"I dare you." Ron looked at Hermione, horrified but stubborn to prove himself though what she was asking of him was…well…not what he had in mind. He pulled his hair nervously, bidding his time.

"Erm…Hermione, I-I don't think that is…a good idea ahh that is to say, she might erm...well kill me." Harry smirked under his hand and even Ginny had to put her fist in her mouth to stop a splutter of laughter escaping. Only Hermione looked resolved, her lips pressed into a thin, immovable line.

"You were the one that insisted upon playing such a ludicrous game Ronald, therefore do it."

"Ron, don't tell me you're…scared to do it, are you dear brother?" Ginny was sniggering, a little light-headed because of the Fire whisky but all-in-all in control. To her immense satisfaction, Ron protested that he was most definitely not scared. Making a huge show of smoothing his clothes and muttering obscenities, he swaggered to Padma Patel, false bravado dripping like acid from his form. Everyone in the common room that is Seamus, Luna, Lavender and the rest of the trio followed his movement, and the room suddenly became unnervingly silent, expectant. Padma looked up suspiciously at Ron who scratched the back of his head furiously before mumbling something incoherent.

"Ronald," Hermione's cool voice came from the corner, "I don't think she quite heard you." He looked nervous and Padma asked him what he wanted.

"I…" He cleared his throat and tried again. "I just wanted t-to say that…that you are very…pretty and I j-just want to…"He trailed off and turned his pleading eyes on Hermione who looked at him pointedly, eyebrows raised. His colouring going a darker shade of red by the second, he pulled his trousers down and muttered an 'egorgio', to which a certain body part inflated so much it knocked Padma off her chair and poked her hard in the ribs. Shrieking, she fled from the room, screaming that she'd 'get Ron for this'.

"Reducto" he muttered angrily, and walked back to the circle, hitting Harry hard on the head for laughing so hard.

"Oh for God's sake, get up Ginny it wasn't that funny." He grumbled to his sister, who happened to be rolling around on the floor, clutching her stomach and gasping for breath. Even Hermione allowed a triumphant expression to grace her features. Lavender gasped theatrically and Seamus grinned like an idiot, sidling close to Ron.

"You know Ron," He whispered silkily, "I wouldn't run away if you…poked that at me…" Ron's eyes widened considerably, and the little group of people, having heard the little exchange, burst into hysterical laughs again.

"Piss off, before I shove something a lot harder and a hell of a lot painful up your gay ass." He grabbed the Fire Whisky and downed a large mouthful, shaking his head violently as the fire all but burned his brain, before settling down to a pleasurable simmer.

"Alright everyone, settle down. Its Harry's t-"Hermione abruptly interrupted by a smooth, all-too-familiar drawl.

"Tut, tut, tut, The Goody Gryffindors seem to be breaking an awful lot of rules tonight, aren't they?" To her horror, Malfoy, Zabini and Parkinson, along with Crabbe and Goyle stepped through the portrait, all in different degrees of smugness, though Malfoy's infuriating smirk was the most evident.

"Malfoy!" Hermione stood up, pointing an accusing finger his way, "You're not allowed here! Get out or I'll be forced to…" She trailed off as, in two short strides; he was in front of her, leaning in so that his hot breath brushed her ear.

"Fire whisky? Exploding Tonic? Arctic Scotch? I seem to think those drinks are…banned from the school, don't you?" With a horrified gasp, she realized he was right. What could she do? They could get into trouble! If Malfoy told…He pulled back and raised a pale eyebrow, all the while keeping in place that annoying arrogant curve of his lips.

"Why don't you join in, Malfoy? We'll even let your puppies join." Hermione snapped around and found that it was Ginny who had made the obscene suggestion. Still leaning against Harry, she looked fairly sane though what she was thinking was a mystery. Harry and Ron turned to her with identical 'what?' at the same time as Hermione shouted 'no!' Ginny didn't even register what her friends were saying, but looked Malfoy square in the eye.

"Unless of course, you're scared that us lions will bite?" Horrified at the turn of events, Hermione whipped around and snapped at him.

