Chapter Twelve- Practicing Patience

The Taisho brothers pulled the car over to a parallel park, looking nervously up Kagome's shrine steps, noting that there was no vehicle parked near the shrine, both brothers came to the same conclusion. Jay was working. Inuyasha bounded out of the car, taking what seemed like hours to climb the steps without falling flat out on his face, humiliating himself in front of his older brother.

The shrine was not all that small, Inuyasha took in what seemed to be the main living quarters, an old well house, two storage houses that were evidently falling apart, and a huge tree that had grown to the right of step entrance.

Sesshoumaru had caught up with Inuyasha, watching his little brother forget all about Kagome and take in the beautiful scenery that seemed to bring the shrine to life.

"Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru bite out coldly. His bitter word brought Inuyasha back to reality looking as if he had no clue on what to do next. "Let's go little brother." Sesshoumaru moved forward with elegance and grace, showing no weakness in his structural form.

Inuyasha jogged to catch up, walking up the porch steps hesitantly. Slowly he lifted his hand, forming it into a ball and looking at the door. 'If Jay is home I will punch him if he even tries to touch me or my brother.' Inuyasha decided then and there his reaction to Kagome's 'angelic' stepfather. Inuyasha closed his eyes and took three deep breaths, holding each one periodically. Releasing his the tension in his wrists he knocked three times, listening for Kagome's voice, or anything that he would be able to use as evidence that would signal that she was ok.

After waiting for a few minutes with no answer Inuyasha tried again. He could tell something was not right. After three more knocks he waited impatiently, but there was nothing. Inuyasha pushed open the door, almost crying as the deadly silence hit his ears. There was no noise in the house. He couldn't hear so much as a breath being taken.

"She's not here Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru turned around, ready to give up and go back to class.

Inuyasha took off his footwear and ran through the house, looking in the living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Anywhere that Kagome might have been he checked. Inuyasha came to a door at the end of the hallway that was positioned at the top of the stairs. There was no note on the door. It was just plain. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. Reaching for the knob he jingled in, finding it locked. "Kagome!" his voice bounced through the empty house quickly. He pressed his ear to the door. Picking up the smallest of sounds, they sounded like Kagome having a nightmare. He could hear her cry out quietly behind the locked door.

Backing up a fraction of a meter Inuyasha brought up his foot and kicked, hard. The door swung open, finding Kagome on the bed, covered in a pink quilt. Inuyasha rushed over, she was bleeding from a cut on her left temple. Inuyasha sat beside her and gripped her shoulders, pinching them slightly. "Kagome?"

[Kagome's dream

'Kagome, my dear sweet Kagome.' Kagome could hear Jay walking up the stairs calling her name. The sound of desperation, the sound of need and desire called to her. 'Kagome' she could hear his rough hands knocking on the door, like she could really keep the sick twisted man out. 'Kagome?' the voice sounded again, but this time it didn't sound like Jay, it was someone she trusted, but she couldn't afford to trust she has lost too much. She could picture Jay shoving her body against the wall, forcing her to kiss him as he pressed his vial lips to hers.

The breaking of the door broke those images. Nothing else mattered to her but to get away. She wanted to kill Jay for what he had done to her. The day he had married into the family he had taken her mother away from her. Kagome tried to open her eyes, but her mind didn't respond. Trying again only gave her a headache, she wanted to wiggle to scream, call for help call for Inuyasha.

'Kagome' the voice said her name, but it was concern that had driven this voice, she knew this voice, but she was not able to place it. The senses of betrayal and terror took her body she could feel his yearning to touch her body. She let out an ear-piercing scream, telling him to leave her alone.

[End of Kag's Dream

Kagome screamed, loud enough to wake all of Tokyo, Inuyasha grabbed at her body as it went into shock. Kagome wasn't waking up, the side of her mouth was cut and bruises were all over her face.

"Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha hollered, listening to his brother double the steps of the stairs. Kagome started to scream, not opening her eyes.

"Wake her up!" Sesshoumaru said alarmed at the movement of her body. Her legs under the blankets were thrashing, giving her the feeling that she was trapped. Inuyasha shook her shoulders again.

Sesshoumaru stared at his brother's incapability to just wake the young girl. Slowly he shoved Inuyasha away and grabbed the girl by the shoulders, thrusting her upward as the quilt fell off her bare body.

Kagome's body was black and blue, beaten from all angles. A blush crept on Inuyasha's face, whirling around to give the nude girl privacy. Another scream sounded through the air. "Inuyasha now in not the time to act as if you haven't seen a naked woman's body before. Get over here and help me!" Sesshoumaru barked orders. Inuyasha didn't move. He couldn't face seeing Kagome's battered naked body, lying there in front of him. Staring blankly at his brother for only mere seconds Sesshoumaru eyed the naked girl's body. She was bruised and torn, cut from being punched and what looked like scratch marks. Though all this Kagome still looked like the prettiest woman he had ever seen.

Kagome opened her mouth to scream again, feeling his grip tighten on her only thought was being molested again by Jay. Quickly he pressed his lips to hers without thinking. Kagome's body went into shock. Stopping her scream as she fell limp in his arms.

"Inuyasha get her some cloths." Sesshoumaru barked anxiously, watching, as Inuyasha didn't move. "Inuyasha NOW! We need to get her to the hospital!" Inuyasha jerked his head at the word hospital. Running to her closet he started looking through her cloths. Though he refused to touch her underwear he grabbed a white floral bra, a baggy T-shirt and a pair of baby blue sweat pants. Running back over to Sesshoumaru he tried not to stare at Kagome's body. Sesshoumaru tried to put on her bra but found it immensely hard to do with one hand.

