ShadowGirl: Yahoo! My first NejiTen fic!

Tenten: Why your first?

ShadowGirl: Because all my other stories are KibaHina. But I do have a ShikaIno oneshot.

Tenten: I see. I'm guessing your a huge KibaHina fan.

ShadowGirl: OH YEAH! Now read the disclaimer.

Tenten: ShadowGirl doesn't own anything that has to do with Naruto. But She does Own her OC, Jenny.

ShadowGirl: And if i did...oh the glory. Anyway...enjoy!


Tenten sat there. Annoyed. She was bored. Very very very bored. She sighed. It was a hot summer day, and it was so hot, she had to breath in deep breaths. And instead of her normal clothes, she had on a green tanktop, and a pair of dark green shorts. Her hair stayed the same since she always had it in two buns on each side of her head.

"They're is nothing to do!" she cryed. She heard an echo come from the hall outside her room. She sweatdropped. She was alone in her house, with nothing to do. Her parents were on a mission and were going to be gone for awhile.


She heard her phone ring. She got off her bed and went into the living room and picked up her phone. "Hello?"

"Tenten! It's me Ino! I'm gonna guess your bored out of your mind right now right?" she heard Ino's voice come out of the phone. "Yeah." Tenten replied.

"Good! Because i'm having a sleep over and it's an all girl's sleep over. See ya here!" Ino said and hung up. Tenten stared at the phone.

I don't remember saying yes. she thought.

Well, in Ino language you didn't say no so you said yes. Inner Tenten said.

Oh. Who are you again? Tenten asked the voice.

Well, I'm your inner self. I'm the voice only you can hear. Cool huh? Inner Tenten replied.

Uh...sure? Tenten replied.

She sighed. "She didn't even say a time or anything." she said to herself. She went to her room and pick out an outfit and went to the bathroom. She went over to the bathtub and turned the water on. She waited untill it was full when she shut the water off. She got undressed and jumped in.

After about an hour later she got out and got dressed. She dryed her hair and put it into the same old two buns. She walked out of the bathroom and into the living room to see a angery Ino. "Ino? Why are yo-"

"I'VE BEEN KNOCKING FOR ABOUT AN HOUR BEFORE I NOTICED THE DOOR WAS OPEN!!! YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY!!!" Ino cut Tenten off. "I was taking a bath." Tenten replied. Ino then grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door.

"Ino! Can I get some shoes on first!?!?" Tenten yelled at her blonde friend. Ino let go of Tenten's hand and crossed her arms while tapping her foot. Tenten got some shoes on and walked outside and shut the door. "We can go now." she told her blonde friend.


----------At Ino's House-----------

When Ino and Tenten got to Ino's house, everyone was there, Hinata, Sakura, Jenny, and even Temari. "About Time you guys got here!" Temari yelled.

"Well someone wouldn't open the door!" Ino said looking at Tenten. Tenten glared at Ino. "Oh sure. Now it's all MY fault!'' Tenten replied. Sakura came up to Tenten. "Hey Tenten. Can I talk to you alone for a second?" she asked. Tenten looked at her friend. "Uh...sure."

The walked into the kitchen and sat down at the small table. "What do you need?" Tenten asked. Sakura then began to blush.

"Ummmm. Well, ya see, your friends with Lee, right?'' Sakura asked. Tenten looked at her. "Uh..yeah." Tenten replied. Sakura went even redder.

"Well, could you tell him...thatilikehimandthatiwaswonderingifhewouldliketogosomewheresometimewithme!" Sakura said.

Tenten looked at her friend, comfused. When she finally figured out what Sakura had said, she stared at her with wide eyes. "You like...Lee now? What about Sasuke?" Tenten asked. Sakura looked at her friend.

"Well...this is how it happend..."


Sakura was walking in some forest for some reason when she heard, "YOU LIKE WHO?!?!?!?!?!" She looked around and went to where she heard the voice. She hid behind a tree and saw Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto was the one that shouted. Sasuke...likes someone? Sakura thought.

"It's true." Sasuke said. He was...blushing. Wierd. Naruto's eyes almost popped out of his head. "YEAH BUT WHY HER!?!?! I THOUGHT YOU LIKE SAKURA OR INO, MAYBE EVEN JENNY!!!!!" he yelled. Sakura stared at Sasuke. If he didn't like her...or Ino...or Jenny...then who?

"Naruto, there's nothing wrong with liking her. Besides, she's hott." Sasuke said. Naruto stared blankly at the raven haired boy. "Sasuke...this is Hinata we're talking about. You think she's hott? She isn't the type that is known has hott, think more about...cute." Naruto said.

At this point, Sakura's chin was on the ground. Sasuke likes...Hinata? I LOST TO HER! THE SHY LITTLE HYUGA!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! But then she thought about what Kiba would do to Sasuke if he found out about this. She got an evil smile. She was going to tell Kiba.