"No! I will not allow it. No way! You'll probably poison us…or hurt us…or-or something!" Malfoy's broad grin did nothing to settle her fears, and in fact only made them worse, especially when he strolled over and sat square in the middle, with Blaise lowering himself also, along with Pansy who possessively draped an arm across his shoulders. Like the morons they were, Crabbe and Goyle hovered around until Malfoy snapped at them to sit down.

With a dejected sigh, Hermione went and sat next to a disgruntled Ron, watching wearily as the Slytherins made themselves comfortable.

"One question, Malfoy." It had been nagging at her brain since they arrived. Malfoy glanced up but said nothing, "How did you know we were…having a get-together and how did you get in?" He threw back his head and laughed, and she could not help but admire the smooth skin of his throat, the gentle ripple of his Adams apple.

"…and the fat Lady was so easily spelled. Stupid Hag! As for you're little ado, well we have our sources…" It took her a moment of scattered concentration to realize that Blaise, with his deep voice, was talking. She shook her head but when she chanced a glance at Malfoy, he had this...look that made her think that he knew what she was thinking. Lowering her head, she waited for the blush that had ascended onto her cheeks to cool down before looking up again. Now, along with the Slytherins, a some-what large circle was made in the common room, with the new arrivals in the middle, and the atmosphere was tense to say the least. She had told Ron and Harry that it was a bad, bad idea to smuggle wizard's alcohol into the school and then have a night of ridicule but did they listen?

No. And she being the loyal friend couldn't let them do it or their own, or they'd have messed it up. Well, now looking over the room at the scowls that they were sporting, they had royally messed up.

"So, what exactly are you Gryffindorks doing?" Malfoy had stolen a pillow from Seamus and was currently languidly leaning on it, directing the question at Hermione.

"We…well…we've been…having a g-good time." She said haughtily, and did not wish to describe the Ron thing…or the horrifically embarrassing kiss that Ginny and Harry had to do…or the humiliating thing that Seamus had had to do with a door knob. The list just went on, but she did not, under any circumstance want the Slytherins using anything as ammo. With that thought another horrible realization came. Whatever happened tonight was bound to be spread around the school tomorrow.

"Right." She stood up suddenly and grabbed a piece of parchment from her bag.

"Bloody Hell Granger, we all knew you were a study freak but can you give it a rest already?" She ignored Pansy's insult and muttered a quick spell onto the parchment. When that was done, she presented it to the curious crowd.

"Touch it." Was all she said, to which followed uproar.

"For all we know, she could have spelled it!"

"Hermione, what is that?"

"Have you got anything to eat? I've missed dinner."

Quickly becoming exasperated, she shouted for everyone to quiet down, that she would explain but to no avail for the Slytherins had started arguing with Ron, and both Harry and Seamus backed him so sooner or later it was going to turn into a brawl.

"Hey! Shut up you great bumbling idiots!" It was Malfoy, and he said, in an entirely different tone:

"It's insurance…in case things get…interesting." He turned to her, "Isn't it? You don't want…anything scandalous getting around the school about your clean little self?" The infuriating ass. How was it that he out of all people got that? Sighing again, she turned to her friends.

"They could easily tell the whole school anything that happened here. It could ruin our reputations, not to mention get around to the teachers. Just touch the parchment and you are sealed."

"But-what if someone tells?" It came from Pansy, unsurprisingly, and she turned and answered her question, allowing a small smug smile to tug at the corners of her mouth.

"Well, if it is a girl, she'll be covered with pus-filled boils and bloat to about an added one half of her weight and will be vomit-coloured yellow. For the boys…I've made a special spell. Should they tell, they will wake up to find they have a fluffy bunny tail and ears…along with a shrunken, shriveled penis." This was met with awe, and she looked Malfoy in the eye, challenging him to disagree and walk out but he merely dipped his head, as if saying point to you.

"I didn't know you were a masochist Granger. Mmm, you like pain? Kinky…" She flushed an obvious scarlet and snapped for him to touch the damn thing and get it over with. He was the first, touching the parchment with the tip of a pale, smooth finger. After that, everyone followed until no one was left. There were a few moments of awkwardness where nothing was said and done, when Ginny seemed to have enough, for she sighed loudly and put a theatrical finger to her lips.

