And we're at the last chapter! I have a feeling that a lot of you are going to hate me for this one. I promise, it will get better for Harry, just not yet. The next story will not have nearly as many bad things happen to Harry, but will still be dramatic. It will also focus on Harry and Draco's relationship. First chapter should be up in about a week or so. Enjoy, and thanks to everyone!

When Collette pulled him up onto the podium after the ceremony, and rather far into the reception, Harry could feel the red blooming up the sides of his neck. She was quite evidently tipsy, as anyone would be when they were the sort of person to need 'liquid courage' to stop them running out on their fiancé. He grinned sheepishly at all the people staring up at them, and drew strength to combat his own nervousness from the fact that Draco was directly in his line of sight, and was looking at him encouragingly. Collette coughed briefly, before casting Sonorus on herself.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! May I please have your attention?" The garden of people soon fell silent, and Harry felt all eyes fall upon them. "Now, my special day is almost come to an end, and I just wish that I could start the day over and be married to my darling once again." Here, she stopped to send a beautiful smile in the direction of her husband, who looked awkward; standing on Harry's other side. "I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and I can't wait for our little child to be born in the Spring." A cheer went up. Harry supposed it wasn't common news. Well, Collette hid it well, it had to be said.

"But enough about us, I would now like to turn the attention to my dear friend, Harry Potter." Harry didn't know when he'd become her 'dear friend', but he had to admit that he liked her very much, and if she considered him a friend, then he wouldn't protest it.

"You may all have seen him come in with a gorgeous blonde, but what you didn't know is that they are, in fact, engaged. The wedding isn't until they leave school, but I'm sure we'll all have invitations!" There was laughter from the crowd, but Harry didn't see what was so hilarious. He didn't know who three quarters of the people were… Never mind. He knew he shouldn't have told Collette about the engagement…

There was a loud squeal as they apparated into the garden. When Draco and Harry drew apart, Collette seized him around the shoulders with a bear hug. It was weird, everyone was taller than him these days – he was hard pressed to find someone his age that was shorter than him. Madame Pomfrey said it was because he'd stunted his growth. Draco said it was okay; he was just petit. Harry wished that Draco would stop sending him such mixed messages about his size.

She dragged him into an alcove, and Harry caught a glimpse of Oliver as they sped past. When they were hidden enough for Collette's liking, she squealed again. Harry felt like covering his ears, but for some reason, he felt that the older girl might take it badly. He'd obviously been spoiled by Hermione's relative sanity. In her excitement, Harry could hear Collette's obviously well-practiced English revert to the French accent she'd had when he first met her.

"Oh Harry, you look wonderful! My dress, isn't it exquisite? Oliver picked it himself – I didn't think he possessed the taste. Don't you think he did well? Who was that handsome man I dragged you away from? Is he your beau? Is it serious?" Harry, overwhelmed, just nodded in the right places until she asked him a question he actually had to reply to.

"Yes, that's my… boyfriend. His name is Draco Malfoy. And yes, we are quite serious." Collette bombarded him with more questions, some of which had Harry quite flustered, and he made up answers, not exactly able to reply that he had never even shared a bed with Draco to sleep. He raised a hand to scratch at his head, then remembered that he wasn't allowed to because he would mess up his hair, so the hand began to descend back down to his side.

It would have completed this journey had Collette not grabbed his hand with almost inhuman speed. She looked up at him in shock.

"You two are engaged?"

"Um… yes." More squealing.

Collette continued with her speech. "I've heard that it's a muggle custom to throw the bouquet of flowers into the crowd, and the woman that catches them is the next one to be married. Well instead, I'd like to give my flowers to Harry, in the wish that he too can be as happy with Draco as I am with Ollie!" She beamed at Harry, and even though the flowers were garish, and he was offended at how everyone seemed to forget he was male, he accepted them with a smile. He would have liked to see Oliver look at him with anything other than loathing, however.

When he got down off the podium, Draco was glaring at him, and Harry knew he would be in trouble later. In an attempt to stave off the moment, Harry let himself be engulfed in the sea of people wishing to give him congratulations. It was nice, he reckoned, being told well done for something that hadn't even been his idea. He wondered whether Draco was getting the same treatment, and when he saw that he was, Harry felt a little less out of place.

There were just a few people left. Draco was hashing out some kind of deal with someone or other, and Harry was left twiddling his thumbs, holding a glass of water. He was feeling a little dizzy, and wanted to go home. If he told Draco, he'd also have to tell the other that the reason he felt dizzy was because he'd managed to avoid eating anything all day. It was much easier now that he lived on his own. He nibbled at the meals Pomfrey sent, then spelled most of them away, making sure to leave enough that she wouldn't get suspicious. Everyone thought that he was just spending so much time looking after Seb that 'he didn't have time' to worry about his weight. It helped that he only wore baggy clothes now. He knew he was getting weaker. Sometimes he would get pains in his abdomen, but he could still shake them off.

Oliver came and sat down next to him as he thought.

"How is he?" the Quidditch player asked. As if Harry didn't know who he was talking about.

"He's doing well. Growing steadily. Pomfrey says by February, he'll be pretty much fixed." The instant tensing of Oliver's shoulders told him he'd said something wrong.

"Fixed? You talk about him as if he were some kind of machine that had stopped working! He's our son, Harry." Harry could feel tears welling up. It didn't help that right now, he was terrified of Oliver. He could smell the scent of alcohol on his breath, just like that night.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." They sat in silence for a while, neither having too much to say.

