Kagome Higurashi rolled over in her bed, the sheets tangled in her legs and soaked with sweat.

She whimpered, but didn't wake up.

In her dream, there was a man, only she couldn't see his face, could barely see him at all; she could feel him though, and the sensation caused a deep-seated dread to rise like bile in her throat. She was afraid, yet strangely drawn. There was a sensuality about his very presence that she couldn't deny.

She rolled over, her comforter falling to the floor in a quiet hiss of fabric and friction. She clenched her fists, and cried out, but still did not awake. He was calling to her, asking her to come to him, but things were so misty, she didn't know which way to go, only that it needed to be far away from wherever she was. She turned and turned, the mists getting redder as a moon rose before her, glowing with an unearthly sheen.

She saw an outline, and sensed long hair, black hair, which was an unusual colour, but not uncommon.

Suddenly he was before her, and his face, extremely handsome in the moonlight, looked red as he leaned into her, his lips inches from her own. This man looked like he was in his prime, the black hair that billowed behind him in silky waves fluttering like a bird's wing in the breeze. His eyes burned like embers ringed in gold.

She felt an intense bolt of innate fear knife through her, but she was frozen to the spot and couldn't move. She shut her eyes as he licked her lips, the words, You belong to me, Kagome, resounding through the air even though he hadn't spoken.

It was like she could hear his thoughts, and they mesmerised her, and held her to the spot. She fought, harder and harder, until a scream wrenched itself from her lips and everything went black.