I finally began to regain consciousness; I had no idea as to how long I had been asleep. All I could see was red through my eyelids, a dead give away that the sun was up, and it was the next day. The blood pulsed through my head, and I could feel it sloshing around in my temples and behind my eyes… I had one massive headache.

I groaned and stretched, my shoulders popping and back arching. It was only then that I felt the heavy weight on my abdomen; I looked down and nearly jumped off the bed at the sight! There, in all his beautiful glory was Keigo, still sound asleep. My mind reeled, attempting to fight through to my memories of last night, and I could literally feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I blushed deeply. The grogginess of the morning had left me having almost forgotten the happenings of the night before! I couldn't believe it really happened.

"The eagle stole my cupcake!" Keigo's voice made me flinch as I hadn't expected him to speak, even if it was in reaction to a dream, I was thankful he was still asleep. I stroked his hair, that long chocolate-brown hair. He cooed in his sleep and nuzzled against my stomach, and I couldn't stop the grin that broke out on my face. In the light of the room I could clearly see Keigo's body… all of it… as well as all of mine.

His body was the kind of body a lot of men would have to strive to have, but most born with it would hate it as well. He wasn't muscular; in fact I couldn't even imagine him being such. He was slender, feminine, but with slightly broad shoulders and lean hips that automatically drew your eyes to his groin. He, much like myself, was virtually hairless. His legs had a female smoothness to them that I seemed to prefer. I on the other hand did have hair on my legs, but not all that much. Also like myself, he shaved his nether region, and apparently very recently as I remembered it being extremely smooth and I reached down to touch right above the base of his manhood. I couldn't reach though without disturbing Keigo, and I guess that's probably for the best, he'd end up waking up I'm sure.

Then it hit me like a fucking ton of bricks.

"Damnit." I whispered audibly. What the hell is going to happen when Keigo wakes up? I felt my forehead crease and begin to dampen with sweat. What if he wakes up and is furious with me? Says I took advantage of him? Or what if he just pretends things never happened and everything goes back to normal, or even worse, what if things get really awkward between us? Oh God, everyone always says that they won't get weird but they always do! Looking at his beautiful sleeping face, I wasn't even sure what I wanted from him. I mean… did I honestly expect a relationship to develop out of what had happened last night?

All of my questions I guess would be answered soon, as Keigo's eyes shot open and he groaned loudly.

"God damnit Ichigo! Why the hell is it so bright in here?" Keigo immediately stood up and closed the blinds over the windows, as well as the deep golden-yellow curtains that accented those jade walls so nicely. I wasn't sure if Keigo noticed or not, but he was still stark naked. I couldn't help but watch him as he walked over to each of the windows. His ass… I mean sure I've never really seen a man's ass before Keigo's, but it seemed pretty impeccable to me.

It was hard for me to contain myself, after what happened last night, watching that body prance in front of me, almost teasing, that ass I had my fingers deep in last night just begging for me again. I felt my face flush, all the blood rushing to my cheeks and plummeting southward. Ugh! I groaned inwardly at the fact that a simple glance at this guy's ass had me breathing heavy and getting half-hard. When the blinds and curtains were all closed, Keigo turned back toward me.

I gasped audibly at the sight, the way he stood there so confident of his body, so damn egotistical almost. I searched his eyes for the self-consciousness I assumed I'd find there, but his eyes were staring hungrily at something else. I realized with another gasp, that he was getting hard, as was I. What he had been staring at was my member.

He slowly walked toward me, his mouth opened, but shut tightly as if he were about to say something but then thought better of it. He walked up to me; I was still half-laying on his bed and immediately sat up, my face just slightly higher then his growing erection. His mouth opened again, I could tell in his eyes that he was searching for the right words.

"I remember everything that happened last night" was Keigo's 'choice' words.

"So do I" my well thought-out response, my face reddened with stupidity, I had never felt this awkward in front of someone I knew this well. I remember what Mizuiro had said one day, probably one of the biggest reasons that I took a second look at Keigo in the first place. Mizuiro and I had somehow gotten onto the topic of Keigo, and he had said "he looks like a clown, but really he is a genius." And it really was true. Keigo put up that façade because he really didn't care about school, what teenager truly did? Keigo had decent grades and all, and with a bit more maturity he would see the benefit of working harder, and would blow by everyone with the intellect he hid right beneath the surface.

