Wilbur: Yes yes. I tried to make this chapter a little longer. My chapters have been so short because I wanted the yaoi and smut to come in later chapters. But the way my brain works, it wouldn't take that long. .

So, here you go. :)


Ed stared at the rising sun in the distance. The smooth roof tiles beneath him. The sky was lit with vibrant colors that made Ed's eyes dance across the atmosphere.

"Ed, are you going to have some breakfast?"

Ed tore his eyes away from the beautiful sight only to meet the eyes of Colonel Mustang.

"Yeah, I'll come in a minute."

"What are you doing all the way up here?"


"Mind if I join. At least until your ready to go eat?"

"Yeah, sure." Ed did not recognize the fact that the Mustang he knew would never take time out of his busy schedule to stare at the sun with him. Especially in the morning. 'Nor would he come all the way up to the roof to get him for something as simple as breakfast.

They stared at the scenery for what seemed like hours. It was a wonder that no one below saw them or no one in the military was trying to find them.



"Your eyes sure look pretty in this light."

"Huh?" Ed looked over at Roy to see him propping up his head with his hand and looking directly at Ed.

"And your hair..."

"Why are you saying this?"

Then, without another word, Roy reached over and pulled Ed's face towards his to land a gentle kiss on his soft lips.

Surprisingly, Ed did not back away or freak out. He kissed back and then –



Ed awoke with his teeth rattling and a feeling of cold metal on his side, shaking him awake. He looked over at his younger brother's emotionless metal face.

"What are you feeling, Al?"

"What?" Al stopped shaking his brother.

"I asked what you were feeling. I can't tell..."

"I'm... worried"

"Why?" Ed said in a weak voice. His body was tired from being awoken so suddenly.

"You... said strange things while you were sleeping."

Ed jolted upright in bed, his dream coming back to him. "What kind of things?"

Al, confused, tried to answer his distraught brother. "You said... you... Roy..."

" Roy?! What about Roy?!" Ed demanded, unintentionally scaring his younger brother even more.

"You... moaned his name and said... " Al inched away from Ed, fearing the blow. "You said you loved him."

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuck! What do I do now? I... I'm not sure what that dream meant but I... kinda liked it. What am I supposed to tell Al?

Ed looked over at his brother, waiting patiently for Ed's response. "What?"

"Is it true, Ed? Do you really... l-l... you know."

"I'm not sure, Al. I'm really not sure..."


"How long is Ed going to keep avoiding me? Can you at least tell me that?" Colonel Mustang angrily scowled at Al.

"I don't know."

"You never know. Well, I'm going to find him and force it out of him if that's what it'll take. I might even use force." Mustang turned on his heel and started to stomp away.

"Wait! Colonel Mustang-sir! Please don't hurt him!" Al yelled after Mustang.

"Not until you tell me why he is avoiding me!" Roy yelled back over his shoulder.


"Sorry for bothering you here. I just want to be away from Central for a while."

"It's no problem! You stay here as long as you like. You don't have to tell me who you're running from either. It's the least I can do since you helped me deliver Elysia here." Gracia smiled warmly at Ed before going back to her cooking.

Moments later, there was a loud banging heard on the front door.

"Don't worry, I'll get it! You go back to your cooking." Ed ran to the door and swung it open only to meet the very person he was running from.

"Why did I know you were here, Ed?"

"Mustang!" Ed shouted in surprise. He tried to run away, but Roy caught him by his collar and spun him around.

"No no, Edward Elric. You are coming back to Central to my office with me so we can have a heart to heart."

"Is everything okay?" Gracia called from the kitchen.

"Everything is fine, ma'am. I'm just going to go out for a little bit."

"Okay, Ed. I'll see you later."


Back in Roy's office, Ed sat on one of his leather chairs with his head hung like a small child who has just been caught doing something naughty.

"So? When are you going to start talking to me?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Stop playing games, Ed. Tell me why you have been avoiding me these past few weeks."

"It's... hard to explain."

"I demand an answer so you better explain it the best you can."

"I've been... having dreams."


"Yes... about..."

"About what?"

"About you."

"Oh? And what happened in these dreams?"

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"It's better left unsaid."

"For who? You?"

"For everyone."

Roy stood up, and walked around his desk, over to Ed. "I want you to tell me Ed. Look at me!" He forced Ed's head up by using his own gloved hands.

Ed mumbled something under his breath.

"What? What was that? I didn't quite catch it."

"I said, 'YOU KISSED ME!' dammit!" Ed screamed in Roy's face, then realized what he had just said and quickly put his hands over his mouth.

Roy let go of Ed, stunned. "D-did you kiss back?"

Ed looked back up at Roy, his eyes wide. A blush spread across his face deepened at Roy's question. "Yes..." He said so quietly that Roy could barely hear.

Roy's eyes softened as a small smile slowly creeped onto his face. "Ed..." He put his hand's on Ed's shoulders and squeezed tightly, lifting him up, out of the chair. Roy pulled Ed close to him, enveloping the shuddering Ed in his embrace. His chest felt wet as Ed's almost inaudible sobs wafted to his ears.

At that moment, Lieutenant Hawkeye burst through the door. "Colonel Mustang, we need...you...dow-n..."

Roy jumped away from Ed as Ed turned his face quickly away from Riza, trying to wipe his tears away.

"Sorry, sir. Is this a bad time?"

"No, no. Ed was just... trying to get a string off my jacket, right Ed?"

"Mmmhmph." Came the muffled response from Ed, his head in his hands.

"Can you wait outside Lieutenant, please?"

"Yes, sir." Riza's curious gaze followed her out the door.

Roy walked over to Ed, and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Until next time. I want a full story."

Ed nodded dryly as Roy left the room.

Wilbur: OOOOooo. So, that better for you? I'm going to go ahead and change the rating to M because I'm planning to add some smut in the next couple chapters.

Keep the reviews coming! 3