"You know, if I hadn't been engaged to Collette when we had sex, I would have done the right thing by you." Harry would have rolled his eyes if he hadn't been so shocked. As it was, his jaw dropped.

"And that is supposed to make me feel better how? Seriously, shut up before you say something I'll make you regret."

"Oh please – a scrawny thing like you?" Harry wouldn't listen to this. He stood up abruptly, intending to join Draco whether he was finished or not. But as he stood, all the blood seemed to rush from his head, and he crumpled on the ground, Oliver hovering over him the last thing he saw.

What happened?

We were just talking, and he'd just stood up to get a drink when he collapsed.

Excuse me?

Well, he seemed a little tipsy when I was talking to him. Maybe he was drunk…

Mm. I'll take him home. Thank you for the evening.

Oh no, Draco! The pleasure was ours. You must visit us when the baby arrives; Harry said he would be so pleased to see him!

Of course, Collette.

"What the hell were you thinking, getting drunk?" When Harry came to, he was lying in his bed, wearing his pyjamas.

"I didn't! All I drank was water, I promise." Draco snorted, and Harry could tell, even through the blur that was his world without glasses, that his fiancé had an unpleasant expression on his face.

"And you expect me to believe that when you actually passed out from it? I know you have no alcohol tolerance." Harry was torn. Tell him the real reason for his faint, or allow Draco to think he'd embarrassed him on purpose. He elected to keep quiet.

"Answer me!" Harry, shocked at the tone, couldn't say anything, and then there was a whack! as Draco slapped him. Harry scrambled to sit up on the bed, holding a hand to his cheek. He could hear Draco breathing heavily, and something inside him snapped.

"You know what? Fuck you! Fine, I passed out because I hadn't eaten anything all day, or much the day before that, or the day before that! Send me to the bloody hospital, then. They'll only force food down me until I'm sick, then send me home again. Waste your money if you really want to! You don't want me. You're pathetic, pretending all this affection when –" Another slap, from the opposite side, and Harry was stunned into silence.

"Oh, so you think I'm faking this all? Think I'd pretend to like someone as pathetic as you? No, unfortunately for me, I've got feelings for someone who so far seems pretty worthless. Attempted murder, starvation for attention, sex before most have even started having steady relationships? Oh, I love it! A fiancé who might be dead before we even get married, with a son who deserves so much better than what he's got? Yeah, I'd really fake my feelings for someone like that.

"And fuck me? Hasn't been much of that in this relationship, has there? What, ready and willing to give it up for darling Oliver, but everyone else can go jump? I don't exactly feel that's fair; we haven't even consummated our engagement yet. And guess what Harry - I'm tired of your rubbish, and if all I'm going to get out of our marriage is sex, then so be it. I can deal with that. I don't need you to love me." Then Draco was on top of him, and unbuttoning Harry's shirt and Harry wanted to cry out, but there was no one, and now his trousers were being pulled down, and…

When Harry woke up the next morning, he was in blissful peace until the memories of the night before hit him. Draco wasn't in the bed anymore, and for that, Harry was glad. He slid out of bed, pulling on his pyjamas, and moved towards the sitting room slowly, nearly crying out in pain. He'd just make sure that Seb was okay, and –

He froze. Draco was standing there, using his wand to direct the cooking he was evidently doing. Harry stood in the doorway for what seemed like an age before Draco turned around and saw him. There was surprise on his face, but, inexplicably, he seemed cheerful. He came over and pushed Harry into a chair, which Harry found had been cushioned, much to his relief. Food was set down in front of him, and Harry stared at it, then at Draco.

"I'm not eating this."

"Look, Harry, don't be silly, okay. I know we both got a bit upset last night, and I was a bit rough, but can't we just forget about it?" He went back to the sink, where he began washing dishes Harry knew he'd been neglecting for some time.

"Draco… you raped me. I didn't want that at all." Harry's voice couldn't help but crack. There was a smash as Draco dropped a plate and it shattered over the floor. He cleared it up without saying a word, then,

"Don't ever say something like that again. You're my fiancé, you've agreed to marry me, and you will not ever use that word when referring to me again. It is not possible for me to rape you." Harry didn't know what to say. He hadn't realised that Draco held these sorts of values. Maybe he should have thought this out better… "Just eat the stupid food, and don't give me anything about not wanting to. And this afternoon, we're going straight to Renewal to get you some help. I've entertained your stupid eating… thing for far too long." Harry nodded, and ate. If he didn't then Draco might… he might hurt him again.

When Draco left, Harry went straight to his son's side, tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to marry Draco anymore, but Seb needed a stable family unit, one that could provide for him! Harry couldn't support a child for the rest of his life, and the Weasleys were just managing to scrape by; he couldn't burden them. And he refused to give his son over to some stranger. No… this was better. And it wasn't as if Draco had really hurt him, had he? He was alive; he only had a few bruises on his hips. Some people were a lot worse off. And Draco cared enough to get him 'help', even though Harry knew he didn't need it.

But even these reassurances could not stop him from feeling like everything was going wrong. And looking down into Sebastian's crib, Harry finally felt something inside him burst, and he picked up his infant son for the first time, cradling him in his arms. He may have been a parasite to Harry for a very long time, but now… now Harry knew he would do anything to keep his son safe, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way.

The End