Summary-Seifer Almasy is a cadet in Balamb Garden struggling to become a SeeD. Between his conflicting feelings for his rival Squall Leonhart and the emergence of his GF Phoenix an entire saga is changed, the Sorceress Power finds a new host and the lines between dimensions will become blurred. The Phoenix is no ordinary GF though and the red haired fire elemental soon makes his presence known, referring to himself as Axel. Balamb Garden won't know what's hit it.

World On Fire

Part One

Birth of the Phoenix

Ienzo Talos sat on the warm sand and let the ocean waves wash his bare feet. This was one thing about Destiny Island he liked above everything else. His fondness for the tranquil beach could be attributed to two things.

When he got his heart back thanks to the three Aeons he took back his given name and sought a home on Destiny Island. The beach was a place where he could come and think about things and where to take his new life. The second reason of course was because of his Guardian Force, the Siren.

Ienzo felt a small smile form on his lips as he listened to the soothing song that was reverberating throughout his body. Siren always did this whenever Ienzo felt alone or if he started thinking too hard. Glancing to his right he caught sight of Tidus and Wakka playing Blitzball with Selphie. Those three were inseparable, just like Sora, Riku and Kairi. Ienzo sighed as he thought about how the others were coping in the aftermath of the damage Sokar had wrought only one month ago.

Vincent and Seifer went back to Radiant Garden with Leon and Cloud. They took Reno with them and Ienzo couldn't help but feel for the man. He didn't speak a word for a week after Myde was killed and Roxas hadn't smiled once since Axel died. Misery seemed to be a constant with them nowadays but there was nothing anyone could do but let them grieve. The slate haired man scowled when water splashed over his side while Zell yelled an apology.

The hyperactive blond had decided to stay with Sora and the others on the island and that left just one other person. Baralai was still coping with the images and feelings Sokar had left within him. The route to his home world was still closed off, leaving him stranded.

The sadness and pain were a constant emotion within his dark eyes and he rarely spoke. He still practiced White Magic and he occasionally when to help with the Restoration Committee. It was all he could do to prevent the sadness from consuming him completely.

"Why so sad Zexy?" that beautiful voice asked gently.

"I don't go by that name you know." Ienzo smiled. He felt the presence of the Siren to his left but he kept his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"But you're my Zexy! What else can I call you anyway?" Ienzo could practically see the pout.

"And you're still Demyx." He sighed.

"That's right but I live in your head...just not right now." The blond giggled.

Ienzo turned to observe the summoned Guardian Force and as always he was stunned by the creature Demyx had become. Instead of legs he had a long aquamarine tail with golden fins. His fingers were webbed and his hair framed his face. Sea shells of varying colours decorated his golden hair and his skin was glowing. He no longer needed his sitar to command the water. His very presence affected the ocean waves and when he sang there wasn't a single soul who could resist.

"It's punishment you know" Ienzo stated firmly. "When they turned you into a Guardian Force."

"I was gonna kill the world Zexy." Demyx sighed.

"Myde was going to kill the world." Ienzo corrected. His visible violet eye flashed. "You don't deserve to be punished for it."

"Come on Zexy, think happy thought." Demyx smiled brightly. "Everything will be fine one day, you'll see."

"I hope you're right." lavender hair spilled across his face as Ienzo lowered his head. He heard Demyx sigh before the Guardian Force transformed into mist and returned to Ienzo's mind where he belonged.

When he opened his eyes bright light tore across his line of sight and he brought up a hand to block out the offending harsh glare. He wasn't outside anymore so that meant he was back in the Garden or at least he hoped so. Groaning he tried to lift his head but it felt as if a fucking T-Rexaur was sitting on him.

His body felt too hot to be healthy, it felt as if he was burning from the inside out. It was a bizarre feeling because although he could feel the heat he didn't feel uncomfortable with it. In fact it felt nice and safe. When he attempted to sit up he felt someone push him back down again and he gritted his teeth against the pain.

"It just had to be you Almasy." He groaned when the voice of Quistis Trepe invaded his fuzzy mind.

"So he's finally awake." Doctor Kadowaki spoke up.

"How is he anyway?" Quistis asked.

"Aside from that scar he's perfectly fine although he does possess a temperature." Kadowaki informed the Instructor.

"And Squall is fine?" Quistis questioned. Seifer scowled when he heard the blatant concern in her voice for his icy rival.

"He has a scar too but aside from that he's perfectly fine. I want to keep Seifer here, just for observation." Kadowaki said.

"Sure. Be good Seifer." Quistis flashed him a smile before leaving the room.

"Where's Fujin and Raijin?" Seifer stretched his arms over his head.

"I had to send them away when they threatened to castrate Squall." Kadowaki frowned when Seifer flashed his trademark smirk.

"Why do you do this Seifer?" Kadowaki sighed heavily.

"What are you on about?" the blond growled as he sat up. His skin felt hot and his stomach felt a little funny.

"That duel between yourself and Squall?" the doctor stated.

"Oh that..." Seifer waved her off.

"Squall had to drag you back here especially after that fireball appeared." Kadowaki shone a light into Seifer's jade eyes.