"Inuyasha hold her." Sesshoumaru demanded, forcing Inuyasha to hold her while his older brother fastened the bra clip. With Inuyasha still holding her Sesshoumaru slipped on her shirt. It was long enough to go down to her thighs. Sesshoumaru went back to the pile of cloths. Scattering the remaining piece of cloth he rolled his eyes at his little immature brother. Walking over to her dresser he opened to top draw and took out a pair of underwear, gripping it with thumb and finger while holding it out in front of him. Slowly he made his way over to the unconscious girl.

Sure he liked to see women naked, he loved to see women naked, but this felt wrong. Quickly he slipped her underwear on and almost threw her into her sweats. Finally dressed both brothers looked at Kagome with awe, then looked at the assembly of cloths she was wearing, ashamed.

The front door slammed open then slammed closed. Inuyasha handed Kagome over to Sesshoumaru and walked over to the bedroom door, listening to the steps creak at the weight of the intruder's body.

Jay peered into the room, meeting Inuyasha's fist with matter of seconds. There was nothing Inuyasha would like to do better then to stick around and kick the living crap out of this pervert. Sesshoumaru repositioned Kagome bridal style and walked passed the fallen Jay. "Lets go Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru jogged to the car, trying not to drop the hurt Kagome on the way. Inuyasha followed him to the car. "Hop in the drivers, go to the hospital." Sesshoumaru started to order as they came to the car.

"What! I am not driving, I want to hold Kagome!" Inuyasha whined as he stood beside the passenger side.

"Hm fine!" Sesshoumaru quickly handed the unconscious girl to Inuyasha and jumped into the drivers, watching Inuyasha sit in the back seat.

Inuyasha watched through the open glass window, watching as Kagome's unconscious body was lying, bruised and cut. He hated to think that he had caused this, he wanted to help her but that seemed to be the last thing on her mind. He had fallen for her, loved her. He could hear the nurse's whisper about her unstable condition, everyone wondered how she got that way. She had awakened periodically to say his name, but then he watched her closed her eyes once again, turning her world back into darkness and ripping apart his world.

"Inuyasha!" Izayoi jogged up to her son and greeted his with a sympathetic hug. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around his mother. He didn't know what to tell her. He wanted to cry, to let all the tears fall. "How is she doing?" his fathers cold voice seemed to shatter his breaking heart into a million pieces.

"I don't know, the nurse's haven't spoken with me since she'd been admitted." Inuyasha muttered. He knew his father thought of this as one big joke.

"We have to catch the plane come on son." Inutaisho spoke bitterly.

"What plane. I can't leave Kagome." Inuyasha stared at his mother. He couldn't leave Kagome in this condition.

"You're being transferred to a different school. In Mexico." Inuyasha wanted to scream. He hated his father, did he not care that Inuyasha was in love with the very same woman that was lying in the hospital bed.

"I am not leaving until Jay is behind bars and Kagome is back on her feet." Inuyasha demanded. He knew he would lose this fight with his father but Kagome was worth the shot.

"Jay is already behind bars. The young woman has been ensured her mother's money as it was left in the will that had been found. I also gave the girl another 1.5 million from the Taisho business. She will be fine." Izayoi put a hand on her son's shoulders as he listened to his father speak.

"I am not leaving." Inuyasha growled. He couldn't leave Kagome even if she had enough money to buy all of Japan.

"She is not one of us. No woman in more important then your education, we're going now Inuyasha, end of discussion." Inutaisho grabbed his son's shoulders and dragged him down the hall and out into the car.


A/N: well that about wraps it up, but don't worry ladies and gentle men, there will be a sequel if you are interested in reading it.

Sneak preview: The Trails of Terror

Introducing three new characters.

Trison: Kagome and Jay's baby.

Amuro: A Mexican doctor, requesting Kagome's expertise in the medical field.

Satou: Kagome's new best friend. Also required in Mexico to help Amuro. Works with Kagome.


Kagome opened her eyes looking around the blue room. She felt sick. She didn't know what day it was she had lost count since she got out of the hospital almost four months ago.

"Good morning darling." A male voice came into the room. Kagome looked up into dark eyes that were draped over with black hair.

"Morning." She responded to her fiancée. She looked upon his face picturing what she had every time she looked into his colder eyes. A man with white hair and golden piecing eyes flooding into her mind. 'Inuyasha'. Everyone had told her that Inuyasha had fled after the first week she had been in the hospital. Naraku had been there for her. He was there when the doctor told her she was pregnant with Jay's child. They asked her if she wanted to have an abortion. At first she wanted to say yes, she wanted to get Jay out of her world, but not even a pervert like Jay could make her kill an innocent baby.

Naraku wasn't as mean as he'd seemed at first. He's hit her a couple times but nothing that she didn't forgive. He loved her, he told her he did. He'd proposed to her three days after he heard the she was pregnant. He didn't want her to raise the baby all by herself. She had the money that Izayoi had given her and the little money that her mother left her, but for Kagome it just wasn't enough. She needed help and Naraku had offered. Though she didn't love Naraku, she still owed him her comfort. Inuyasha had left her and Naraku hadn't.

"Are you feeling alright?" Naraku was holding her hand as she nodded.

"I will be fine." Kagome smiled gravely.

"Is it ok if I head to work the food is on the table." Naraku looked at his fiancée. Watching her nod.

"I'll be fine." She repeated herself. At least he cared, though that didn't really matter. Since Jay had been put away in jail she could take care of herself.

"Alright later dear." Naraku moved over to her and kissed her passionately on the lips. Kagome didn't kiss him back. Naraku left the room and wandered downstairs, Kagome waited till he was out of the house, waiting to hear the sound of the door shut and the car start. Not minutes later she stood to watch the car drive out of the driveway.

Can't wait to write it yay!