"Check this out," I motioned for the flock to come over. We stood before a well-cared for, very large shed. There were no windows.

"Let's go inside," Angel said. Iggy motioned for us to stop.

"I hear voices," Iggy stated. Angel shrugged it off.

"I don't feel anyone," Angel argued. I nodded and barged in.

Sitting at a large conference table, were seven young teenage girls. They looked like they were in a heated argument, but stopped immediately when we came in. Standing in the corner were three other girls.

"Um, oh," I stuttered, "Sorry. We'll be leaving." I started to back away slowly.

"WAIT!" a girl yelled, standing up. She seemed to be the leader of this organization.

"You're the flock!" the same girl exclaimed. We all started to back away again.

"No please! We're the U.M.R.F.G.P.A.!" the girl explained.

"The who?" Nudge asked.

"The U.M.R.F.G.P.A., the United Maximum Ride Fan Girl Pairing Association," she explained.

"That's a mouthful," Iggy scoffed.

"Yeah. We're kind of like the United Nations, but instead of countries, we represent Maximum Ride pairings!" she smiled. A girl leaning back in her chair, with her feet swung onto the table scoffed.

"I represent Fax. I'm the leader. Over there is Miggy, Niggy, and Figgy," she said, motioning at three girls smiling brightly.

"Those two are Fudge and Gadge," she pointed to two girls who said 'yo' simultaneously.

"And over there sulking is Mari!" she ended with an angry smile. The last girl pulled down her feet and banged her fist on the table and stared angrily at the flock.

"I lost all credibility after book 3," she told them snidely. The flock stared at her, half-scared.

"I don't understand. I know what pairings are, but what are those names?" Fang asked.

"Well, for pairing names, you just combine the two people's names. Fax is Fang and Max," she explained, smiling. I stared at her wide-eyed.

"Miggy is Max and Iggy," Iggy and I made 'ew' faces, "Niggy is Nudge and Iggy," Nudge and Iggy stuck out their tongues, "And Figgy is Fang and Iggy."

"THAT'S SICK AND WRONG!" Iggy protested. Fang shook his head speedily, disturbed.

"Well, Fudge is Fang and Nudge and Gadge is Gazzy and Nudge," the leader said slowly.


"And Ms. Pissed over there," the leader said, "Is Mari…" I cut her off.

"Me and my brother," I said angrily. The leader folded her arms and huffed. She nodded.

"I s something wrong with you?" Gazzy asked. The Mari girl sighed and looked over at the flock.

"I TOLD you I lost all my credibility after the third book." She sighed.

"It started great! He turned nice! Doomed to die, yes, but he wanted to help you! But stupid chapter 105," she complained.

"105?" Nudge asked.

"The chapter when Jeb told Max he was her dad," she explained.

"It didn't make sense in the first place," I argued.

"Oh no? I'll give you some examples," the Mari girl stood up.

"Book 1, chapter 116. Ari calls you pretty and says he 'likes 'em feisty'," the Mari girl said.

"But then Fang launched at Ari, obviously jealous! FAX ALL THE WAY!" the leader interrupted.

"YOU'VE HAD YOUR TURN SO SHUT UP!" the Mari girl yelled back.

"Then book 2," the Mari girl went on, "Had Ari's whole plan to take Max for himself, obviously he loved her."

"Psh. So what?" the leader scoffed.

"PUHLEAZE! Book 2 was completely anti-Fax!" the Mari girl argued.

"Oh yeah? Chapter 103! Ha!" the leader shot back.

"A hug? So what? Book 2 loved Mari, AND created those two losers!" the Mari girl replied, pointing to two of the girls in the corner.

"WE ARE NOT LOSERS!" they complained.

"Oh really? Do you have any fanfictions on the Mari girl said.

"Yeah! It was a great one too!" one o0f the girls argued.

"How did it end?" the Mari girl said bluntly.

"Fax," the other girl admitted.

"Exactly. So shut up Sax and Fassa," the leader told them.

"But at least they had more love in book two than Fax!" the Mari girl argued.

"What? Please!"

"Chapter 52, bitch. And don't forget 72!" the Mari girl grinned with delight. The two girls in the corner whooped. The leader pursed her lips.

"Face it," the Mari girl smiled evilly, "Book 2 pretty much broke them apart."

The flock had slinked back into the corner with the rejects.

"Who are you?" angel asked, looking at the girl who hadn't been introduced.

"I'm Veb," she smiled sweetly.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I like your parents together," the girl explained. Ew.

"And who are they?" I asked quietly.

"They're Sax and Fassa. Sam and Max, and Fang and Lissa," the Veb girl replied.

"Do they always fight like this?" I asked, watching Mari and Fax argue.

"Only sometimes. See, the Mari fangirl is actually a fan of Fax, too. But she doesn't like anyone putting down Mari. She literally CRIED when she read chapter 105. Her position lost a lot of power, considering it's now illegal," the Veb girl explained to me. I nodded.

"Ari's her favorite, after reading the third book she was a nervous wreck for a week!" the Veb girl looked worried.

"Geez. Ari has fangirls?" I scoffed. I saw Fang quickly smile.

"Actually yes. Book 3 increased his popularity quite a bit," she said.

"Huh," I couldn't imagine Ari having fangirls. I COULD imagine him being attacked by a bunch of obsessed fangirls. I stifled a giggle.

"Fang has the biggest population of fangirls," the Veb girl told me matter-of-factly.

"Why?" Fang asked, confused.

"Tall, dark, and handsome. Fangirl's dream," she explained. Fang scratched his chin.

"Most girls would deny it though," the Veb girl told me.

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"They're afraid you would kill them," she explained. I looked at her like 'What?'.

"Most fangirls are Fax fangirls," she said, "That's why Fax leads." I nodded.

"Book 3 got so man fangirls hyped up," the Veb girl smiled.

"You should have seen the forum posts on Chapter 19!" she grinned ear-to-ear.

"Chapter…19?" I was confused.

"Wish I could tell you what happened in that chapter. But I can't. I'd prefer for Fang NOT to kill me," she told me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"It was a chapter when he was alone. It was about his, um, personal thoughts," she explained. Fang stared in horror at the Veb girl.

"Is everyone superficial about their pairing?" I asked. Veb shook her head.

"Only Fassa and Sax. Pretty much everyone else is a Fax supporter. Another reason Fax leads," Veb told me. I nodded. Were we that popular?

"So, you can't tell me what happened in 19, but how about 18?" I interrogated.

"17's better. It made the Fax girls squeal," Veb smiled at me.

"What happened then?" I asked. She winked.

"Kissy kissy," she teased. Fang and I stood silently. We glanced at each other and quickly looked back at Veb. The leader and Mari seemed to be winding down. I strode to the front, my flock right behind me.

"Hate to leave, but we've got world saving business to do," I told the group. They all nodded sadly. Fang looked over the group.

"So how many of you are Fax supporters?" he asked bluntly. Everyone's hands shot in the air except Mari, Fassa, and Sax. Slowly, Mari raised her hand.

"Okay then," Fang said. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.

"What the-," I said, but before I could finish. Fang dipped me and kissed me long and hard. The eight girls were squealing annoyingly.

"That should keep them busy," Fang smiled at me. I jumped out of his arms and out of that shed. I jumped into the air, the flock not too far behind. Damn it. Worst thing is…

He did it for the fangirls.