Starlight - By Jordan Stafford

A/N - This story contains some controversial elements. That being said, enjoy!

Chapter One -

Edward's Pov -

Here I am, highschool graduation, take 20. Granted, this one is a bit different, I have the most beautiful girl in the universe by my side, but if I have to hear "Pomp and Circumstance" one more time I may just eat the band director.

These last few months have been the greatest of my life, all 107 years of it. Even with the disastrous events involving that dog, Jacob Black, sneaking past ol' Charlie Swan with Bella has given me feelings of giddiness I thought I would never feel again. Bella's little bout of recklessness in my absence nearly killed her, and me in the process. And running around with that pack of mangy werewolves, ugh, she still reeks of them. But nothing could ever take away my love for her, not even those irritating, half-canines she calls 'friends'.

Jacob's Pov -

Why won't that blood sucker leave? I've been sitting in this car for six hours waiting for him to get away from Bella so I can try to apologize for the way I acted. I know she saw me, this Rabbit's pretty recognizable. Thank you Charlie, for setting a deadline at 11:00 for him to get out of the house, and then ignoring it, it's gotta be at least 1:30. Thank God Sam doesn't know I'm here. If he knew I was this close to Edward Cullen and his girlfriend, it would not be good for me. Damn vampire, he kept me from seeing Bella's graduation. If it weren't for that treaty I'd tear him limb from cold limb if I got the chance.

Edward's Pov -

"Edward, will you kiss me?"

"Of course my dear." Oh, her voice is music to my ears as I bend down and gently, taking great care so that only our lips touch and not my venomous, razor-sharp teeth. Every kiss with her is magic, even after a year together. We just got rid of the last guest from our graduation party, Mike Newton, and now Charlie is kicking me out as well. Ordinarily I would just sneak in her window and stay with her all night, but I haven't eaten in a while and I must prepare for the hunt.

Jacob's Pov -

Finally! He's leaving, now's my chance to talk to Bella. As I walk over to her window and climb the big tree into her room, I have the strongest feeling of apprehension. Maybe it has something to do with those dreams I've been having lately: I'm laying in a meadow, feeling in love with the person next to me, but when I turn over it's not Bella next to me, but that Edward Cullen. And when he leans in to kiss me, I wake up in a sweat every night, thankful that no one else can see what I'm dreaming, or would it be nightmaring? No bother, obviously I'm not gay, I had that crush on Bella, so I must be straight, right?

I eventually reach her window and kick, and the look on her face as she sees me is enough to make me laugh out loud.

"Jacob, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I've come to apologize for the way I acted towards you. You were my best friend and I threw you out like trash, so, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted, but isn't this a little late?"

"This was the first time I could find you without your boyfriend." I'm sure the revulsion in my voice was extremely obvious, but at the same time I felt a twinge of jealousy that scared the crap out of me. What were these strange feelings?

"Jacob, you still there?" Her question snapped me out of my reverie.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

"You really hurt me that day in the woods, I don't know if I can completely forgive you out of the blue like this."

"Ouch. But Bells, we have such a good time together."

"I know, that's what makes my decision so difficult. I just don't know what to do, Jacob."

Both of our heads snapped to the door when Charlie let out an extra loud snore.

"Okay, Bells, I'll let you get some sleep and think about it."

"Thanks Jacob, maybe I'll see you later."

"Bye, Bella."

I climbed down from her window and immediately began running towards the woords. I had all these emotions, hurt, confusion, anger, that I just had to let them out. I changed in mid-step and didn't stop running until dawn.

- Two weeks later -

Edward's Pov -

"Edward, tell me about your past girlfriends."

I was out with Bella buying her dinner and having a nice conversation when she sprung this one on me. Sometimes I really wished she wasn't the only one immune to my mind-reading.

"Well, as you know, you're my first steady girlfriend, but before you there was Jessica, and before her there was Drew Barrymore.."

"No way! you dated Drew Barrymore?"

"Yeah, that was before she was really famous. Before her there was Samantha, and Greta, and then Gertrude was my only girlfriend while I was human." I didn't feel the need to tell her about John and Robert, after all, it was the 60's. Even though they were really good boyfriends, that part of my life was over.

"Really? you only had one girlfriend as a human?"

"Yeah, I guess I was a bit of a dork."

"I don't believe Edward Cullen was ever anything less than the God I see before me. Anyway, did you ever tell them about you?"

"Nope, and somehow they never figured it out."

She finished her pizza and we headed out for a drive. She insisted on driving, partly because she was afraid of my driving and partly because she loves my Vanquish. I wanted to get her one, but, typical and adorable Bella, she hung on to that truck of hers. As she pulled into the her driveway, her father came out to "check" on us, more like spy.

He was still angry from when Alice whisked Bella away to Italy to save my life after I thought she died, but of course we couldn't tell him that. But finally, since we graduated from high school and she was technically an adult, he was beginning to loosen up.

"Edward, can I talk to you for a minute, away from my daughter?" It was more of an order than a request.

"I know that you spent last night in Bella's room." Oh crap. How did he find out?

"George from down the street had a bad night with his arthritis and while he was up, he saw Bella's light on. The only conclusion is you were in her room."

"Mr. Swan, I can assure you I was at home sleeping all night last night. Perhaps Bella just couldn't sleep herself."

"It's a possibility, but either way, I'm taking her camping this weekend, sort of a father-daughter thing, to talk about an appropriate relationship."

"Okay sir, no offense, but what does this have to do with me?"

"Just lettin' you know that we wouldn't be here."

"Thank you, I'll be looking forward to your return."

"Alright, see ya on Monday"

And that was what started it all.

A/N - Thanks for reading you guys..hope you liked it. Review?