Three months had gone by since Candy regained her position at St. Joan's Hospital. She worked very hard, studied a lot and was completely devoted to her patients. With her fair smile and good hearted mood she was very popular especially among the children.

From her first day in Chicago she had rent a small apartment and had been living alone. During these months she had also come in contact with Dr. Martin and she had been helping him two or three afternoons per week at his Happy Clinic. She had been trying to put her life in order and had succeeded in some aspects of it.

The young girl had met Annie and Archie sometimes, especially when they visited her at her place, because she avoided going to the Aldray mansion. After all, what was the meaning of visiting the mansion since the only person who interested her there, was Albert and he was absent? It was late autumn and she had not seen him since the previous summer in Lakewood. This was also her greatest disappointment. She was supposed to see him often when she would move to Chicago and instead she had not met him once. He was always away on some trip or extremely busy preparing the next one.

In the meantime Candy had written to Albert twice. The first letter was to inform him about her regaining her position and the second one to acquire information about his health and to tell him how much she had missed him. For it was true; when the night was falling and she was alone at her apartment, utterly exhausted from the hard days at work, depleted of all her energy, she missed him very much. Not a single day had passed that she had not thought about him. She recollected with tenderness the moments they had shared in their apartment the previous year. But now it was different, he was a fully occupied businessman, not a poor patient who needed her care… Albert had kindly replied to her letters. Although his responses had been all written with love and caring, they had not revealed any hint of his ever coming to visit her; a fact that made her triste.

It was a cloudy autumn Saturday morning. The sky was dark and the clouds seemed ready to drop their heavy burden on the thirsty earth. Albert was lying on the sofa in his study in Lakewood and was reading a book, when someone knocked the door.

It was George and Albert was seemingly surprised to see him. He had come to spend the weekend in the peace and quietness of Lakewood and he did not expect to see him before Monday.

"George! I' m surprised to see you here. Is anything wrong?" Albert asked, while he stood up to greet his friend.

"Nothing in particular. Don't you accept visitors?" George smiled in a cordial manner, as the two men used to when they were alone.

"Of course, my friend! I just thought you can live without me for a weekend!" Albert laughed. "Would you have a cup of coffee?" he asked, while filling a cup with the hot black beverage without waiting for an answer.

"I'd have some, thank you." George said and sat down onto an armchair, opposite to the place where Albert was sitting earlier. He took off a letter from his jacket's pocket and placed it on the small table between them.

"What is it?" Albert inquired as he put the cup onto the table.

"It's from Candy," his visitor looked at him meaningfully.

The young man said nothing and tried to seem calm. Then he sat down and said: "Thank you, George. But you needed not come all this way only for that. You could have given it to me on Monday at the office."

"She is sick," George said solemnly.

Albert's face clouded. He was really worried this time. "What happened? How bad is she?" he asked in anxiety.

"Oh, nothing serious, a cold, fever… this stuff, as Dr Martin informed me," his friend tried to calm him down.

Albert left a sigh of relief. "Dr Martin?"

"Yes. She had not gone to Happy Clinic for some days and yesterday he went by to see her. She had caught a cold and was in bed. Nevertheless, she is much better now. He took care of her and when he was leaving, he saw this letter. She wanted to post it, but she did not catch up with it. Dr. Martin, instead of going to the post, had the kindness to deliver it to our office yesterday evening. Nice fellow..." He smiled remembering doctor's strong inclination for whiskey.

"Yes, he is…" Albert smiled too. "So… she in bed... Poor Candy! She, who runs up and down all day!" he commented.

"She is sick and alone, Albert."

"Is it my imagination or are you implying something, my friend?"

"Me? I'm not implying anything. I'm saying clearly that you should go and see her. Or perhaps do you prefer my going there and offering my help?"

Albert laughed at this remark. He thought a little and said. "You're right! Maybe I'll go."

George hesitated for a while and then started again. "I saw her accidentally last week. She asked me eagerly when you return."

Albert stunned. "You didn't tell her… Did you?"

"No, I didn't. But she took me by surprise. You've been already a month in Chicago. I thought you had informed her. She has missed you a lot, she said."

"Yes… I haven't had the time. I was very busy, you know that." Albert tried to seem convincible.

"I see…" George did not comment further. Suddenly he got up. "I'll go down to the kitchen. I am a bit hungry after this driving. I have not had a breakfast yet."

"I'm sorry to hear that my friend… I'll see you later."

George nodded and left the room, leaving Albert alone.

"Yet, work has not hindered you in the past…" The man thought while closing the door behind him.

Although George was an employee in Ardlays' business, he was more than that to Albert. He was a true friend, better saying a real brother.

He had still been a young boy when he had tried to steal a briefcase from Albert's father in a train station in Paris. William Aldray Sr., instead of delivering him to the police, had taken the boy with him in America. He had educated him, he had treated him like a real son, and when he had passed away, George had been ready to pay back all the generosity he had received. Having been like a brother to his benefactor's young son, Albert, he had protected and supported him anyway he had been able to. George had been standing always between him and his aunt trying to help young Albert whenever he needed it.

