I've revised it, and I'm working on chapter 4 finally. I've gotten so many nice reviews, and thank you everyone. Chapter one and two haven't changed plot-wise, just sentences, but chapter 3 ends completely differently and must be read again to understand chapter 4 when I'm done with it. I'm gonna put this at the beginning of every chapter. Anyway, happy reading!

There's nothing that a vampire craves more than a companion; someone to love and cherish for eternity; to share the heart wrenching sorrow of being forever a slave to the human flesh beneath you, a constant reminder of the beating heart and delicate life so far from you. It was with this burden that Zexion had lived with more for more than 300 years. Wars pass, desecration, stagnation, enlightenment, and finally the Industrial Revolution arrived, a time when minds were freshly wrought with the idealism of the Renaissance but with the hunger for liberation from the decaying feudalism that plagued humanity for centuries. It was during this era of new and open minds that Zexion decided he would find his companion.

Demy was a lively spirit, happily playing his violin in the streets of southern France. His cheerful demeanor and obvious talent attracted much attention. It was this way that he was picked up in his teens by a sort of talent scout and traveled the country being showcased and admired. His sponsor was an apathetic but wealthy man named Xemnas. Xemnas has no true artistic ability besides investing, which is where he made his fortune. Although, he did have an eye for talent.

Among his finds he sported a rather gifted archer, Braig. Braig was a curious Spaniard with a drunken swagger and an eye patch. He lost his eye on the day he called "the epiphany to a sport I had never seen until it blinded me. And by then it was too late. I was hooked—or rather shot—with a bloody enthusiasm for sharp, fast objects." That day he changed his name to Xigbar.

Then there was Dulor, who said he took to his name began gambling when he was 6. After several run-ins with the beginnings of the Italian Mafia, where he had grown up, he was picked up by Xemnas, who saw his ability with cards and games as a way Dulor could make profit, simply by amusing common folk—instead of swindling his way into trouble. To hide himself from his past "mishaps" he added an 'x' to his name, thus his new identity was Luxord.

Ela was the son of a gypsy. He has been kidnapped at a young age and prized for his stunning red, spiky hair and his devilish charm. But when he was a teenager he took a liking to fire and burnt down his captor's house, killing the entire family. Ela was traumatized and burnt two tear-drops under his eyes and permanently inked them there. He also changed his name to Axel, the god of fire; because he saw his naive past self as the result of his heritage, and his feminine name was just a reminder.

Axel was one of Xemnas' major attractions. His gypsy heritage seemed to have gifted him with the ability to control fire. The problem was that he sustained frequent burns, and with both Demy's constant clumsiness and Xigbar's occasional 'habit' of shooting randomly at people that annoyed him, Xemnas found himself in need of a doctor. What he found was an elemental scientist who harbored a fascination for experimenting with a lethal combination of chemicals and nature: Even. Even created several unique 'substances' that, when coupled with Axel's fire and Xigbar's arrows, make for quite a show. And a delighted Demy would dance through the crowd, playing his violin and collecting tips.

One day, when Even was out shopping for some hard to find plants for his latest experiment, he ran into a flamboyant botanist who went by the flowery name Lumaria. Upon Even's request for the poisonous Belladonna, Lumaria was curious and asked Even to explain why he needed such an ingredient. So Even, taking a liking to the pink haired man's unabashed forwardness, took him back to the inn where Xemnas' strange traveling sideshow was currently residing. They were someone in France.

Demy immediately embraced one of his fellow Frenchmen and babbled on amiably while Even suggested that Lumaria's extensive knowledge of botany would aid both the morale of the company and bring more profit. With Lumaria's understanding of herbal attributes and Even's scientific applications, they soon began a traveling pharmacy. Lumaria also has a place in the entertaining, for he owned several rare plants. The biggest attraction was a giant Venus-fly trap from Africa that moved with the help of its owner's voice and Even's chemicals.