"Well, now that's taken care of, can we get on with the game?" Hermione groaned, for she had jokingly made a suggestion a few days prior but the others found it perfect, so she had to make it.

"How do you play it?" Crabbe asked, and Hermione grudgingly explained.

"Each person passes the fire whisky around the circle, taking only a sip. To most people, it would taste of water but the random person chosen will taste the fire whisky and have a florescent arrow pointing on his or her head. Then, the bottle will spit out a piece of parchment, on which it has the allocated task. Before you say anything Malfoy, the spell I cast is unique because it is infinite." Goyle opened his mouth to ask a question but Hermione threw him a dirty look and carried on.

"That means that should anyone from the outside come in to play the game at any time; the spell will automatically include them. If you want to add some things to do, get a parchment from over there," She pointed to a stack of parchments near Neville's weird-looking plant, "And write it clearly and precisely. You can put it in that bottle of Fire whisky, yes the bigger one." It came as no surprise that Malfoy was the first to scribble some things onto the parchment, followed by Pansy and Blaise.

Hermione picked up the bottle and took a cautious sip, sighing in relief when she found it didn't taste of Fire whisky. This went on for some time until, Lavender took a sip and a huge, bright green arrow appeared at the top of her head, causing her to curse and take the paper but when she read it, Hermione noted that her eyebrows knitted together in confusion and she looked up, focusing her gaze on someone particular: Malfoy.

Hermione fumed at the satisfied look on his face and stood up, shaking with anger.

"What, what did you do?!" She all but snarled, and he lazily met her stare.

"I did…a few modifications." His light hair fell into his eyes and all at once she didn't feel mad, but this…strange feeling gripped her and her eyes inadvertently went straight to his lips. Did they always pout in such a way? Was it her or was it suddenly extremely warm in the room? The odd feeling in her stomach intensified and her heart beat erratically.

Oh no.

Oh hell no.

She-she had wanted him…desired him; arrogant, pompous, rude, annoying, infuriating Malfoy.

"If you stare anymore, Granger, you'll make a considerable sized hole through my face and I don't want that to happen so-and this is probably very hard to do-but take your eyes away." His voice, husky suddenly, broke through her thoughts and when she understood the meaning, she jerked her head in a completely different direction.

"Shut up." She hissed, angrier with herself, and went to look at Lavender's dare.

'Do whatever Draco Malfoy instructs.'

"Draco! You-you-you...ARRRGHG!" He seemed unfazed by her tantrum, and silenced her with a look.

"I put my own spells so you can't change it back. Now stop acting like the child you are and except it." She stared, open mouthed that he managed to actually shut her up.

How dare he?

Taking a deep breath, she readied herself for the verbal war that was to follow when she caught Ginny's eye, who shook her head firmly and, with whatever dignity she could muster, she sat back next to Ron and proceeded to glare at Draco.

"Lavender, this is what you have to do: there is a dress that I have summoned just outside the portrait. You will put it on and then read the parchment that will come with it." With wide eyes, Lavender stood up and went to the portrait door, but stopped and turned again, a question on her lips.

"But where will I get changed?" When Draco looked pointedly at the portrait, she looked mortified.

"But-but someone might see me!" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"So?" Blaise sniggered and Pansy muttered something under her breath.

"You are a prick" Lavender spat, and marched out of the portrait but within moments, everyone in the Gryffindor common room heard her low shriek. All eyes turned to Draco who laughed easily, his eyes glued to the door, anticipating when she walked through.

"Malfoy!" Hermione hissed, "What did you do?"

"Be patient" He smirked, and everyone looked to the door where a slight shuffling told them that Lavender was coming. All were holding their breath and when she walked through the threshold-red faced and embarrassed- there was a collective intake of breath.