Therefore, he understood very well what was happening now to Albert. He knew that the young man had been avoiding Candy, but he also realized how much this choice had cost him. Moreover, he had seen Candy's disappointment and her clouded face the other day on receiving an indefinite answer about her friend, while only a few moments earlier, when she asked eagerly about Albert, her sparkling eyes were betraying her strong desire to meet him. Hence George came to the conclusion that time had come for these two young souls to meet again, since it was obvious that they needed each other much more than they could know.

When Albert was left alone, he took Candy's letter and opened it.

"Dear Albert,

I hope you are well. I pray everyday for your health. Do you get tired on your business trip?

Well, I have some wonderful news! I received a letter from Patty; she is coming very soon. Do you know that it is Christmas in less than a month? Chicago is fully lighted and all shop windows are decorated. I am so excited! Will you be here by then? I wish you were, because I have really missed you a lot. I know you have a lot of business, but I hope that we could meet. It's been three months since I have not seen you.

At work everything is fine. The other nurses are nice to me. How prudent you were and did not say that I belong to the Ardlays. I won a compliment even from Miss Mary Jane. Can you imagine that? She said: "Miss Careless, you are not as clumsy as you were!"

Some afternoons in the week I help Dr. Martin at Happy Clinic. I make sure that his drinks are properly diluted! Yesterday, as I was leaving from Happy Clinic, I met George, but he did not tell me when you will be back. I wish it were soon!

Yours, Candy"

"Sweet Candy… You are always so kind hearted…It would be a lie if I said that I had not miss you too."

Albert felt awfully. He stood up and headed to his room. "Me and my stupid thoughts! You need me as much as I need you. I owe you even an apology. To be a month in Chicago and to avoid you!"

Such a determination led Albert to knock at Candy's door in the same afternoon, though being a bit nervous of their first meeting after a long time. As she did not answer immediately, he got worried about her health, thinking that it might have worsened.

When Candy finally opened the door, he saw a pale face, a weak girl, in her robe and his remorse grew stronger. "How stupid I am!" he thought.

The girl's amazed expression showed clearly that she was delightful on seeing her friend after so many months.

"Albert!!" she exclaimed not believing in her eyes that he was actually there.

She fell onto his arms and embraced him tight. Albert had a thrill on his spine, not knowing how to react to such a fervent reception by Candy. He did have missed her a lot. He held her in his arms tenderly, her hair touching his neck and lips, thinking that it was helpless to avoid her, since he loved her so much, since she was the most precious person in his life.

Candy on the other hand, was not at all confused. She was happy. Albert was the only one whom she had in mind the last months and her desire to see him grew stronger during his absence. His arms around her were the only shelter she knew; she sensed his scent and felt dizzy and was afraid that it was only a dream due to her fever.

Albert felt her body trembling as he held her and he was really worried.

"How are you my little one? I heard you are sick."

"Really? By whom?" she asked curious.

"Come, you need to rest. Where is your bed?"

The girl stretched her arm to the direction of her bedroom. With no delay she went back to her bed and lay down, while Albert covered her softly with the blanket. Then he sat beside her and answered her question.

"Dr. Martin passed by the office yesterday and told George that you were sick since days. Why didn't you ask for help? You could have informed George earlier."

"There was no need to do that. It is only a cold… Albert, I'm so glad to see you! I didn't know you are here. When did you come back?" she asked eagerly, never guessing that her friend could have avoided her.

"I …nearly have just arrived," he lied to her, since George had not betrayed him a week ago. He immediately felt miserable to lie to the sweetest eyes he knew, which were looking at him so warmly. "I am terribly sorry I didn't come earlier. Please, forgive me…" he entreated her.

"Oh, Albert! There's nothing to forgive you for! I know you have a lot of work to do. But I am really happy that you could make it after all and you are here now. Thank you!"

At hearing how easily Candy justified everything he did, Albert felt guiltier and tried to avoid her look.

"You need rest. Try to sleep, while I'll cook something for us to eat. Have you taken any medication?"

The young girl nodded a yes.

"Good, sleep now…" he caressed her cheeks with his thumb.

"Like the old times," she smiled at him.

"Yes, my little girl, like the old times…" he smiled wistfully.

Albert went to the kitchen and started work, while being awfully regretful for his behaviour.

"Yes, like the old times… Stupid me! She cares for me, she is happy to see me and what do I do for her? I lie to her and when she needs me, I'm not even there. How selfish I was! When I left the hospital, when I needed help, she had not been in any jam and she had begged me to stay with her! She even lost her job for my sake…"

He went back to her room and watched how peacefully she was sleeping. "No, my girl, I will not leave you alone from now on. I will stop hiding," he made a promise.

Tired as he was, after having prepared the dinner, he indulged himself with some tea and lay on the sofa. He cast an attentive look around through the apartment. It was a small one; there was a living room, which also served as a dining room, with a round table and four chairs near the one wall and a sofa situated right on the opposite wall. The place was also equipped with a small kitchen and a sleeping room, where Candy had also put a desk. He was content to notice while still being by herside that there were some medicine books on it, which meant that she really studied to be a better nurse.

