Love Binds All
Written By:
SASTMJ and iNN0c3NtxBystANd3r

We own nothing. If we did, we wouldn't be messing around with them like we always do. : D
They all belong to sugar-coated Disney. Except for our characters! Lila and Saphira

" binds all..." Isn't that what Calypso said to them? Well, in the Caribbeans,
love can be tested, be made stronger, and sometimes even broken. Welcome to the Caribbeans, love.
Tag Team.

Sequel to I Love Those Moments
(you don't have to have read ILTM, but you may just not get some jokes or remarks about it. or some flashbacks.
but you'll get the main story)

Chapter One

Two Months Ago
Neptune's Palace
-The Queen's Inauguration Ceremony-

"Do you promise to rule this nation in respect and honor of your people and of your father who now steps down for a new ruler?"

A question that simply only had one answer. Yes or no. How hard could it possibly be to open your mouth and say yes or no? And even to the young princess, that was standing before the man behind the podium, wearing his powdered wig proudly on his head (something that her father thankfully never did), who had fought the likes of the entire Royal Navy, and had seen more death and more horrific things than the scene that was playing out in front of her now, she could not utter a word.

Someone cleared their throat behind her. Whether it be her father or her fiancee, she wasn't for sure. It was a simple answer to a hard question that would set the course for the rest of her life. Her heart was pounding, as she was surprised that it hadn't stopped since her corset was so bloody tight. She started fiddling with her elegant white gloves that graced her sword wielding hands as the man finished his question, " you take this responsibility and promise to serve your people faithfully? Speak now, and say I do."

Okay. So it wasn't yes or no. That still shouldn't have made it any harder. Lila Parrish soon-to-be Turner closed her eyes, and took a deep breath as she said, "I do." The room remained quiet as it had been instructed to do until the ceremony had been completed. "And do you, William Turner, promise to rule beside your future wife as prince of this nation in honor and respect to your nation?"

Lila couldn't breath, and at the moment, she knew that it wasn't because of the corset. Will seemed to not have as much difficulty as Lila had had talking. He flashed a smile over at Lila, before looking up at the man and saying, "I do." Lila smiled to herself, because it reminded her of what he would be saying again to her in just two months during the royal wedding. She must have been just standing there smiling, because this time Will quietly cleared his throat. She quickly glanced back up to see that the man was motioning for her to sit on the throne.

Will took her arm as she pulled her gown up slightly so that she wouldn't trip over it, and allowed Will to lead her to the throne. Once she was there, she waited patiently for two of her father's men to bring the crown over to the man. He smiled at the princess as he walked over and gently placed the crown on top of Lila's head. Turning to the audience that filled the large hall, he said, "It is my great pleasure to be the first to introduce you to Queen Lila Parrish." The room burst into applause as they welcome their new queen. Lila was just happy that she got to change her gown in a moment for the ball...

She met Will out on the middle of the ball room floor. He never looked as handsome as he did then, though she knew that when they were married in two months she would be saying that he looked more handsome then. But he did look very handsome all dressed up in his royal attire, his hair pulled back showing his gorgeous face. Though she had to say that she much preferred him as a pirate.

Of course he though she looked gorgeous. He always thought she did. And, like Lila, he prefered her as a pirate. But she did look beautiful. She was in a simplier gown than she had been wearing before, and she had exchanged her large crown for a smaller tiara. He grinned when she took his arm and led her to floor as he said, "Your Majesty."

"I should be saying the same to you." She said with a smile as his hand slipped around her waist and he glided her across the floor.

Present Day
The Palace
- Three Days Until The Wedding-

She emerged in the dining hall early that morning to see her fiancee and her father engaged in some sort of conversation. She lazily pushed a curl out of her face, and quietly made her way down the stairs, not wishing to disturb them. She smiled at one of her servants as she made it to the last step and watched them still talking, not paying any attention to her at all. Or simply not knowing she was there.

"...then it's agreed." Neptune said with a sigh of relief as Will nodded and looked back down at the papers that Neptune was holding. Ah, it must have been some sort of wedding plans. She smiled to herself. Will and her father were planning more for this wedding than she was. She sighed to herself as she sat down at the end of the long table and pulled an apple out of the basket. She watched as her servants began scrambling about finishing preparations for the wedding and the party. Lila glanced back up at Will and managed to catch his gaze. When she did, he sent her a smile that made her heart seem to stop. She looked down to hide her blush, but acted as if she was completely interested in the apple before her.

"How are you this morning, Lilabelle?" After seeing her mother after Jack nearly died a few months ago, her father had began calling her her old nickname that her mother used to call her when she was young. It made Lila happy that her father was able to actually accept her mother's death after all these years. Lila took a bite out of the apple, forgetting that her father said it wasn't 'lady-like' then smiled and said, "I'm fine, Daddy."

Her father beamed and said, "And the baby?" Lila smiled at that. Her father was absolutley thrilled when Will and Lila told him about the baby. And when Calypso was able to use her powers to tell that it was a girl, he was even more happy. That was because Will and Lila had decided to name her Anne-Alena. Her first name being Lila's mother, and her middle name being Will's. Lila beamed up at her father again and said, "She's fine as well."

