Disclaimer: -place witty comment about me not owning Bones here-

Ok. So. The same plot monkey that had the idea for my collection of one shots kept poking me in the forehead about continuing with this story. I swatted it across the room, but it climbed back up onto my shoulder and continued it's previous disturbance. So here I am! Chapter 5!!!


The threesome walked for what seemed like hours. Trekking through the jungle, Miranda observed silently as Booth and Brennan exchanged witty comments and joked lightly. At least she knew they were nice. The doctor had dressed her wound with expert care and checked to make sure she didn't have any internal bleeding or broken bones. Bones. That's what he called her. That luscious FBI Agent. God, he was cute. His fine-toned muscles, silky brown hair, and deep chocolate eyes. But he loved her. Although they haven't admitted it, she could see. Miranda Shillings has always been able to read people, and unfortunately, she knew that they would always be together. As long as Dr. Temperance Brennan was in his life, Miranda didn't stand a chance. That's why she had to-

"Shh…" Booth whispered, gesturing for both the women to stop. "Do you hear that?"

Miranda strained to listen for whatever he heard and noticed a small rustling of leaves to their left. She turned towards it and saw a glimpse of a giant brown animal rummaging through the bushes. Freezing in place, she watched a giant brown bear stood at full height and stared at them straight on. Out of the corner of her eye, Miranda saw Dr. Brennan step closer to her partner. Jealousy overwhelmed her and she stepped even closer, placing a hand on the FBI hunk's arm.

"Will it eat us?" she asked, pretending to be completely mortified…which was only a small stretch.

Brennan snorted. "Highly improbable."

Booth slowly reached for his gun and brushed the real estate agent's hand off at the same time. As he cocked the shiny black semi-automatic, the bear sniffed the air and let his front feet fall back to the ground; it was still staring at them intently.

"Try to make yourself look as big as possible." Temperance offered, but still didn't move. She was closer to Booth, and had also placed a hand on his arm; Booth sure didn't shake hers off.

"Yeah, a little hard to do that when I'm aiming a gun, Bones." He mumbled as the gigantic creature began to slowly walk towards them. "Are they on the endangered list?"

"Grizzlies?" Miranda asked. "Yeah. Why?"

"Dammit…" Booth swore, still aiming his gun.

"I'm pretty sure that the cops won't mind if you shoot a bear to save our lives…right?" she interjected; watching as it still crept slowly towards them. No one answered.

When it was only a few feet from them, it stopped, and stood once more. A few moments of this frightening standoff, it roared and took a swipe at Brennan. But before it came in contact, a deafening shot rang out and the grizzly fell to the ground with a thud.

They stood in the same spot for what seemed like hours, but soon Booth holstered his gun, grabbed his partner's hand, and began to move on. Miranda followed closely, hanging onto Booth's arm. When he looked down at her, she looked back up at him with a fear-stricken face. He flashed her a charm smile and she gave a shaky smile back. What Booth didn't realize was that all through high school, Miranda wanted to be an actress. And oh did she have potential…


Really short, I know. It's a filler chapter. I'll probably take it out or prolong it later. I'm really sorry!

Oh. And rantings about how evil Miranda is are always welcome!!!

Reviews are really appreciated and deserve a cookie and/or a kiss! -mwah-