"What are you talking about?" the blond felt a headache coming on.

"Squall told me about a fireball attacking you after it fell from the sky. What do you remember?" she asked sternly.

The blond Gunblade wielder frowned as he thought back to the duel between himself and Squall Leonhart, the resident Ice Princess. The two had travelled out from the Garden until they reached a small rocky outcrop in the middle of nowhere and proceeded to have a duel.

Seifer recalled using a Fire spell on his opponent and then using his blade to slice Squall across his face. Seifer winced as he recalled the feeling of Squall's blade cutting into his own flesh and then something strange happened. As they lay there on the ground, bleeding and exhausted, a ball of bright fire fell from the sky and stopped directly in front of Seifer.

The fireball had hovered there for a few moments but when Squall approached it the fire withdrew as if repulsed by his touch. Before Seifer could react the fire flew towards him and them only darkness remained.

The blond groaned as he told Kadowaki what he remembered then he asked to be left alone for a while. Kadowaki nodded stiffly before leaving Seifer alone with his thoughts and aching head. He supposed he should thank Squall for getting him to the infirmary but his pride wouldn't allow it. Besides Leonhart would just brush him off with his infamous 'whatever' phrase.

Sighing the tall blond fell back onto the bed and flung an arm over his face to cover his jade green eyes from the light. Since he was here he might as well get some sleep before the SeeD exam coming up tomorrow.

He silently hoped that Leonhart would be in the group with him just so he could prove to the Ice Princess that he could become a good a SeeD as anyone else in the Garden. But then again knowing his luck, Seifer would probably end up with that Chicken-Wuss. Groaning the blond Gunblade wielder fell asleep.

He was falling, falling, into nothingness as his flesh burned with an unholy hell fire and the screams of countless souls assaulted his ears. He couldn't block them out no matter how hard he tried and he just kept on falling.

Images of his beautiful blond with the fiery temper came to find and he managed to smile even a little. He remembered the fondness for the small brunet boy with the bright innocent eyes and the lethal Keyblade he used so expertly. He saw how the Dark Arts destroyed the once bright and bubbly musician he considered to be his friend.

All these images mixed together to create a tundra of emotions and thoughts as he continued to fall into the vast nothingness that was his death. He should've known that he wouldn't be granted peace in the afterlife.

After all he was still a Nobody and no heart means no admittance. It was unfair. He was the one who jumped into the Gateway to shut it down and save his Somebody. Didn't he deserve peace for that? The Universe had a sick sense of justice as far as he was concerned.

As he fell something spoke to him, a voice co clear and soft but powerful and wise. He knew he had to listen so he gritted his teeth against the pain and listened as the voice offered him a way out of this endless hell.

He couldn't return to his own world but he was falling into another one as they spoke. To survive in this new world he would have to become a Guardian Force to a human. He contemplated this offer and then considered the alternative. He didn't have anything else to lose. He took the offer and that voice laughed as blinding light and fire consumed him.

"You are no longer Axel." The voice said. "You are the Phoenix."

"What do I have to do?" he asked.

"Find a host to Junction with as soon as possible." The voice replied. "You'll know when you find the most suitable host."

As he fell through a dark sky his eyes opened and he could see two figures fighting below. They both slashed each other with their swords then fell to the ground. Looking between them he sensed the presence of another within the dark haired one and he felt cold just looking at him.

He felt a smile touch his lips as he examined the other figure. There was something about this man, something Axel liked. It was beyond strange to look at two men he knew from his own world but he needed to find a host and fast. Without wasting another second he flew towards the blond and Junctioned with him.

Seifer jolted upright in the bed he had fallen asleep on as he took deep breaths and willed his hands to stop shaking. What the fuck was that? He had watched their fight from the eyes of another, something that had fallen from the sky and went towards him.

It was hazy at best but Seifer recalled the name Axel and the words Guardian Force and Phoenix. He felt a surge of warmth when he mentally called the name Axel but instead of feeling warm he felt scared. Did that fireball fry his brain that badly?

"AWAKE." Seifer glanced up to see Fujin and Raijin standing by his bedside.

"We were worried about you, ya know?" Raijin stated.

"LEONHART." Fujin pointed towards the bandage covering Seifer's scar. "SUFFER."

"It's cool guys. Besides I gave him my own parting memento." Seifer smirked. "Where is the Ice Princess anyway?"

"He left the Garden with Quistis, ya know?" Raijin answered.

"Too bad. I wanted a rematch." Seifer got off the bed. "I'm starving. Let's go guys." The two followed him without protest.

"So when are you gonna kick Leonhart's ass, ya know?" Raijin inquired.

"ASSHOLE." Fujin snarled referring to Squall.

"I'll just bide my time until I get him to myself. Then I'll finish what I started." He turned and smirked at his posse then pointed a finger to his temple. "Got it memorized?"

As he continued walking on towards the cafeteria Seifer couldn't help but wonder where he heard that certain phrase before. It had just rolled off his tongue, as if he had said it a thousand times before. It just felt right saying it.

Shrugging the tall blond walked onwards while that strange warmth continued to spread within him.