The gang had quite a successful day with a good laugh at Vaysey's expense. The sheriff's latest plot had been foiled though not without its victims. The outlaws were celebrating their latest victory and the fact that the gang was together again with some wine they had stolen from what was to be Marian's wedding feast. Alan was regaling the others with a retelling of the events and they in turn were laughing at his drunken antics. Their leader watched happily for awhile then headed to his destination. He had barely made it out of camp when Much stopped him.

"Master, where are you going?"

Robin sighed he was not in the mood for a thousand questions from Much. There was only one place and one person he wanted to see at the moment "To see Marian."

"Do you think that is wise? After today I'm sure Knighton is being watched more than ever" Much always worried about Robin. His one-time master seemed to attract danger and worse seemed to enjoy it.

"I'm sure it is but I must see her." An image flashed in his mind of their earlier kiss and a smile crossed his face. "I can't stay away not after today." He was also worried about her. After coming so close to losing her it would be a long time before he would likely be at ease. "I will be okay Much. Do not worry. Honestly you're like an old mother hen"

"I am not. Don't give me constant reason to worry. Someone has to look out for you since you certainly don't." Robin started laughing at Much again falling to his baiting. Much let out an exasperated sigh. "Be careful we all would be lost without you." Much knew there was no talking Robin out of this. There was never any talking Robin out of anything he was determined to do. The only person he even occasionally listened to was Marian. Much started to head back to the others when Robin stopped him and all teasing was gone from his voice.

"Much, I never apologized for my atrocious behavior to you. I'm truly sorry. I was hurting so badly and when even you didn't understand I lashed out in my anger. I do not deserve your concern or loyalty." Much was the most loyal person he knew. He had always stood by him in every foolish action and danger he dragged poor Much into.

Much turned back to Robin. He was used to hearing apologies from Robin but they were usually said at best half-heartedly but for once Robin sounded absolutely sincere. Maybe Robin was finally really growing up and becoming the great man Much had always believed he could be. It was why he had stood by Robin always. "It has already been forgiven"

The apology was too easily accepted. Robin would think of some way to make it up to Much "One more thing thank you, my friend, for stopping Marian's wedding. You did what I lacked the courage to do." He was too scared to say anything sure Marian would reject him yet again and shatter what little was left of his heart.

"I didn't just do it for you. I care about Marian too and as much as she has tried to hide it since you returned, even from herself I suspect, she loves and needs you. You two belong together. Always have."

"You really think she loves me?" It seemed too much to believe.

Much had to laugh inwardly at that. As sure of himself as Robin was or acted like he was Marian was the one thing he was never sure of. Much also knew Robin's smugness hid a man who was in many ways still a boy trying find his way and do what he thought was right and worried about letting those he cared about down. "Yes I do although it probably isn't the wisest thing for her to do". Robin glared at him over that so Much quickly explained "Gisborne isn't likely to just give up and let her go. Not to mention what would happen if the sheriff discovers it was Edward who led the plot against him. If anything her life is in more danger than ever."

Robin looked at him and nodded. "I will keep her and her father safe. I cannot lose her."

"How master? You cannot watch over at all times. She wouldn't allow you to."

"I will find a way and besides Marian is pretty good at protecting herself. She's almost as good with a sword as I am. Speaking of Marian I'm on my way. I have something very important to tell her. I don't know when I will return"

Much watched as Robin headed in the direction of Knighton Hall shaking his head. God himself couldn't keep Robin away from there he knew. At least he was happy again something he hadn't been since before they had left for the Crusades when Robin had left his heart in Nottingham with a girl he was trying needlessly to prove himself to by going to war. Men were sometimes great fools especially when a woman was involved. As he walked back to camp he thought of Eve and wondered if he would ever see her again.