TITLE: The Truth About Roswell


TIMELINE: after Window Of Opportunity

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc of the TV show Stargate: SG-1 are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this fic. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: the truth about the Roswell crash comes out.


"So, Thor, buddy, I gotta ask. What happened in '47 in Roswell? How come one of your ships fell down from the sky like a ripe apple?"

Thor's huge black eyes narrowed and he launched into his language.

Jack's eyes started to glaze over when he raised his hand. "Ack! Stop! I'm not a nosy human, I'd just like to know. Nobody in the USAF nor the MJ12 has managed to find out."

"You speak Asgard, O'Neill?"

"Of course." Jack smirked. "And Goa'uld and Ancient."


"When you go through the same 10 hours more than 200 times you tend to pick something up. Or go crazy. I haven't decided how I ended up, though."

Admiration shone in Thor's black eyes. Either that or he really had to go to the bathroom, you can't tell with those eyes. "You truly are a great warrior, O'Neill."

"Yeasureyoubetcha! Now about the crash..."

"It was our fault." Thor said sadly, true remorse and grief in his voice. "We had had him enlisted in support groups, we took him to counseling, we even had a couple of interventions. But it was of no use."

"Come again."

"Sven, the pilot, had had too much beer, he had an alcohol problem stemming from all those wild parties with the Vikings, and took a right turn instead of a left turn at Mars."

"So... the cause of the crash was..."

"Drunk driving, O'Neill."

MORAL of the story: never drink and drive.