Albert recollected their small apartment, during the old times, as she had pronounced earlier. It was a year ago, when they had shared a place together. He had missed those moments tremendously. Now she lived alone, as he also did. The last months, when not travelling, he lived in the centre of Chicago near his office and avoided going to the Ardlay mansion due to his aunt.

The young man sighed and tried to make himself comfortable on the sofa. As his eyes were heavy, it did not take long until he fell asleep.

After a while Candy woke up from her most sweet and serene sleep she could remember during the last months.

"I dreamt that Albert was here…" she said thinking aloud. "Well, it was the best dream I saw since months…" she sighed.

When she walked out of her room and saw Albert sleeping on the sofa, she almost jumped from her joy, realizing that it was not a dream.

She went closer and drew a chair beside him. She remembered the last time they met; it was in Lakewood more than three months ago. She had missed him very much and could still hardly believe in this sudden happiness, which came the most unexpected moment, when she had no idea where her beloved was being sure that it would take long till she would meet him again. Candy beheld his image having a wide smile on her face, just like a little child on receiving the loveliest of all presents. His hair had grown longer since the last time she saw him, almost touched his shoulders. He had not shaved himself for two days or three and his blond stubble had grown, adding to his manly figure. She could not avoid gazing at the serene expression on his face, as he was sleeping.

"How handsome he is…" Candy thought.

At this moment Albert woke up. He was surprised to see Candy staring at him and felt a little awkward. "Candy?..."

The girl was obviously embarrassed, but soon she regained her calmness and smiled to him.

"I am sorry to disturb you… I thought that it was only a dream that you came…" she said blushing.

Albert laughed. "So, am I lucky that you did not pinch me to see if I am real?"

"Albert! I wouldn't do that!!" Candy complained.

"Ha, ha!! You've had this kind of ideas in the past, though. Do you remember when you drew my chair and I fell down?"

"I was only trying to help you to regain your memory!" she said embarrassed.

"Yes, of course, my dear… following out absolutely scientific methods!" he still laughed, as he stood up and headed to the kitchen. "Come! I've made us a soup. We both need to eat something."

It was the happiest evening for Candy after a long time. Although she had had visits from Archie and Annie several times, it was nothing comparing these moments spent with her dearest Albert, and when he said that he would stay until she would be able to come back to her work, she nearly wished she would prefer to have fever for a week. But the truth was that she was feeling already better and she would most probably return to the hospital within the next two days.

"Are you planning another trip, Albert? It's Christmas in less than a month. Oh, I wish you were here!" Candy looked at him entreatingly.

"Actually, I'm not planning anything. But I need to hide from Aunt Elroy's parties, if she decides to give any." Albert said pretending he was desperate, a performance that had the impact he intended since it made the girl laugh.

"How do you live in this house, Albert? It must be really difficult," she sympathized with his worries.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't. I have moved in an apartment in the centre near the office. It's very convenient because sometimes I stay up late at work and besides I don't have my aunt to watch me all the time. But in the mansion it is not bad either. It is a huge house… Not to consider the surrounding land! I do not meet her very often, you know," he grinned and paused for a moment. "Have you seen her lately?" he then asked, wanting to know if his threats upon his aunt were effective.

"No, not actually… once or twice, when I visited Archie and Annie. I do not visit the mansion often... But she was very polite to me!"

"Glad to hear that…" Albert commented.

"Albert… I don't mind if she doesn't like me. I don't want you to fight with her over me." Candy begged him.

"I won't. Satisfied now? I just wanted to know how she treats you. That's all!" he said, while the girl was looking at him as if he had not convinced her. "So, what are your plans for Christmas?" he turned the conversation abruptly to a more pleasant subject.

"I have a week free for Christmas, but I work on New Year's Eve. I'm thinking of going to Pony's Home," Candy followed his mood. "I wish we could be together…" she thought.

"Excellent! The perfect place for Christmas! So warm and cordial," Albert exclaimed.

"Yes, it is…" Candy hesitated a moment before asking. "Albert… would you like to come, too?"

The young man smiled at the thought. However, he did not wish to give false hopes, so he merely said:

"We'll see. I cannot promise you anything yet."

She smiled at him feeling a little disappointed, hoping for the best though. After all, the mere thought that her friend would be in Chicago the next month was enough to make her happy.

Indeed the month passed by quickly knowing that her beloved was nearby; actually Candy had managed to meet him a few times as cordially as at the weekend they had spent together. As for Albert, it was also a relief that he did not hide from Candy anymore. Although he had tried to suppress his feelings, these had grown stronger and he loved her so ardently that he could not deprive her of himself, sensing that his presence brought her so much happiness. He had promised though to himself that these feelings would never be revealed, since they would only bring uneasiness to Candy and would irrecoverably destroy their valuable relationship. Naturally, he was not aware that his dearest girl also nourished the same feelings towards him…