Exchange Program 3: Graduation

Chapter Fifteen


"OK, Ok, sheesh," Zetsu said before switching the track on the CD to "Here Comes the Bride." Kindergartener D scattered flower petals around the carpet leading to the platform where Hidan stood. Employee G stood there and waited for his fiancée. Then, to the admiring sounds of the audience, Employee 83 walked into the garden.

"She's so pretty," Sakura said, slightly jealously.

"She looks like she'd be a much better parent for Kindergartener D," Shikamaru replied.


"Ssssh!" everyone shushed him.

"Do you, Employee G, take this Employee 83 to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Hidan asked.

"I do," Employee G replied.

"Do you, Employee 83, take this Employee G to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Hidan asked.

"I do," Employee 83 responded. Hidan took out his scythe and impaled himself, while the people gathered screamed.

"What- have you fuckers never seen a Jashinist wedding before?" Hidan said angrily, the scythe sticking out of his chest. The crowd blinked, and even the bride and groom looked slightly alarmed. "It's Ok. Really." Hidan reassured everyone, as his blood dripped onto the platform. "I now pronounce the two people gathered here husband and wife. Now get the fuck out of here so they can have the honeymoon." The crowd stood and thundered toward the exit.

"Was that guy really a priest?" someone said. Ino face palmed/

"Did he have to SWEAR at a WEDDING?!" she asked.

"It's Hidan. What did you expect?" Kakuzu asked.

"Hehehe… if I get married I want my wedding to be like that!" Student Z said.

"What- you want the priest to stab himself in a way that would kill a normal human being and curse out your guests?"

"Oh well…"


"It's time to send those ninja back to their world and close off the portal for good," Orochimaru giggled evilly. "Our work here is done. I now know what I wished to learn."

"Of course, Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto replied. "But if you don't mind me asking, why did you send the others to the student's world? What were you trying to prove?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see how these ninjas would act under pressure… Now I have the perfect idea for my newest diabolical plan!"

"But then why didn't you bring the students here in the first place?" Kabuto asked.

"I never brought the students here, it was all the other's doing. Although I must say that it served my purpose quite well... kukukuku... I was able to recruit a new follower!" Orochimaru said. "Student O!"

"Oh, I get it," Kabuto said, even though he didn't really get it. But he knew he would follow his leader's orders.


A warm breeze blew around the ninjas. "Huh… it seems like Hawaii out here…" Hinata said, a goofy grin on her face.

"Yeah… it's nice…" Itachi agreed. Suddenly, there was a sparkly glitter dust that settled around them.

"Why do I feel like I'm in an episode of The Pretty Pretty Ponies Glitter Show?" Hidan asked. Suddenly, there was a whooshing sound and they were standing on their own soil.

"What happened?" Temari asked.

"I think we're home," Kankuro replied.


"What happened?" Student L8 asked.

"Where did they go?" Employee 83 asked.

"Oh well. Wherever they are, I'm sure they are living out their lives well. We will go on to college, and the newlyweds will be making their new home," Student Y replied.


Four Years Later

"Hey! Check it out!" Tobi yelled one day. "College graduation notices for X, Y, Z, and L8!" There was a picture of them standing outside of the school in their graduation robes.


"Look what I got!" Naruto yelled. "Graduation photos of the students!"

"Cool!" Gaara replied, looking at the picture.


Three days later, the Akatsuki got another card. "AWWWWWW!" Deidara yelled. "SO CUTE-UN!"

"What?" Itachi asked, running into the room.

"G and 83 had a kid!" Deidara replied. "His name is Baby H!"

"Aww…" Itachi agreed.


The Konoha and Suna ninja also got the card.

"I'm so happy for them!" Hinata yelled. "How cute!"

"He's adorable!" Neji agreed. "What's his name?"

"Baby H."

"Aw.." Gaara said.

"It seems like everyone's life is going quite well," Kankuro added.


Omake- Author's Comments

Well, this is it. The Exchange Program trilogy is over. Thank you very much to everyone who supported it all the way through! You all are awesome:D

I know the ending was kind of lame… sorry.

EDIT AGAIN: I didn't fix the errors until now. --