I could see that his eyes were searching mine, gauging my response to his bodies' reaction and mine as well. I'm sure he could tell that I was thinking too much, and he sat in my lap, straddling me.

"Uhm… g-good morning to you too, Keigo." It was all I could say in such an awkward moment, I knew my eyebrows must have been raised up to my hairline with surprise, judging by how Keigo's face broke out into a grin that crinkled the corners of his eyes in a childish manner. It was an amazing contrast to the man's body that was pressed up against mine.

"Sorry that I'm so damn straight forward sometimes." Keigo grinned.

"S'alright, I suppose I don't mind." Hell I didn't mind at all, Keigo could do anything he wanted to me; I was blown away by how the happenings of last night didn't seem to phase him at all. If I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised then I am now (1).

Keigo leaned in and kissed me, our tongues not even fighting for dominance, I could tell Keigo had no problem in assuming my position as being the dominant one, and I certainly didn't mind either… despite my awkwardness and uncertainty. I lay back on the bed, our mouths still connected. Keigo fell with me, gently lying on top of me, his palms grasping my face and neck gently to deepen the lazy kiss. I could feel things already heating up; the experience of last night already so fresh and new that we couldn't really be expected to contain ourselves, could we? I mean, we were teenagers… and teenagers are horny and all. Keigo moaned loudly into the kiss as I felt him grow to full hardness, he started squirming in my lap, grinding roughly against me, and I was fully erect now too. To think that for the second time already I was in this bed, with this boy, doing sinful things.

He ground his rock hard erection against my own, our mouths still connected. We both breathed heavily through our noses, my fingers grasping onto his back, my short nails digging into his skin.

"God damnit Ichigo!" Keigo broke the kiss apart to curse under his breath. "Why do you do this to me?"

"Are you fucking kidding me man? You do THIS to me, I haven't done anything! I've been waiting months for this. Fucking Christ man." His obvious liking for me in this way made my head swim with vertigo dizziness, too good, all too good to be true. I couldn't believe he had longed for me this whole time as well… couldn't even begin to explain my elated feelings, and I mean literally… I couldn't. All the blood in my body was southward, leaving my brain virtually unable to function.

I was so aroused right now, it was completely unbearable, I started having flashes of images in my head, and my eyes screwed shut. They were images of Keigo riding my dick, grinding up and down along my shaft. My eyes flew open.

"Holy shit" I whispered. Keigo mumbled around my throat,


"I'm just… this is just… I can hardly contain myself." I said blushing. Keigo wrapped his hand around my cock and started jerking me roughly.

"Oh shit!" my eyes glued shut, I started cursing loudly, and in mid sentence Keigo stopped and threw his hands over my mouth.

"Ichigo sshhhh! We aren't alone anymore! My parents are home and my sister is in the other room!" Keigo's face was filled with worry and I reached my hand up and pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him senseless.

"Keigo, I don't think I can be quiet!" he stood up then, and I whimpered in frustration.

"Don't worry Ichi… I have something that can help" he grinned maliciously. The long haired beauty walked to the other side of his room, and he bent over at his dresser, digging through the bottom drawer. The view of his ass made my cock twitch and I moaned.

"Keigo, please!" I whispered loudly.

"Hold on," he replied hastily, finally finding what he was looking for. "Ah-hah!" He walked back over, his hands behind his back. "Close your eyes Ichigo…"

"What for?" I closed my eyes anyway, almost fearing what was behind his back. I felt him bite my neck, and my mouth opened in a silent moan, and that was when he shoved something huge and rubbery in my mouth making me gag. My eyes shot open, and I could see Keigo's face, he was straddling my shoulders and so I had to look up his entire body to see that face I've grown so fond of. His hands moved behind my head, latching something in place. I realized then that I had been gagged… and for some reason this made me really turned on.

I grabbed Keigo's hips, trying to force him to go back to what he was doing, but he just looked at me.

"Something doesn't look right." Was all he simply said before he jumped back over to his dresser, and pulled out what looked like a rope. Oh… shit. Keigo ran over and tied me up; I couldn't even make a verbal protest because the ball in my mouth kept me from making any other noise besides unintelligible grunts. He tied my wrists to the headboard of his bed, the rope cutting into my skin a little but not cutting off the circulation. Do I even have to say how hot this made me? I remember thinking earlier that Keigo liked me being dominant, but it seemed he didn't mind doing that as well.

