For Christmas Eve, I went over to Troy's house for dinner. His dad apologized for the last time we met and told me I was invited over whenever I wanted. His mother was extremely nice too. They opened presents on Christmas morning unlike myself who opened on Christmas Eve. So after dinner Troy and I were outside waiting for my mom to come pick me up. He handed me a medium sized box. It was pretty heavy. I unwrapped the present and found two cans of Spaghettios, a Sierra Mist that had a sticky note that said, "The real stuff" and one of his hoodies that didn't fit him anymore. They were thoughtful presents and were super funny. I didn't think that he ever new about the Sierra Mist.

"I hope you know this doesn't mean you're getting your other sweatshirts back." I laughed.

"I didn't think so. But where is MY present?" he asked getting impatient.

"Isn't this season all about giving, not receiving?" I said knowing it annoyed him.

"Fine, then I want your present back." he said smirking.

"Indian gift giver." I mumbled pulling out his present.

He opened it and started laughing uncontrollably when he saw the picture of him and Chad entangled on the floor. Then he saw the small key chain at the bottom of the bag on one side of it was a picture of him and me before I moved, on the other side, engraved in swirly letters was, "Troy + Gabby". Then closer to the bottom it said "Never Brie".

"It's perfect Gabby."

We stood hugging for a minute before he picked me up... again.

"Goodness boy, you're going to spoil me." I said

I kissed his cheek and he acted like he was going to kiss mine but then he darted to left and got me smack dab on the lips. It was still perfect. It always would be for as long as I lived.

"Have I made it up to you yet?" he asked

"You're close but no cigar." I said winking.

My mom drove up then and Troy carried me to the car, much to my protests.

"Troy, you're going to spoil her and then she's going to expect me to carry her all around the house when you're not there!" she said laughing.

It's true. He rarely ever put me down, even at home in front of my mom. It wasn't even embarrassing for him. He was over so much.

He set me down and he told me to call him tomorrow.

When we got home I unwrapped presents and my mom unwrapped hers. She told me how my dad was coming tomorrow with three guests. She then told me how she had invited a man friend of hers over for tomorrow as well.

"Man friend my butt! You so have a boyfriend mommy!" I teased.

"It doesn't matter what he is, you still have to clean the two guest rooms, one of them will be sleeping with you, one gets their own room, and your dad and the other guest are sharing. Then go to bed otherwise you'll sleep the entire day away tomorrow." she ordered, even though I knew that all I had to was vacuum and I was done.

I did as I was told and was soon snoozing on the couch. The next morning, I was awaken by loud screams filling the house.

"BRIEEE!!" two voiced shouted. Of course. One was Deanne and the other was Dale.

"AHH, What time is it?!" I asked, irritated.

"A little after 10," Dale answered. I had rarely seen Dale sober, but when he was he was, like a big ol' teddy bear.

"I can't believe you guys are here! Where's my dad and the third mystery guest?!" I asked getting off the couch.

"Kitchen" Deanne said.

I ran in the kitchen and jumped on my dad.

"Daddy! Eeek! Are you going to cook us breakfast?!" I said, I was so excited almost everyone I loved was here. Except for the obvious.

"Yes I will, but first I want you to meet my uhh... lady friend..." he said coughing.

"Your girlfriend you mean." I corrected.

"Uh, yeah. Brie, this is Roxanna." He said motioning to the tall slender red head sitting across from him.

"Hello, how are you? I can't believe you let my dad drag you all the way out here on Christmas." I said.

"Oh, know I had to me the famous Brie." she said.

"Umm, yeah you can call me Gabby though." I said. Yeah, the only people that were getting away with that name were my dad, Deanne, and Dale.

We then proceeded with Breakfast.

"Geez Mr. Montez, if I had known you cooked like this I would have crashed at your place more often." Deanne said. It was true. If I had known he cooked like that I would have crashed at my place more often too.

Roxanna told me about her three children that were with their father. She had a 17 year old son named James, a 14 year old son named Jeffrey and an 11 year old daughter named Jessa. She seemed very nice and genuine. I was glad my dad found someone and wasn't moping around all day. Dale, Deanne and I went and got ready after breakfast. I leant Deanne some normal clothes to wear. By the time we were ready to do anything I had 4 messages, one from Troy, Chad, Taylor, and my grandparents.

