Final chapter for this story. It is not for those who like Drew. It is vary bad for Drew fans. In a way.

Drew was woken up by the sound a voice. It was Jane who had found him in the ruble. Next to her was her daughter who was playing with her tooth and behind her was a boy about Drew's age with blond curly hair, black pants, and a blue shirt under a red vest.

Jane: Are you ok? We saw your arm hanging out of a window and got you out as soon as we could.

Drew: window?

Jane points to her left were there was a wall still intact and a broken window were he could picture what it looked like. He was then snapped back to reality when the younger male began shouting.

Hey burger hair you ok or should we leave you?

Jane: oh please stop it Jim.

Jim: Shut up lady if it were not for me forcing you all to see me train my Pokemon you would all be dead!

Drew: well thanks but I'll make it from here.

Jane: ok be careful.

Meanwhile with May.

May: Maybe I should apologize or maybe he was killed by the explosion. What if he was hit by s truck? May continued to ramble on to Max who was with her at home where she went after the whole half city destruction and yelling at Drew thing. Just then she stopped rambling on and went to pick up the phone.

Max: What are you doing? There wont be any service if the place got destroyed.

May: What are you talking about? I'm calling Ash and Brock.

Max: why? Where are they? Can we go see them?

May annoyed of her brothers questions hit him over the head with the phone. I want to know how they are doing.

Max: SURE you just don't want to sat with me do you?

May: whatever.

Max: what about Drew?

May: Oh him? I couldn't care less about him. Well lets get packing.

Max: Why?

May: were going to kanto that's why.

Back with Drew well things were not going well. He was currently being chased by a pack of pidgey. He then fell over a water fall.

Why I did that you ask? Come up with your own conclusions. Maybe I want a sequel? Maybe I just wanted to change Drew.