"This is just for now," he said, face close to mine, eyes boring into me. "It's just 'cause my parents are home." With that his hand didn't waste any time and started jerking me off. I began thrashing with pleasure, my eyes couldn't even stay open.

"Mmm! Nggh! Mmm Mmm!!!" were the only sounds I could make, and even those were muffled.

Suddenly Keigo's weight shifted, and he was hovering over my cock, for serious I was afraid of what was going on in his mind. I didn't want the first time we had sex to be like this… if we ever had sex at all… or if any of this ever continued past this day. Keigo however spread his legs wide and rubbed my cock between his ass cheeks, jerking the base with his hands and keeping it in place. He prodded at his own entrance with my erection and moaned.

"Oooh GOD!" he nearly screamed and bit his hand to keep from awakening his family… which I had already gotten scolded for. The feel of my dick so close to being inside him made me so close to coming, I was afraid it would be too soon and that I'd be embarrassed of my early release. I started thinking about road kill, started thinking about gangrene, started thinking about cancer, all to keep from triggering.

Keigo started jerking himself off; it was honestly a frustrating thing to watch because I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to touch him so badly, wanted to bring him to release. I literally ripped out of one of the ropes around my right hand; Keigo's eyes went wide with shock. I forget that most people don't know how strong I really am…

I slapped his hand away; he was still rubbing against me, my eyes tearing up from the orgasm that was ready to rip through me. I grabbed his weeping cock and jerked him off as fast as I could, to get him to where I was. He started grinding on me uncontrollably, and had to sit behind my erection to keep his legs from going out from under him. He was bent over slightly, panting and sweating, his eyes locked onto mine.

"Ichi… I'm real close." He barely whispered. I could hear people opening their bedroom doors, and our eyes locked in horror. I nodded my head towards his bedroom door and cocked an eyebrow, attempting to ask through body language if his door was locked.

"I don't have a lock on my door…" shit… "Are you close?" He changed the subject, moaning almost too loud and he smothered his mouth with his own hand. I nodded my head quickly, footsteps sounding nearer every second, with every jerk. I was panicking… talk about something to delay your release.

Keigo was moaning and squirming on my legs, rubbing himself against me as we jerked each other off, and I was thrusting up into his hand eagerly. The bed was starting to make creaking noises as I tried to rush to the finish of everything. It all felt so damn good. I heard the footsteps even closer now, and mumbled voices. I was so scared his mother or worse, his father would open the door and see what their son was doing.

Keigo's mouth was open in a loud gasp, and he snapped it shut and just simply whined as I continued to jerk him off roughly. I could feel Keigo about to come.

"Ichigo!" Keigo whispered, still trying to muffle his voice with his hand. "I'm seriously about to come, ohh fuuck." His eyes screwed shut tightly, the sight of him bringing me to my release too.

"Ahh! Ahhhh!" Keigo was being too damn loud! He bit his lip groaning through his teeth as his free hand dug their dull nails into my shoulder. He came the same time I did, all I could do was give out a muffled moan and arch my back off of the bed, creaming all over Keigo's chest, and him all over mine as well. Someone was right outside his door, and I was afraid to move. Keigo quickly untied the gag and threw the covers over us. The voices right outside the door. And then there was a knock.

"Keigo!" his sister screeched. "What the hell is going on in there!?" He stared at me in horror, not knowing how to respond.

"Uh… nothing sis, I'm just trying to sleep okay?"

"What ever you fuckin' perv." She mumbled, walking away.

"Holy shit, that was close." Keigo breathed.

"Yeah it was…" was it wrong that I was horny again already? I grabbed Keigo by the hair and he shouted with shock but I smothered his outburst with my mouth.

"Fuck Ichigo, come on, I can't again. Ahh!" Keigo cried out as I wrapped my hand around his drooping cock, making it jump back to its full hardness. I leaned down swiftly and took the weeping cock in my mouth and sucked vigorously.

"Oh Gods! Ichi! Come on, n-no fair! I just came I can't d-do this again. Uuuhhhh!"

The next day I knew would be awkward. We had school and this would be the first time we saw each other while being around other people. I wasn't really sure how to act when I saw him, and I was afraid he wouldn't know how to act either. I reached our classroom and peaked in, so far no sign of Keigo. I heard a female's voice though, calling my name.