We all opened any present that were left. Around three, Mom's boyfriend came over. His name was Mike and they had actually been dating for over 4 months and didn't even tell me. He was average looking, tall, medium build, blonde hair blue eyes. He seemed nice if not a little shy. He only had two kids, an 11 year old daughter too, named Sadie, and an 8 year old son named Sam they were with their deceased mother's parents. He said he wanted to bring them but their grandparents want them on Christmas.

It was a great day. Though kind of strange to see my parents in the same house with there boyfriend and girlfriend. While the adults talked Deanne, Dale and were watching a movie in my room. Well, Dale had gone to get refreshments.

"So Deanie darling! What's been going on in the last 5 days that I have been gone?" I asked, not really expecting a deep answer. Deanne wasn't much of a talker, more of a do-err? No pun intended.

"Oh my gosh, I don't get it! Am I only wanted when I'm drunk?" She exclaimed.

"Huh?" What the f was she talking about?

"Since you left, Dale and I promised each other we were going to stop partying cold turkey. I've really gotten to know the sober Dale and really really like him. I've been throwing signals left and right but he hasn't picked any of them up!" She explained.

"Oh... well do you think he likes you back?" I wasn't really sure how to handle the emotional Deanne.

Enter Dale. Great timing pal.

"Hey hotties, what were you talking about?" Dale said barging in. But with food, that was the only reason he was forgiven.

I saw Deanne mildly shrink back when he walked into the room. He grabbed the remote from me and pressed play.

"Hey! What if I wasn't ready to watch that yet?" I said picking on him.

"I guess it's kind of funny that I don't care." He retorted. I rolled off the bed ready to attack but he beat me to it.
I didn't even see it coming. He grabbed me, flipped me on the bed, sat on me, and grabbed a coke.


"Was that a fat joke Brie?!" He gasped with fake hurt.

First of all before you think I'm some sort of monster Dale is in no way shape or form fat. He was large however. He was a football star in California, so you know the dude had some muscles. He was about 6'2 mostly muscle, dark brown hair, cut pretty close to his head, brown eyes, he actually sort of looked like he had some Latino in him.

"You just wait big boy! I'm going to get you!" I warned, eyeing how close his side was to me, a prime ticklish spot I might say.

"Shut up little girl and eat something!" He said shoving popcorn in my face.

"Hey! Deanne, help me! Attack! Attack!" I yelled while tickled his sides.

He was relentless though. He didn't even budge. Deanne, however, took that opportune moment to jump on him... and me.

"My lungs. I think one just fell off." I croaked.

"Umm... is there any reason you're sitting on my girlfriend." a voice said from the doorway.


Yay! Air!

"Oh hey bro! How's it going? You need to fatten this girl up I think I feel her spine against my tailbone." Dale said.

"Shouldn't that be a sign to get off?" Troy said. Was this... jealousy? Mhh serves you right! Kiss that girl again. Hah, I amuse myself.

"Now Brie, are you going to try and control the people that are bigger than you?"

I shook my head.

"Are you going to watch the movie like a good little girl"

A nod.

"Are you ever going to get me and Deanie together? I have yet to get the courage to do it." he said.

Deanne turned redder than the sauce on the pizza she was eating. I just started coughing.

Dale started tickling my feet.

"YES!! YESS!! I WILL I PROMISE! STOP!" I screamed and giggled.

After my agreement I was released and I sat up on my bed.

"Miller! There is popcorn in my hair! You just remember I know where you're sleeping tonight." I stated.

"Crap! I forgot your present. It's in your bags Dale." Deanne said. I wonder if she knows she already gave it to me.

"Oh, uhh, I'll come with you to get it." he said more than willing.

"Are they so not perfect for each other?" I asked the silent Troy.

And that's all she gave me. So for now, that's the end. Abrupt, isn't it? lol! Seriouly, I'll post the rest when she has it. Ok? Ok! Thnx for reading and reviewing! Luv ya! And theatrefreak thnx you! Bye for now:)

Rachel and theatrefreak :)