Heavy breathing, panting, bent knees, leaning head, and a complete sense of exhaust filled the air about a young man, his mind still tracing over words soon to spill out of his mouth. Silver hair fell into his black eyes, simple jeans and a t-shirt covering him. After regaining himself somewhat he positioned his back up to the correct position, a rather unpleasant crack echoing through the atmosphere. "Sir!" A parched word escaped his chapped lips, a tired cough following. "Please. Just let me have her. She hasn't done anything!" Hoarse. He needed water. But now he couldn't think of anything of himself. All he cared about right now was that young toddler in an older man's arms. Why... Why had he done such a thing?

Strong suave steps were taken by the rather tall, elegant man whose shadow seemed to overcast the teenager. "Christopher... You don't really want this baby back." Jareth's voice seemed very powerful, maybe even demanding, but yet smooth and sweet as caramel. He had a teasing smirk upon his face, quite sure he would finally get another human to train into a noble citizen. The king held up the small female, big blue eyes staring at her older brother. A small cry came from the baby before being brought back to a normal level on his chest, arm's cradling her ever so carefully. "Yes... Yes I do." Christopher was beginning to get his voice back, though it still sounded weary. "I need that child. You know how badly it would devastate my parents? That girl is a gifted child. Please!" His cries showed how he truly was still a child himself, but he had to get that baby back. He had to.

Jareth smiled at the boy slyly and moved the girl to eye level with him. "Now Helena. Do you want to go back with your brother?" His voice cooed through the room, and Christopher clinched his fists, gritted his teeth. How dare he! If only Chris knew how truly nervous Jareth was. He was beginning to be questioned of how seriously he was taking his job. Not that he had had a choice in the first place with his career, but it wasn't as if the other people where going to take that into consideration. No. News was spreading of how weak the man was, how he didn't care if the population were to die out. When in fact he had been doing the best he could, and acting on as many wishes had been granted. He couldn't help if people were growing more and more away from their old ways.

Helena gurgled and kicked her legs and swayed her arms, obviously uncomfortable. "Oh come now. He hasn't ever treated you that well. He didn't even feed you tonight did you? Good thing we were so kind as to prepare something. Isn't that right lad?" Taking an angry step towards the two, Jareth moved Helena into his arms once more. "I do care about her! Who are you to say something like that? I am not a goblin to be ruled over! Not some stupid creature! Not one you overpower!" Jareth winced inside, hoping, pleading the boy would drag his words on. Tick, tock, tick, tock. The sound of the clock behind him now was like a constant ringing bell, reminding him of his goal. Only a few moments left... Come on... Please... "Give her to me! You have no power over me!"

No! No! Not again no! Another one lost. The king began to dissipate through the stone floor, the baby now out of his arms. Christopher too began to fall, though soon found himself back inside his quaint country home, wings fluttering above him. His hand raised to shoo the owl out of the house, and then locked the door behind it. The brunette girl lay asleep in his arms, her small chest pushing up and down in a steady beat. Christopher gave a soft smile to the child and clung to her as he moved up a flight of stairs and into her baby blue room. "You need some sleep now. Try not to wake up again, alright? I promise to not take you for granted anymore. Okay?" His questions went unanswered by the little girl, as she was still deeply in slumber. The boy smiled to himself and laid the child peacefully into her crib, rubbing the thin hair on her head. "Alright..." No more comments, no real movement. Though now she rolled over on the miniature pillow as the teens hands pulled over a small quilt, and covered it with her lacey pink baby blanket. "Goodnight." He whispered and leaned down to kiss her forehead. He did truly care about this girl. And how glad he was to have her back.

Jareth on the other hand was not in a very pleasant mood. Not after he had just lost yet another child. He really did need to make a stand for himself, show how he wasn't weak, and was a great king. But there was nothing he could do. Nothing right now atleast. His black boots swished against the stone flooring as he walked through a large hallway, glassless windows allowing cold wing to rustle his rather... different blonde hair. His eyes looked straight in front of him, hands clasped behind his back. Maybe there would be a sudden rise in wishes. It was summer after all. More babysitting, more time at home with the kids... He had to think optimistic. It was what kept him going. His right hand raised a foot from his body, almost next to his waist. A small crystal appeared in his hand, followed by three more until a small pyramid was formed. He allowed the forms of glass to roll over his glove covered hand, his eyes never looking down.

A deep sigh escaped him as his head turned to glance out to his land. on a very high story of the castle, he could see almost everything within thirty miles. It was beautiful, the Labyrinth. But many feared soon it would be gone. Gone forever. Oh how it had thrived those many centuries ago. As a young child he remembered how proud he was to know one day this would all be his. And now... Ugh. He hated the idea of looking back to that time. Straighten up! He told himself. Stop blubbering about something that hasn't happened yet. That won't happen. If you keep working! Ah but how the stress was overcoming him. Soon the crystals vanished as his hand was shoved into his pocket, the other turning a knob that opened a large wooden door that lead to his chambers. He needed sleep. Sleep, and in the morning, a good amount of sleep. No waking up early tomorrow. Sleep. Kind, loving sleep.

The man pulled over both his gloves, removed the boots on his feet, hung his white, angel like cape over a hook, and removed his leather vest. Leaving him only in trousers, a white airy long sleeve shirt, and his necklace. He would never take that off. Ever. He had worn it as a young boy even. It was proof of his power, his royalty. Much better than a crown. Much better for his hair. Laughing quietly to himself, trying to relieve the pain, Jareth climbed into his crisp white bed. He pulled over a few quilts and sheets, and pushed his hand under two pillows to elevate his head even more. His eyes soon slowly closed and he rolled over, now in deep slumber himself. Oh how sweet the dreaming was.