Chapter 11:

Casey was doing her hair for the prom. She slowly curled her hair in the curling iron then undid it so the curls fell gently to her chest. She looked great, but she didn't feel great, she felt like sick, sad, angry, happy, excited, and extremely depressed. She felt so many emotions all at once it was overwhelming. She slipped on her new dress and her shoes and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a black strapless dress that was flowing a little bit past her knee.

"Well Casey" she let out a big sigh "time for the prom."

Casey walked downstairs where Emily, Sheldon, and Derek were standing waiting to go. Emily and Sheldon offered to take Casey to the prom as their "date" but Nora wanted Casey and Derek to both go together (not together but together.) So Casey just invited Emily and Sheldon to come to kill the awkwardness.

"Casey you look amazing." said Emily smiling. "You are going to be the belle of the ball."

"Thanks Em."

Derek turned around to look at Casey and smiled at how beautiful she looked. "You look beautiful Casey, you really do."

Casey grinned "Thank you Derek, you look great too."

Casey and Derek fell into one of their deep staring moments looking into each other's eyes and getting lost in them. Emily had to step in and say "The limos' here, we better go."

Derek and Casey came back to earth and looked away. Everyone made their way to the limo. Emily and Sheldon sat between Derek and Casey so their wouldn't be any awkwardness or yelling.

"So…who's ready for the prom?" said Emily trying to break the silence.

"I am!" said Sheldon a little too enthusiastic "Especially the part where I get to dance with my beautiful girlfriend all night."

Before you knew it, Emily and Sheldon were making out and elbowing Casey and Derek in the process. Casey and Derek couldn't take it, so they got out of their seat and sat on the opposite side of them, which meant they had to sit by each other.

It was quiet for about a second then Derek finally broke the silence. "Casey, you have to stop being mad at me. Its prom night, shouldn't you be excited and smiley like other girls?"

Casey looked at him "I'm not like other girls."

Derek smiled "No, you're not."

Casey looked away "Because I don't know any girls who were lied to to win a bet."

"Oh come on Casey!"

"Don't 'come on Casey' me! You know what? Just leave me alone."

"Casey, please, all I'm asking for is one more chance."

Casey continued to look out the window then she turned to look at Derek. "No, I won't give you a second chance. All I'm going to say to you is have a good prom and good luck with prom king."

The rest of the car ride was silent except for the smacking noises come from Sheldon and Emily which was starting to make Derek and Casey a little sick. The ride seemed like an eternity for Casey but it was really only about 20 minutes.

Casey, Derek, Emily, and Sheldon walked into the beautifully decorated gym and their faces had smiles come over them. "Wow, Casey the gym looks amazing!" said Emily

"Thanks Em, it actually does look amazing."

They all just stood in the doorway and admired the gym until Sam came up to them holding a cup of punch and smiling. "Casey, great job on the gym"

"Thank you Sam"

"Want to dance?" asked Sam

Casey smiled and put her hand in his "I'd like that."

Sam gave him cup of punch to Derek then lead Casey to the dance floor but not before shooting a sneaky little grin at Derek first. Sam and Casey danced to the song "Learning to fall" by Boys like Girls and looked like they were having a good time. Casey wasn't even aware Sam had anything to do with Derek and the bet which caused Derek to go ballistic.

"How could she dance with him?"

"It's obvious Derek!"

"What? That she hates me so much she'll dance and flirt with Sam?"

"No, she loves you so much she'll dance and flirt with Sam."

Derek looked confused "How does that work?"

Emily rolled her eyes in a boys-are-so-stupid kind of way "She wants to get over you Derek. Maybe you should do the same." then Emily and Sheldon walked onto the dance floor and danced too.

Derek was in a state where he knew he was going to lose the bet, but that was fine with him. What he wasn't fine with was the fact he just might lose the girl. "Attention Thompson High!" said Casey from the stage. "It's that time you've been waiting for."

Everyone began to cheer knowing what was next to come.

"It's time to announce your prom king and queen." everyone cheered loudly. "You're prom queen is…Chloe Hart." Yes, the new girl had won and beat out Kendra who wasn't to happy and stormed out of the prom. "And your prom king is…" Casey read the name, and tried her hardest to say the name with a smile on her face. "Derek Venturi"

Everyone in the gym cheered like the school had just won a big football or hockey game, it was out of control. Derek walked onstage and stood in front of Casey who put the crown on his head.

"Congratulations Mr. Venturi, you won." said Casey. She then got off the stage and headed for the exit but not before saying bye to Emily. "Em, I gotta go."

"What? Casey-"

"No Em, I thought I could handle this but I can't. I just can't bear to see him up there, it's too hard."

Emily looked at her then nodded "Ok Case, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Bye Em." Casey started to make her way out the door until a loud voice called out her name.


Casey stopped where she was and turned around to see none other then Derek holding the microphone in hand. "Oh my god." said Casey to herself.

"Casey you can't leave." Derek looked at all the people staring but still continued his speech. "Casey I know I played you like a fool and made you feel so betrayed." Derek half expected Casey to leave but she stayed right where she was to listen. "I lied to you, about a lot of things. But when I said I loved you…I meant that." Casey's angry face soon softened up "I still mean it Casey. And yeah, I'm not a one girlfriend kind of guy and I don't normally have long term relationships." all the girls in the gym except 4 or 5 nodded their heads and said "Yeah" Casey laughed a little. "But Casey with you, I'm willing to try. I want you to be the only one, because you are the only one for me."

Casey started to walk closer and walked onstage to face Derek. "I want another chance Casey, another chance to make up for what I did." all the women in the room young and old let out a big "Aw…."

Casey took the other mic and looked at Derek face full of rage. "Derek, you lied to me, you manipulated me. You made me believe you loved me." Derek continued to take Casey's beat down "Should I give you the chance to hurt me again?" the gym grew silent after she said that. "This is why I have to do what's right…" Casey turned to look at the crowd "I have to declare Derek Venturi the winner of this bet, because I'm completely head over heels in love with him."

Everyone in the gym cheered louder then they had for Derek's win on prom king. Derek looked up and smiled at Casey then he took her in his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. Everyone continued to cheer except for Sam who stormed out of the prom after finding out he lost this bet.

Casey stopped kissing him for a second to say something "So Mr. King of bets, are you going to collect your prize?"

Derek smiled "I already am" then he pulled her closer and kissed her all over again.

-The End-