Hermione felt mortified that she had to witness her: It was like something from a muggle porn movie: Her black stockings were like fine spiders and she wore this-this corset thing but it was more like a flimsy piece of cloth than anything. Black lace just covered her breasts but also pushed them up so that should she make any sudden movements, they would spill out. Nothing covered her legs and a crimson thong of some sort was the only thing stopping her from being naked, though it left little to the imagination. On further inspection of the boys, Hermione had to let out a small laugh: Harry's eyes were huge and roaming around her body, his glasses crooked o his nose where he hadn't bothered to push it up while Ron was just plain hilarious, with drool coming down his mouth and a glazed expression on his face. He open and shut his mouth several times, and Hermione saw that sweat was starting to break out on his forehead. Her eyes turned to Draco and she was oddly relieved that he didn't look like he was fawning over her. That feeling worried her.

"Lavender. You've read what it said?" Nod, "Well then…do it…" Lavender was very pained and Hermione followed her as she walked towards Ron who, for the most part was too busy ogling her breasts to register anything else. She stopped directly in front of him and turned to glare at Draco again.

Swiftly, and to Hermione's utter disbelief, her dainty hand shot out and grasped the bulge on his pants. Ginny gasped and Harry gripped the side of the seat so tightly that his knuckles were turning white and his faint purple veins were visible. But it was Ron who surprised everyone: He let out a long, drawn out moan and fastened his hand over hers, moving it swiftly up and down. Lavender looked horrified but didn't pull her hand away and stared intently at his face, as if looking for something. Seeming to have found it, she yanked her hand out of his so fast she lost her balance and fell hard on her bottom but there was relief on her face. Getting up, she brushed herself off and took out the piece of parchment.

"Grab Weasley's penis and have a little fun with it (I assume you know what I mean). Watch his face-when he is on the verge of orgasm, pull your hand away." This was met with a thick, smoldering silence on the Gryffindors' part and various sniggers and amused smiles from the Slytherins side. Lavender stomped back outside to change and Hermione had the chance to reflect: She had never seen anything so intimate, so sexual, and it both repulsed and interested her. Her face was aflame like a house on fire, and she felt beyond incredulous, but it was fascinating to watch Ron's face change from being strained, to almost euphoric and then back to strain again. Hermione had read books on the sexual act, just to get educated but to see at least part of it herself was odd. Looking up, her gaze inadvertently collided with Draco's, and his eyes were a darker shade than before, with only a sliver of grey around his black irises. Involuntarily, she shivered and knew that he had seen it, for she saw the mischievous glint that entered his eyes. Crawling on his hands and knees, he came to be kneeling in front of her rigid form. Leaning so that his hard chest brushed hers and his scent-a peculiarly feminine scent mixed with his heady sweat hit her nostrils and drove her half mad.

"Don't worry, my little book worm, yours will come soon, and I promise you'll enjoy it." Her breath caught in her throat and she kept her face hidden with her hair because she didn't want him to see her. After a moment, he stood up and went back to where he was, for the warmth that emanated from him was gone. What the hell was happening to her? Her feelings are going haywire and she was having thoughts of him?! Little virgin-never-had-a-boyfriend-Hermione was thinking of him?!? She must be crazy-finally going mad. Forcefully pushing any thoughts of the jackass from her mind, she focused on the now fully dressed Lavender, who, it was obvious, was avoiding Ron like the plague. The overall atmosphere in the room was different; it was like people were wearier, but excited too. One thing that Hermione would not tolerate was if this 'innocent' game turned into an orgy or something similar.

She looked over at Ron, who was once more red faced but he refused to touch himself even though he was evidently uncomfortable, but his gaze would often linger on Lavender. Hermione didn't mind, for she stopped the childish crush she had had on him back in fifth year, and they sorted it out and were friends ever since.

Harry started with the bottle, and it passed without much event. Next to her, Padma was squirmy but when she took a quick drink, nothing came up. Handing it to Hermione, whose mind was preoccupied, she took a long drink, only to spit it out when the drink burned her throat.

Fire whisky.

Almost after that thought came to mind, she looked up and saw the tell-tale green arrow glow above her head. She had secretly spelled the bottle to pick on anyone but her so how was it possible that it…?

