Since it's my most read story along the years, it was time to fix it.

Not only grammar and style.

I changed a LOT of things along the chapters. NOT the plot, the plot is not changed at all, but I deleted some phrases whereas I added some other ones.

Reading it as it was in the origin, I felt it a bit rushed, especially Daisy's "revelation" 'bout her feeling, so I had to change some dialogues and "thoughts", trying, anyway, not to change too much, in order to keep the original spirit.

I hope it's better, now.

As I said for "Daisy's reflections", people who already read it won't find something REALLY new in it, and new readers, well, I hope they enjoy it. Thanks for the ones who reviewed so many years ago, appreciating this story even if it was a bit rushed and poorly written. :-))

Something more (HOW and WHY) 'bout this "re-styling" is explained in my profile page.