Peyton was now 5 months pregnant. Lily was now in kindergarten and was in the same class as James. Their teacher was Mrs. Tanner. They went for 8:30-12:00.

"Kids, today for drawing your going to draw your family." Mrs. Tanner said as she passed out the paper and crayons. All the kids talked as they drew. After half an hour they went out for recess. Lily and James immediately ran to the basketball net. James brought his basketball everyday. It was no surprise that James not only loved basketball but was very good at it. Lily was surprisingly good too. By the time recess was over they had both made ten shots.

"Take your pictures and sit in a circle." Mrs. Tanner said. Once the kids were all sitting she spoke again.

"We're going to take turns telling each other about our pictures." Mrs. Tanner said. Five kids went up before Lily had her turn.

"This is a picture of my family. Me, my big brother Lucas and my aunt Peyton are beside me. Aunt Peyton's stomach is big because she's having two babies." Lily said.

"Where are your parents?" A kid asked.

"They don't live with me. I didn't know them." Lily said.

"If they don't live with you and you don't know them then they don't love you." Another kid named Kevin said. Kevin was the class bully. Most of the kids except for James and a few girls started laughing. Lily ran to her cubby and hid. James followed her.

"Lily, ignore Kevin." James said.

"He's right. My mommy and daddy don't love me. If they did then they wouldn't have left me." Lily said as she started to cry. Mrs. Tanner came and tried to calm her down but all Lily wanted to do was hide in her cubby. After trying to calm her down and come out for fifteen minutes Mrs. Tanner went to the office and called home.


Lucas had taken the day off today because Peyton had a really bad morning sickness this morning and didn't want Lucas to leave her. He was Peyton some tea when the phone rang.

"Hello." Lucas answered.

"Mr. Scott. It's Mrs. Tanner from Tree Hill Elementary. I need you to come pick up Lily." Mrs. Tanner said.

"Is she ok?" Lucas asked. Lily had never been in trouble at school.

"She's fine. She's just very upset. I had the kids draw a picture of their family and then they showed them to the class. When it was Lily's turn she told them that she drew her, you and your wife. One of the kids asked her why she didn't include her parents and she said they don't live with her. Another kid then said that if she doesn't live with her parents and she doesn't know them then they don't love her. I've tried to calm her down but I can't. All she wants to do is hide in her cubby. Her cousin James is trying to get her to come out now. " Mrs. Tanner said.

"I'm on my way." Lucas said as he hung up.

"Peyt, I have to go get Lily. When we get home the three of us are going to have to have the talk." Lucas said.

"Lucas, she's five. She's too young for the sex talk." Peyton said.

"Not that one. We're not going to be having that one until she's thirty. I mean the mom and Keith talk." Lucas said.

"I'll see if I can find the stuff." Peyton said as Lucas left.


Lucas went into the office and was greeted by the principal. They went to Lily and James's classroom. James now sitting on a chair talking to Lily who looked like she was still in her cubby. The principal left.

"Uncle Luke!" James said.

"Hey buddy. Why don't you go and get Mrs. Tanner while I try to get Lily to come out." Lucas suggested. James got up and ran to get the teacher.

Lucas looked into her cubby and saw that she was crying.

"Hi baby girl. You're not having a good day are you?" Lucas asked. Lily immediately went into his arms. He picked her up. Mrs. Tanner came in.

"Mr. Scott, thanks for coming." Mrs. Tanner said.

"It's not a problem. I was off today anyway." Lucas said as James came in dragging Kevin by the shirt.

"Here he is Uncle Luke. This is the kid that upset Lily." James said as he pushed Kevin inside the room. Lucas had to fight back a smile. James looked just like Nathan did when he was angry.

"I didn't do anything." Kevin said. Lucas had to tighten his grip on Lily because she was trying to get down and go after him.

"Yes you did! You said that my mommy and daddy don't love me!" Lily screamed.

"They don't! She said that she doesn't even know them. My dad said that if you don't know your parents they don't love you because they didn't want you." Kevin said.

"That's enough. Kevin, go back into the room and wait for me. I will talk to you once I'm done here. Your parents will be notified." Mrs. Tanner said. Kevin went back inside. Lucas looked and saw Lily was crying again.

"James, go get her stuff and get your stuff as well. I'll take you home too." Lucas said as he put Lily down. James went to get their stuff.

"I'm so sorry that this happened. Kevin is always causing trouble. I've tried talking to his parents but it doesn't help. This isn't the first time he's upset someone. This is the first time it was this bad though." Mrs. Tanner said.

"Is it possible to have her switched to the afternoon class instead then?" Lucas asked.

"I'll talk to the principal. She is a very sweet child. I've never had a problem with her. Your brother and sister-in-law may want to move James too because they're always together. They look out for each other. " Mrs. Tanner said.

Nathan and Haley's

Lily fell asleep on the way to Nathan and Haley's. Haley came out of the house when Lucas drove into the driveway. James ran up to her.

"What are you doing home early buddy?" Haley asked.

"Kevin was mean to Lily. He told her that her parents don't love her because they don't live with her. Uncle Lucas had to come get her because she wouldn't get out of her cubby. I wanted to hit him because he hurt her but I didn't because you and daddy told me that it's not nice." James said.

"Good boy James. I'm proud of you for not hitting him. Why don't you and Lily go inside and you can show her your new basketball stuff you dad sent you while Uncle Luke and I talk." Haley suggested.

"Actually Lily's asleep in the car. We do need to talk later so I'll call you later once Lily's calmed down. She's still very upset. She hid in her cubby. That's why I had to go get her. I brought James home because their was only an hour left and I was afraid that he would go after the kid. I swear he looked just like Nathan when he dragged the kid into the cubby room to show me." Lucas said.

"I understand. I hope everything goes ok." Haley said as Lucas got into the car and left. Lily woke up on the way home. Lucas parked the car and carried her inside. Peyton was waiting for them.

"Hi baby. You're not happy are you?" Peyton asked. She could tell Lily had been crying.

"Come on baby girl. We're going to go and lay in our bed and talk." Lucas said as the three of them went upstairs.