. Bad BAD Xander. If Buffy saw this she would NOT be happy. Not that anythings going on…

"I ran into Buffy downstairs, apparently her and Spike are not on good terms?" Xander sat up and Dawn followed his movement.

"Buffy's awake? You should probably get back to your room Dawn, I mean I don't want her to go looking for you and not find you there. She could get worried or something…"

"Relax. What's the big deal. I can't just hang out in your room? Why would that matter?" C'mon Dawn. We both know there is nothing normal about sneaking into my room in the middle of the night and crawling into my bed. I'm not complaining here but…but…. Well, I mean I like the company but ah. It's Dawn we're talking about. What would she want with me anyways, she has guys wanting her left and right.

"Just go to your room Dawn. I wanna get some sleep in before work." Aw don't make that face. We can't keep doing this Dawn. It's back and forth with the flirting and I don't know how much longer I can control myself. I'm a man with needs. Man must meet needs. Must find lady friend to fulfill needs and get Dawn, Buffy's baby sister, who is OFF limits, out of my head.


"Ok. Sorry I bothered you." Dawn walked out silently into the hallway. Her head told her she needed to stop doing this. Of course she liked Xander, if she was anymore obvious about it she'd spray paint "I Love Xander" on her T-shirt. Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts He doesn't want me. At least not how I want him. Or does he?, cuz damnit does he flirt back. He thinks I'm asleep but I've felt his hands running though my hair. I know he feels something. But what if it's just what every guys wants: sex. He's more to me than that.

As she stepped into her room she checked her clock and noticed it was time for her to start getting ready for school. No matter what Dawn chose to wear she would catch attention. She was easily considered one of the prettiest girls at Farenview High. All the guys wanted her and most of the girls envied her. With the snap of a finger she could have any guy she wanted. That was when her mind began to churn and a realization hit her like ice. If Xander wanted to play high school games with her then she'd simply have to start playing back. And what can girls do best? Make boys jealous.

Let the games begin.