So about not posting a chapter in forever...well i still don't got a home, I'm living wit my aunt right now and can hardly find time to type. Plus, did any of you hear about the charter bus crashing in Utah? 9 people died and like 20 were badly injured. Well my little sister's family was on that bus. And 4 of those 9 people that died were her family. And her dad was badly injured.(plus my sisters aunt and uncle are in even worse shape, with amnesia and such. They don't even know their daughter is dead. It's truly a sad story) And on top of all that the private school my sister has been going to her whole life, and her That works at, is closing down because they cant afford to keep it open. So my sister now has to leave a great school that she loved and her dad is injured and out of a job. So basically my sister is really going through it right now and i've been trying to spend more time with her to help her get through some tough times. I hope you readers under stand. I'm sorry for not updating soon enough.

My Little Girl

Chapter 17: 17 years old: Breakup?

6 months later :)

Bella's POV

"So what college are you going too, Daniel?" I asked Daniel

"Well, I'm not sure but I know I want to stay close to you" He said smiling and giving me a peck on the lips. I pulled away from him.

"I don't want you to limit yourself because of me. Go where ever is best for you. Don't let me hold you back." I told him. He just shook his head and smiled.

"Don't worry your not holding me back. If anything your encouraging me to do greater things."

"Oh yeah well then what about that Berkley scholarship you got offered? Did you take it?"

"What...? Wait how did you know I got offered a scholarship?" Daniel asked surprised.

"Because I know all things...and your mom let it slip She didn't know I wasn't supposed to know. I don't get why you wouldn't tell me about it." I said looking at him curiously.

"Well...I don't know why I didn't tell you. I just...I don't know. Berkley is all the way in California and..." He stopped before he finished.

"And I'm here, in New Mexico." I finished for him, "see I knew I was holding you back."

"That is not what I was going to say, Bella."

"Well then what were you going to say. huh?"

"I don't know..."

"Yeah sure. Look Daniel I don't want you to hold back because of me. You do what you need to do. Besides I'll be going out to college next year too. Then what?"

"What do you mean then what?"

"Will there still be an us?"

"I hope so. We can go to the same college. After you choose your college next year then I can just transfer where you are. Or I can just do my first two year here in a JC..."

I stopped him and shook my head, "No. We always told each other we would never go to a JC. Remember?"

"What do you want to do then, Bella, because to me it sounds like you don't want to be with me."

"I do want to be with you, Daniel, I love you, but..." I stopped knowing if I continued what i was going to say I would break down and cry and I can't cry. Not now.

"But..what?" He asked with desperation in his voice.

"I don't want to be responsible for ruining your career. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." My voiced cracked. I'm not sure what I'm doing right now or why.

"But your not responsible for anything. Nothing has even happened yet. Your not making any sense to me right now Bella."

"Well I'm not making much sense to myself right now either. I just feel like we should maybe take a break while we go to college."

"So you are breaking up with me."

"No, not exactly, I love you and want to be with you but things might change while we're in college and I don't want you to feel bad if they do. You might find some one you love even more than me while your out doing your thing with basketball."

"I can't believe this, Bella, you can't be serious right now."

"I wish I wasn't..." tears began falling from my eyes. Daniel hugged me.

"Then don't be. You don't have to be scared Bella because I love you more than anything. And if we need too, we can make a long distance relationship work for us. Besides it would only be for a couple years and I would see you on holidays and during the summer. We could do it, Bella, I know we can." He said kissing me gently and wiping my tears, "That is if you are willing too try and make it work with me."

I smiled and looked up at him. I realized he was right I was just scared. He truly is the best boyfriend in the world. I kissed him in response to his answer.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled.

"You bet it is."

And we laughed together. Boy I just hope we can last.

The more review the faster I'll try to update...especially if there are some ideas and/or advice in those reviews

Lots of Luv to all my readers


FYI: JC means Junior College

Oh and I lied about her being 18 in the next chapter...sorry :(