But wait, this would hurt Sasuke more than Hinata. Does this mean...she doesn't like Sasuke? What? Sakura brought her hand up to her head. She was starting to get a head ache.

"Naruto...she maybe just the cute little girl to you. But to me...she's freakin' hott! Plus...she's not a crazy fangirl. And...if I ever date her...Neji will be pissed." Sasuke said with a smirk. Naruto stared blankly at him.

"You just like to piss people off, don't you?" he said. Sasuke shrugged.

Sakura looked from Sasuke to Naruto. She turned around and began to walk. The only question that she had was why Hinata? Why her? Just because she's hott and because it would piss Neji AND Kiba off? What the hell?

But while she was walking she heard some noise. It sounded like hard breathing. She walked around untill she saw Lee. He was breathing hard, probly from training. She hid behind another tree for some reson and watched what he was doing. She questioned herself about this...but she couldn't take her eyes off him. He started punching at a tree. Sakura felt herself blush for some reason. Does she like...Lee now?

----------End Of FlashBack----------

Tenten stared at her pink haired friend, then burst out laughing. "Sasuke likes Hinata?'' Tenten manged to ask. Sakura nodded. Tenten stopped laughing.

"Did you tell her?" she asked. It was now Sakura's turn to laugh. She nodded.

"Yep. It was funny too. She looked so scared and began shaking. And mumbled something about how she keeps seeing visions while she was rocking back and forth in a corner." Sakura got out. Both girls burst out laughing. Poor Hinata.

Tenten and Sakura walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch. "OKAY! WE'RE PLAYING TRUH OR DARE!!!!" Ino yelled. "Geez! CAN YOU YELL ANY LOUDER!?!?" Temari shouted at Ino. Ino just nodded and Temari sighed.

"I think Truth Or Dare's a good idea for now." Jenny said. All the girls nodded. "I'll start. Hmmm...Sakura! Truth or dare?" Ino asked. Sakura looked at her friend. "Truth."

Ino smiled evily. "Who do you like now?" she asked. Everyone turned to Sakura, who was now a million's shades of red. Tenten sighed. She already knew who was...but had to prepare for the laughing fit that they were gonna have.

Sakura mumbled something. Ino put her hand behind her ear. "Can't hear you Sakura!" she said. "Lee." Sakura said.

There was a long silence.

"...Lee?" Jenny asked. Sakura nodded. Ino shook her head. "Very sad." she said as a sad music began to play. Everyone but Ino sweatdropped. Ino looked around. "What?" Ino asked.

"Anyway! My turn. Jenny, truth or dare?' Sakura asked. Jenny smirked. "Dare." she said. Sakura thought for a second. Then had the perfect dare.

She grinned evily. "I dare you to kiss...Shino!" Sakura said. Jenny turned so red, it made one of Hinata's blushes look pale. Hinata the began to giggle while everyone sat there, shocked. I mean, to them, who would want to kiss Shino? (AN: Easy. A Shino Fangirl.) Jenny just sat there, blushing.

Hinata looked over at her best friend. "C'mon Jenny. Besides, d-don't you like S-Shino?" Hinata asked. Jenny looked at her and yelled, "HINATA!" Everyone laughed as Jenny ran out of the room to do her dare. Ino then turned to Hinata.

"Jenny has a crush on Shino?" she asked. Hinata nodded. Ino smirked. "I knew it."

Tenten was getting bored. She wanted it to be her turn so she could do something. She came her to get away from boredness. She should of just stayed in the bathroom.

Jenny then came in. "So...did you do it?" Ino asked curiously. Jenny blushed. "I did...but then he fainted." she said. Hinata sweatdropped. "S-seriously?" she asked. Jenny nodded. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Okay, my turn. Hinata, turth or dare?" Jenny asked her shy best friend. "D-dare." Hinata stuttered. Jenny thought for a moment. "Ummm...lets see. Hmmm...Oh!" Jenny whispered something in Hinata's ear. Hinata blushed and got up. "F-fine." Hinata said and walked out of the house. "WHAT DID YOU DARE HER TO DO!?!?!?" Ino asked. Jenny said nothing. Ino sweatdropped. "Jenny..."

"We can continue, she won't be back for a while." Jenny said. "Why? What does she have to do?" Sakura asked. Jenny smirked. "She has to tell Kiba about Sasuke liking her." Jenny said. Everyone else looked at her with horror. And they all thought the same thing: Sasuke's gonna get his ass kicked.

Tenten sighed. Yep, Sasuke was a dead man. Ever since Kiba started liking Hinata, he's been very protective. And he would kill if someone hurt Hinata. Or just break a few bones.

"Okay, Temari, truth or dare?" Jenny asked. Temari crossed her arms. "Dare."

