A/n: Hi. So this is my first story. I really hope you read and review. And I'd really appreciate comments and suggestions. So I think some characters will be Occ, but I tried. ", -On with the story-

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King. Too bad.

Summary: A promise is what he left her; and now that he's back in her life, is she still waiting?

Pairings: RenxPirika, slight AnnaxYohxHao, HoroxTamao

Promise me

Prologue: It still is

"Pirika! Get your damn brother and that stupid Tao to shut up!" The resident ice-queen Anna ordered over the argument outside.

The fourteen-year-old Ainu girl sighed and set off to do the task. It was the same as always, even though the Shaman Tournament is over. The sun is still shining; the birds are still flying, and unfortunately, Horo and Ren are still always fighting. There were some changes, however, like Yoh becoming Shaman King, Hao given another chance, but it pretty much is the same.

"Shark-head! Ni-san!" The blue-haired beauty said as soon as she found them, which wasn't that hard, "Anna-san doesn't like the noise! Go inside!"

Horo glanced at his sister, "No."

She glared.

He glared.

She glared harder.

He sighed and left, mumbling incoherent words.

Pirika now turned to the smirking Tao, "Pointy…"

His beautiful golden eyes narrowed, "Ainu"

She approached him tentatively, with pleading eyes, "Ren-san, please?"

Ren Tao stuck his nose to the air, "Better, weakling."

She knew it wasn't an insult. He knew it was just a tease. They knew they were flirting, but they didn't mind.

Pirika opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.

"I'm leaving for China," his features softened, "I'll –ah-" A blush. "Miss you."

Her eyes widened slightly, and as for now, she ignored his second statement, "When?"


"How Long?!" Tears threatened to fall.

"I don't know."

A hug. A promise. A change.

"I'll miss you too, Ren" came her reply.

A smirk, "Of course you will"


A/n: Done with the prologue. ", Please review.