"Ichigooo!" It was Orihime, with Keigo beaming behind her. "Hey Ichigo! Good morning!" she squeezed me in a death-grip hug and pressed those enormous breasts against me. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Keigo as I returned the friendly gesture. He gave me a cheeky wink that somehow told me things were as we left them. I wasn't sure if that idea was a happy idea or a sad idea. Did that mean we were going back to being friends or staying as lovers? Were we lovers? Could we be more then that? I didn't want Keigo for just a quick fuck or whatever, I had to find out at some point soon.

"Come on Ichigo! It's time for class!" Orihime grabbed my hand and dragged me into the foreboding classroom, Keigo walked in behind me and we took our seats.

"Now class, today we're going to be working in pairs on mathematics. And I'm choosing the pairs!" the class groaned in resignation, and the teacher had an evil smirk spread across her face, knowing how much students in any setting hate being forced to work cooperatively together. "The pairs are as follows: Yasutora and Ishida, Inoue and Honshou (Chizuru), Kojima (Mizuiro) and Arisawa, and Kurosaki and Asano."

Fuuuck, was the only thing that crossed my mind. I mean, I don't mind having to work with Keigo, of course! But that's exactly my point, Ugh, I don't know how to exactly act nonchalant after I've had his dick in my mouth like… what? How many times? Twice? Yeah… He was coming over to switch his seat next to me, and dragged the desk towards mine so we'd be sitting directly next to each other. The desk made a HORRID screeching sound that sort of simulated the sound of a cat scraping on a chalk board, birds screeching, and a million babies crying.

"Oops, heh." Keigo chuckled under his breath. "Well partner, you reading to get these math problems done?"

"Keigo are you feeling okay?" I checked his forehead, "since when do you ever look excited to do schoolwork?" His face flushed from the contact of my hand, and my eyes widened in surprise. He grinned and I snatched my hand back.

"Hahaha." He laughed cheekily and let a full smile break out across his stupid… gorgeous face. Our teacher passed out the papers and I brought out the pencils and calculators we needed. I could see out of the corner of my eye Keigo's pretty face scrunching up in frustration from the difficulty of the problems. Which I thought was quite comical, until I looked at the paper.

"What the hell is this!?" I accidentally shouted out-loud.

"Ichigo if you have a problem you can discuss it with the Principle!" our teacher snapped, and of course the whole class laughed, and I could feel my face turning bright red.

"Um, no Miss, I don't have any problem." She was already ignoring me.

"Alright well I guess we should get started. Ugh, I really don't want to do this." Keigo grumbled.

"Well it's not like I'm at attention, ready to do this either, first thing in the morning…"

"I bet I could make you stand at attention." Keigo leered, leaning in close and breathing his hot breath on my neck.

"Keigo, s-stop messing around, this isn't funny."

"I'm not messing around." And that is when I felt his hand on my thigh. I internally shrieked and tried to remain calm and not draw attention to us. I wanted to push his hand away… but I have to admit I was morbidly curious as to what he planned to do. I suppose that was a really poor decision because his hand slowly made its way up my trousers. I snatched his hand and kept it in place

"Keigo seriously, this isn't funny."

"I'm not being funny." His sexy smirk spread across his face, and I looked at his eyes and they were glossed and heavy with lust. His hand broke free from mine and he grabbed me through my trousers.

"Mmmpph!" I moaned with my lips pressed together, and my hips jerked towards his hand of their own accord. I could already feel my cheeks turning pink, and I heard Keigo chuckle at my resignation. He slowly started rubbing me through my pants and I was immediately as hard as a rock.

"Come for me, Kurosaki." Keigo whispered in my ear. The sound of his voice, and him using my surname seemed like he was resigning to me, too, and I came immediately with a silent moan and my eyes squeezed shut. I couldn't believe what an affect he had on me! I had never come so quickly in my life, and the fact we were in a public setting, (in school no less!) made the whole thing even more exciting and arousing. Needless to say we both didn't do too well on our math paper. Luckily no one else did either. I really have no clue where any of this is going…

I'm really not sure if the little bastard plans to take things further, or to something more meaningful. I don't even know if I want to this to be anything more. I mean… how could I come out, saying I'm dating Keigo? Out of all people… Keigo. And of course no one would have guessed that I'm… gay. I'm not even gay though, just for Keigo. Fuck…