I love annoying them. Flames and/or reviews welcome.

Disclaimer: If Naruto was mine, I'd have made him kiss Hinata LOOOOONG ago.

30 Ways to Annoy Uchiha Sasuke

1. Paint uncooked macaroni hot pink and stick it on his butt, forming the word BOO.

2. Whisper 'chicken-butt-head' loudly whenever he makes a move.

3. Tell him fangirls are after his diary.

4. Read his diary out loud to his fangirls in a story-telling session.

5. Stick wanted posters of a Mr. Sasuke 'Chicken-Butt-Head' Uchiha all over town.

6. Lend Akamaru to his fangirls to sniff him out.

7. Offer him a prize of a lifetime supply of instant ramen if he kisses Shikamaru.

8. Ring his doorbell a gazillion times when you know he's in the shower.

9. Make crank calls to him at two in the morning.

10. Dye his hair rainbow.

11. Call him and say it's Itachi calling.

12. Dress up as a fangirl and stalk him.

13. Send him a carrot for his birthday.

14. Decorate his house with pink balloons and streamers.

15. Host a kids party in there and let the kids run amok.

16. Put sunglasses on a cactus and put it on his doorstep with a note stuck to a thorn saying the ANBU are watching him.

17. Send him a love letter. Signed Neji Hyuuga.

18. Write ''I'M EMO'' on a Post-It and stick it on his butt.

19. Record Naruto farting and program it to play whenever he moves.

20. Shave the middle of his head bald.

21. Play 'Sexy Back' by Justin Timberlake when he walks in public.

22. Sit on his doorstep and talk to the ANBU cactus.

23. When he opens the door, wonder out loud why the cactus isn't responding.

24. Cosplay as Itachi, hug him and call him son.

25. Get him traffic summonses.

26. Make him eat paste.

27. Sit on his shoulders and use him as a look-out point.

28. Smack him. For fun.

29. Buy a sack of potatoes and keep them under his bed.

30. Pull his hair really hard and cluck like a chicken.