A/N: Hey guys...so this is the final chapter...thanks to all the people who read and review...I really enjoyed writing this and can't wait to write even more stories...so let me know what everyone thought...luv ya
Chapter 22- Labor Day

Gabriella slowly blinked her eyes open as the white hospital room around her came into view. She could hear someone cooing in the background and a lot of chattering from her friends who she could see scattered around the room. Rubbing her eyes she began to push herself upright pushing hard as she was used to the extra weight but it wasn't there. Looking down she noticed that her stomach was flat again.

"Woah take it easy there….you just had a baby" Sharpay said pushing Gabby back into a lying position.

"Huh?….I did?" She asked stupidly as if she had no idea what they were talking about.

"You don't remember?…..well they did have to put you under to do the cessarian" She replied repositioning the covers on Gabby's bed to make her more comfortable.

"Cessarian….why?" Gabby asked suddenly feeling her stomach and feeling a sharp pain as her hand landed on what must have been the incision stitches.

"Your hips weren't wide enough and the baby couldn't fit" Sharpay replied nonchalantly as her eyes lit up. "Hold on…..I know exactly what you need Mommy" She finished as she stood and walked over to where Troy was standing rocking back and forth. She whispered something in his ear and then motioned for everyone to follow her out of the room. Everyone got the hint and got up and left.

"Troy?" Gabby asked quietly to her fiancé whose back was still to her.

"Are you ready to meet your daughter soon to be Mrs. Bolton?" Troy asked as he turned to let Gabby see the little pink bundle that he was holding. Gasping she slowly nodded her head and reached her arms out. Troy slowly lowered the little bundle into her arms.

"Wow" Gabby said glancing down at the sleeping baby in her arms. "Do you think it's possible to love someone you just met so much?" She asked as Troy sat down on the bed beside her.

"Well that's how you got me" He grinned as he leaned in a placed a soft kiss on Gabby's lips. "Look she has your hair" Troy said pulling the blanket back so Gabby could see the baby's very dark and thick hair.

"She?…..Troy we really should think of a name you know" Gabby laughed as she put her finger into the baby's hand and felt her tighten her grip.

"I was thinking Annabelle….you know after your mom" Troy said remembering the many conversations about baby names that he and Gabby had had over the past months.

"What about a middle name?" Gabby asked as she nodded her head at the first name.

"What about Marie…..after her beautiful" Troy leaned in and placed a kiss on Gabby's lips. "And absolutely amazing mother" He finished whispering the last part against Gabby's lips as he leaned in again for another deeper kiss.

"MMMM….I like that name" Gabby replied as she pulled away from Troy's lips to look into his eyes. Feeling something stir in her arms she glanced down and saw that Anna had woken up and was opening her eyes. When she finally fully opened her eyes Gabby smiled that amazing smile and looked up at Troy.

"She has your eyes" She said looking back down at the amazing creature in her arms. "I hoped that she would" She finished not even glancing back up.

"Why is that?" Troy asked confusedly. "You have amazing eyes" He finished lifting her chin so he could look into them.

"Because….the first time I looked into your eyes is the moment that I fell in love with you" She said quietly as she noticed Anna drifting back off to sleep.

"Really?….cause I fell in love with you the first time I saw your ass in a pair of jeans" He laughed as Gabby smacked him in the back of the head. "I'm kidding" He said grabbing her arm to keep her from swatting him again. "No it was the first time I heard you sing….and then that smile" Troy said closing his eyes remembering the first time he laid eyes on the love of his life.

"Troy?" Gabby said snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Huh?….oh sorry…..you distract me even in my thoughts" He grinned placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Why don't you lay Anna down in her crib?" Gabby said handing Anna over carefully into Troy's arms.

"Hey guys" Sharpay said bursting through the door carrying a tray full of food. Seeing Gabby put her finger up to her lips she lowered her voice before she continued. "I brought you something to eat" She finished as she sat the tray down beside Gabby's bed.

"Thank you" Gabby whispered pulling the tray onto her lap and starting to eat.

"Did you give her a name yet?" Sharpay asked moving over to look down in to the crib at the baby.

"Annabelle Marie" Troy said pulling the blanket up over Anna so she didn't get cold.

"Awwww…..oh I almost forgot" Sharpay said suddenly. "Graduation gowns are in so I picked you guy's up for you….they're in my car" She finished excitedly clapping her hands together quietly.

"Graduation!!!! Oh god I hope I'm healed enough to walk by then" Gabby said rubbing her hand over her stomach.

"You will be…..and by any chance that you aren't…..i'll carry you across the stage" Troy said sitting down on the bed beside Gabby pulling her into a hug.

"I love you" Gabby whispered snuggling closer into Troy's chest.

"I love you too" He said breathing in her scent and then pulling back to see her smiling that amazing smile at him. "I kept my vow" He said quietly as he pushed stray hairs out of Gabby's face and tucked them behind her ear.

"What do you mean?" She asked looking up at him questioningly.

"I vowed to myself that by the end of the summer you would be smiling at me like that again…..and you did…..so I kept my vow" He said grinning to himself as he remembered that only a year ago Gabby and him weren't together and she hated him.

"It's funny how one summer can completely change your life" She whispered as she pulled Troy down into a kiss.