"Good." He kissed the top of her head and said, "And in a few days we can come out to the kingdom." Lila rolled her green eyes at that. Her father forced them to keep quite about her pregnancy because he didn't want people to know that the baby was out of wedlock. Even though it actually was. And Lila continually told him that people were going to notice when the baby was born two months before it should have been, but her father refused and said it looked better this way. She just smiled and waited for her father to change the subject on that. He smiled once again, and said, "I'll be in the library, love. See you later on."

Once he was gone, Will came up behind her and kissed her. She smiled as she turned around so that he was now kissing her lips. She pulled back slightly, and said, "Well, good morning to you too, Mr. Turner." Will grinned down at her as he moved his hands to her waist and said, "It is..." She was about to pull him back down, when one of the servants came up and said, "Your Majesty-" Will was trying not to laugh. He and Lila got caught kissing just about in every room of the castle at least once a day.

"-I'm sorry to interrupt, but you've recieved a letter from a Miss Ming." The servant handed Lila the letter, causing Lila to blink in confusion at the name. She was trying to register it in her head, when it hit her, "Ah! Miss Ming, thank you, Nancy." Lila said, flashing a smile over at the woman. Nancy bowed, which Lila had been telling everyone for the last few minutes to stop doing, and exited the room.

Will tried to look over her shoulder when Lila tore open the enevelope, but Lila teasingly pushed him away, and said, "No no, William. Honestly, can't you read? It's addressed to Her Royal Highness, not His Royal Highness..." Will made a face, but stopped when he leaned down and kissed her again, "Fine."

She smiled and said, "But you can walk with me to the courtyard. I need to get out of here." He laughed and linked his arm with hers, and exited the castle:

Dear Queen Lala,

Sorry, darling. Couldn't resist it. How are you? I bet you're fine. You and Will make such a smartcouple, you know.
And stop asking so many questions about Jackie and me.
You know that I probably won't answer them all. But to answer your last question,
Yes. I do plan on talking to him about those "Tortuga Ladies" of his. Don't you worry about that.
We're sailing back to the Caribbeans. We've been in Spain for goodness knows why for so long
but since your wedding is in a few days, we decided to leave early.
I'll answer another one of your many questions.
Yes, I do love him.
Happy now, Lila? I admitted to being in love with Captain Jack Sparrow.
They've been saying that my father's looking for me. I wouldn't put anything past that man.
Coming from a family that was looked to almost be royalty back in London and then admitting to
being in love with a pirate? Well, I guess you would know how that is, wouldn't you, darling?
Well, I suppose I will be seeing you in a few days, then!
Oh, I almost forgot! Have you and Will finally settled on a name for the baby?
I'll just ask you then.
Jackie of course sends his love. Only of course he didn't say it quite like that, but you know he loves you.
And Grant does as well.

I'll be seeing you on the 13th, then, Lala!
All my love,

Lila smiled to herself as she folded the letter neatly back up, and slid it into the enevelope again. She looked up to see that Will was already down by the fountain that had been dedicated to Lila's mother after her death. Lila pulled a rose from the gardens, two actually, and laid one on the fountain. Then, she walked a little ways down, and laid one on another grave.

Here Lies Arabella Beckett
"...a hero to her friends, and now watching them from the sky..."

Lila smiled as she laid the rose down on the person that had done so much for her and Will. Bella had risked her life to protect them, and she ended up being killed for it. Lila kissed her hand, and pressed it on the gravestone, holding back her tears as she whispered to it softly, "I miss you, Bells. So, so much." Will walked up from behind her and rubbed her back soothingly as she stood up once more.

"Will, I feel awful sometimes, you know that." Lila whispered as she continued to follow the man that would be her husband in just three short days. Will smiled over at one of the gardeners, before turning back to his fiancee and saying, "Why, darling?"

"I mean, I guess I never asked you if you wanted all of this. You sacrificed a lot-"

"What, love? By marrying the queen that I love and becoming a prince?" Will kissed her forhead and said, "Love, it's all worth it. Besides, you know that Calypso's trying to work something out with my curse. I may only have to leave one week a month." That still sounded like such a long time to Lila. She knew that it was selfish of her to think like that, because Elizabeth had to wait ten years for only a day. But still though. What scared her the most is that that one week he's gone, that'll be the week she has the baby. He wasn't with Elizabeth when she had William, and Lila wanted Will to be there when she had Anne.

And they were still pirates. Whether or not they wanted Anne to face that one day, they knew she would have to. Especially considering their pasts. Will sat down on a bench, bringing Lila down with him. She smiled as she leaned against him, and rested her head against his chest. He kissed her head, and played with one of her curls as she was sent into her thoughts once again. But this time, it was to Saphie's letter...

They've been saying that my father's looking for me. I wouldn't put anything past that man.

Lila sighed. She had had a lot of experience with things like this, and from reading that sentence, she already knew nothing good could come from Saphira Dawson's father...whoever he was.

So, the next chapter will be done by iNN0c3NtxBystANd3r!
Review, loves!
!Hugs, kisses and Sexy Pirates!
- Captain Autumn