It came to her then, like a brick to the head:


Refusing to see the satisfaction on his stupid face, she drew the parchment out with shaking fingers. Opening it, she read the dreaded words:

"Do whatever Draco Malfoy instructs." Slowly, her head looked up and saw his face. He was bloody smirking at her! She blew up and rounded on him.

"You did this on purpose!"

"No I didn't. The bottle chose you." He was calm, but there was a glint in his eyes she didn't like.

"You did this on purpose!" she repeated stubbornly but he was unfazed.

"Come here Granger." Did he think she was crazy? No way was she going to go anywhere near him with the things that he was doing to her thinking. Looking pleadingly at Harry and Ron, she found that none of them were even looking her way. Ron was slowly but surely edging towards Lavender and Harry was in the process of kissing Ginny.

"Harry!" She whispered frantically, but all he did was detach his lips long enough to mumble a "If you hurt her I'll rip out your tonsils." Before going back to kissing his current form of interest. When she didn't move from her spot, Draco sighed and came to stand in front of her, his form dwarfing her small frame. Tipping her chin with his finger, he smirked a little and kissed her.

Draco Malfoy kissed her.

Draco Malfoy kissed her.

Draco Malfoy kissed her.

By the time that thought entered her brain he was already running his tongue along her bottom lip, wanting to gain entrance. Well damn it all to Hell if she was going to open up to him. Who did he think he was? Just because he made her feel giddy and shaky didn't mean he could do what he wanted. If this was what he wanted her to do, then see how she cooperates…even if his lips did feel smooth and hot against her own…NO! Clamping her mouth shut, she stood rigidly. He was growing impatient, she could tell, but she wasn't going to-

-"Ow! Mmmpphp…" He had bitten her lip! What an arsehole! She tried to get out of his embrace but his hands held onto her waist hard, and he pulled her even closer so that no space separated them. His tongue was gently goading hers from its current unresponsive position but she didn't know what to do…should she tangle her own with his? Or maybe just poke it around a bit? This was getting ridiculous! And then, almost suddenly, he became aggressive. His tongue invaded her mouth, his body pushing her against the wall of the common room. She didn't know what to do with her arms so they wrapped clumsily around his neck, finding his hair soft, she ran her hands through it. This time, something else was building within her, and she felt angry that he was trying to dominate her. Without really knowing what she was doing, she lashed out with her tongue, pushing her mouth hard against his, moving it in time with his own. He pulled away, only to whisper huskily in her ear.

"This is the Hermione I know." She didn't even get to contemplate the fact that he had called her Hermione, for his mouth was back on hers. He was pushing her into the wall so hard the only way she had any hope of making herself comfortable was to wrap her legs around his waist. She felt out of control, lost, filled with desire. She wanted…she wanted…

…Holy Mary Mother of God.

What was she doing? Clumsily, she turned her head away so that he couldn't kiss her but instead of getting off; he started showering her neck with kisses. She was going to drown…her eye lids fluttered shut of their own accord and she tilted her head back, letting out small sighs. Too low for anyone but her to hear, he growled into the base of her throat and bit down. She gasped at the sudden sensation of mingled pain and pleasure, biting down on her lip to stop a moan from escaping. His hands were grasping the bottom of her pyjama top, and he yanked them up, connecting skin with skin.

And like a bucket of sardines dumped on her head, Hermione was shoved back into reality. She drew her palms to his chest and pushed. When he didn't budge she practically hurt him, pinching his side. He yelped in pain and jumped back, cursing like a fisherman.

He looked at her with eyes that were filled with lust. Like a tiger stalking his prey, he slowly moved towards her and she nearly, nearly gave in to the look in his eyes: They were clearly predatory. His appearance was dishevelled, with his hair looking like it had been through a hurricane and his lips every bit as swollen as her own…but she couldn't do it with him. There was just too much animosity between them. She couldn't hate him for seven years and in the space of one hour have civility between them, let alone getting intimate with him. Glaring, she ducked under his arm and muttered about going to bed. He called to her, and she shivered at the words.

"You won't be able to sleep now, my little book worm!"

Read and Review

This is a one shot, but I'm contemplating on turning it into a more substantial novel…what do you think?

Narjy x