Because of Lumaria's need to gather herbs (some of them best harvested under full moon) they ran across Isa. This poor creature was attacked by some rabid wolf and was since then frequently found howling at unspeakable hours. Usually Demy would play his violin until he calmed down or else Even would tranquilize him. After Isa had recovered, he spoke with Xemnas and told him what had happened, thanking him for his help. Xemnas, however, was curiously drawn to this creature, so he decided to keep him. He didn't exactly contribute to the entertainment, besides sitting besides Xemnas like some strange pet. His hair was a strikingly unnatural blue, and he had an 'x' between his eyes. It was because of this 'x' that he changed his name to Saix.

The others were suspicious as to why Saix was with them, when, if anything, he only caused havoc during the full moon. Even, on the other hand, was fascinated by him and was constantly running tests. But while the scientist saw Saix as a welcome unsolved puzzle, the others were scared of him on some level. Xigbar once tried to shut up his nightly howling with an arrow and in return he received a gash across his face.

Indeed Saix did cause a lot of trouble. One night he decided to run about the town, naked, crashing into packed away street vendors, when they met Dilan. Or rather, Dilan tried to stick a spear through Saix and a battle ensued. The result was a tranquilized Saix and a restrained Dilan. After an explanation, Xemnas asked Dilan why he was carrying a spear as apposed to a sword or a gun. So Dilan showed Xemnas his ability to "juggle" 8 eight-foot spears at once.

However, it seemed that the stronger the new recruit, the more trouble came along. Eventually, Xemnas decided they needed a body guard—thus came Elaeus. He was exceedingly large and possessed super-strength; came in handy carrying around Saix whenever he had to be tranquilized. But unlike Saix, his bite wasn't as worse as his bark, so he fit in better with the other seven. Though, he hardly ever spoke. The longest sentence Demy had ever heard him say was: "Found this runt in an alley. Hurt pretty badly. Looks like another Saix case. Keeps growling," Elaeus shifted his arms a bit to reveal a teenage boy with disheveled spiky hair and several cuts and burns on every inch of exposed skin. In his side was a gash made by a thin knife, but no one could see it yet as it was covered with the baggy t-shirt the boy wore. "Here," and Elaeus transferred the boy, that would later change his name to Roxas, into Xemnas' arms.

After he recovered it was time to let him go, but Axel had grown attached to the kid and threatened to leave if Roxas couldn't stay. That made Demy so upset that even though he tried to not let it bother him, he couldn't play properly in that night's performance. Lumaria argued that if Xemnas got to keep Saix around just for company, it wouldn't be fair to Axel, one of their top performers, if Roxas was made to leave. So Xemnas reluctantly allowed him to stay on the condition that Axel take care of his expenses until he found some talent to earn his own money.

They now had eleven for their weird traveling circus and they decided it was time for a name.

"Talent Time!" said Demy.

"Phh! Screw that, we're more like the traveling freak show," said Xigbar.

"The Shenanigans," said Luxord.

"What's that mean?" said Demy.

"Miscreants," replied Even.

"That doesn't help me, Ev,"

"It's a hooligan, Dem," said Axel.

"Look guys, I'm a musician, not a dictionary."

"It means trouble maker, dim wit," said Xigbar, chuckling.

"Oh," and Demy got a thoughtful look on his face, "Like you Xigbar?"

Xigbar cocked his head up in pride. "Yep, like me, dim wit."

"Now that that's settled, we still need a name," said Lumaria.

Roxas popped his head into the circle. "Organization 11."

Everyone turned their head toward him, even Xemnas. Realizing this may be his only opportunity to prove himself, Roxas adopted an authoritative manner.

"Organization 11. We're an organized group of eleven people that provide a entertainment. Organization 11."

All were silent.

"Very good Roxas. We all agree?" said Xemnas, to everyone's astonishment.

They were stunned. No one had ever heard Xemnas give such an unconditional compliment to someone who wasn't doing some sort of stunt. It was always "great idea, however…" or "yes, you're right, but…" So the silence continued until Roxas pulled them out of their reverie.

"Guys? Guys!"

"Nice goin' Roxas!" and Axel pulled him under his arm and ruffled his hair.


"Yeah Rox, it's jazzy!" said Demy.

And so they had a name and Roxas was officially welcomed into the group. From then on, Roxas managed advertising.