Jenny was hoping she would say that. "I dare you to go to your crush, kiss him, the slap him saying, 'You Little PERV!' then came back here." Jenny said. Temari sighed. She the wondered if Jenny knew who she liked. And, Jenny being Jenny, she did. Temari got up just as Hinata came back in, looking like she had just seen a very very scary fight.

"Uh...Hinata?" Jenny looked at Hinata. ''Kiba's strong. Very very strong." she said. Everyone looked at her. "What hapend?" Tenten asked. Hopfully this story would keep her from being bored. Hinata looke at her friends. "Well..."


Hinata walked over to some forest and saw Shino and Kiba training. Hinata walked up to them. "Hello." she said. They turned to her. "Hey Hinata!" Kiba said. Akamaru barked. Shino said nothing. "Did you guys hear?" Hinata asked. They looked at her, confused. "About what?" Kiba asked. Hinata turned to him. "About who Sasuke likes." she replied. Shino and Kiba looked at each other.

"Sasuke likes someone?" thay both asked. Hinata nodded. "Yeah, Sakura heard him and Naruto talking and he told Naruto who he liked. So Sakura told Ino and...well, Ino being Ino, told everyone." Hinata said. The two boys looked back at her.

"Well she didn't tell us. Who does he like?" Kiba asked. Hinata blushed and mumbled something. "Huh? What?" Kiba asked.

"Me." Hinata said. Kiba stared at her. Shino's eyes went huge under his sunglasses. Kiba's eyebrow began to twitch. "I'll be right back." Kiba told them. He sounded angery. He began to walk away. Shino followed, and so did Hinata.

They found Naruto and Sasuke were Sakura had seen them before. Naruto was just being the baka he is while Sasuke was just sitting there. Kiba stomped over to Sasuke. Then punched him. Hard. Very very hard. Sasuke went flying while Naruto began to scream like alittle girl.

"What the hell Kiba!" Sasuke yelled getting up. Kiba ran at him and punched him again. Then kicked him. Then punched him again. Punch. Kick. Punch. Punch. Kick.

And while this was happening, Hinata, Shino, and Naruto were just staring at the fight that Sasuke was losing. Which was pretty weird. It's not every day you see Kiba beating up Sasuke. (AN: I would love to see that.) But Hinata was the one that was the most surprised, after all, she didn't think he would do this. It kinda reminded her of Neji. And that is creepy. Very creepy. And there Sasuke lay beat up and knocked out cold. Kiba then walked happily away.

Hinata was going to follow but then she remembered the sleep over at Ino's house. She hurried back.

----------End Of FlashBack----------

Everyone stared wide eyed at Hinata. That really...happend? Kiba beat the living hell out of Sasuke? "Geez. Your right. Kiba is strong." Ino said. Hinata nodded. Her face was the same as it was when she came in. She slowly walked back to her seat. Temari walked out of the room and outside to do her dare.

"Okay, lets continue. Ino, truth or dare?" Jenny asked. Ino wasn't sure, since Jenny was the best at this game. "Uh...truth." Ino replied. Jenny smirked. "OK, when Shikamaru said Temari was pretty, why did you get so angery?" Jenny asked. Ino turned bright pink.

"Well...becauseilikehimandIhaveeversinceIwaseight!" Ino said. It took awhile before they all realized what she said and began to giggle. "'s better than Naruto or Lee, right?" Jenny said. Ino gave a small nod.

Ino then smirked. "Tenten, truth or dare?" she asked. It's about time it was my turn! Tenten yelled in her head. "Dare." she replied. Hey, she was no chicken. Ino thought for a minute before she had an idea.

"Tenten, I dare you to...ask Neji to get some ice cream with you, but he has to come. Then make him walk you home, and kiss him before you go inside." Ino said.

What? What did Ino just say? Tenten's mind kinda went blank. "Uh...okay?" she said getting up, the rest following.

Tenten went to some trainning ground and found Neji, trainning. (AN: Tell us something we don't know.)

Tenten sighed. I can do this, I can do this. I can make him get some ice cream with me. I CAN DO IT!

Your gonna chicken out aren't you? Inner Tenten said.

...Maybe. But...I, you know. Tenten replied.

You like him. And you do not want to mess up! Make him! Be strong! Be like Kiba was with Sasuke! Just don't beat Neji up. Inner Tenten said.

I got it! I CAN DO THIS!!!!


Lexi: A cliffhanger on the first chapter. Nice.


Lexi: What? I just feel like helping a friend write a story. That's all. Even if I'm not a huge fan of this couple.

ShadowGirl: Don't you like ShikaIno? GO WRITE A SHIKAINO FIC!!!

Lexi: I can't. My computer broke. Thats why I'm here. Even if I am not a big fan of this couple.

ShadowGirl: What ever...Tenten...

Tenten: REVIEW!

Lexi: Yeah what Miss. Buns here said.

Tenten: MISS.BUNS!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?

Lexi: uh...i mean Tenten

Tenten: Better.

ShadowGirl: I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots. (Sighs)