Where in heavens sakes is my room? If this house wasn't so big, I would have found it already.

It was 2:00 in the morning, and everyone at the Bingley house was sound asleep in their respectful rooms, that is, except for a one Elizabeth Bennett. It was her first night staying at Netherfield with her ill sister Jane, and she had woken up with a terrible urge for some water. She had found the kitchen alright, but she somehow had taken a wrong turn and could not find her room.

As she walked through the dark and eerie house, a flash of lightening filled the hall. Elizabeth's eyes shot wide open at the sudden light.

"Oh no." she breathed. If there was one thing she hated more then anything, it was thunderstorms. It was a childhood fear that she never seemed to have shaken. And it didn't help at all that she was in a strange house and couldn't find her room. A crack of thunder interrupted her thoughts, and caused her to cry out. Rain started to beat down on the house like an army of drums. Elizabeth kept walking, but started moving faster as lightening flashed all around her through the large and spacious windows. Once again, thunder boomed over head and Elizabeth covered her mouth in an attempt to silence her scream. When she looked up, she could see a light ahead. That has to be my room. Lightening flashed over and over again, and the rain seemed to thrash the house all around her. She felt as though it was closing in around her, so she started to run towards the lit room, just wanting to be in the safe proximities of her bed. She was almost to the room, when more thunder exploded above. She couldn't help but scream and when she reached the room she didn't even take the time to look around, but instead, slammed the door behind her and locked it.

She stood there breathing heavily, as her head lay against the door. Another sound came from behind, making her scream and spin around again, but this time it wasn't the thunderstorm.

"Miss Elizabeth, are you alright?" said a deep, concerned voice. Elizabeth stared right into the eyes of Mr. Darcy who was wearing comfortable breeches and a loose white shirt, and his coat was laid across an armchair. His eyes looked tired and but confused at her sudden appearance. It was then that Elizabeth realized she was not in her room, but the library. Could things possibly get worse? I'm cold, tired and scared, there's a thunderstorm and I just had to walk in on Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth continued to stare around at the situation, and then quite unexpectedly slid to the floor and started to sob.

"This is the worst night of my life." She muttered through her tears. Mr. Darcy, who was quite alarmed at her breakdown, walked quickly over to her and handed her his handkerchief, and helped her off the floor. Lightening flashed again and thunder followed soon afterward. This made Elizabeth scream in fright and lose her balance. Mr. Darcy quickly caught her in his arms, before she could tragically fall to the ground. Another crack of thunder came quickly and Elizabeth, who was to frightened to care, grabbed on tighter to Mr. Darcy.

Not knowing exactly what to do, Mr. Darcy held her tightly, wanting to protect her from the storm. He felt her shiver in his arms. He let go of her and reached over and grabbed his coat that was lying on the chair. He wrapped it around her snuggly as a burst of lightening filled the room. In that moment he could see the terror that was written across Elizabeth's lovely features.

Thunder rumbled loudly outside and Elizabeth shrieked at the noise. She wrapped the coat around her tighter, as if to shield herself from a battle in front of her.

"Miss Elizabeth, are you frightened of thunderstorms?" Mr. Darcy questioned with worry. Before she could answer, a crack of thunder filled the room. This one made her jump uncontrollably and fell into his arms once more. He was surprised when she clutched to him when lightening flashed again.

"I'll take that as a yes." He answered for her. He continued to hold her as thunder boomed outside again, making the rain fall even harder against the window. Mr. Darcy noticed that this time she did not scream. So he risked asking her another question.

"What were you doing out in the middle of the night, Miss Elizabeth?" he asked her gently, shocking her to some degree. She looked slowly up at him, embarrassed, and sighed.

"I woke up and needed a drink of water. I found the kitchen alright, but got lost trying to find my room. Then the storm started. I was so scared I couldn't think straight. I saw the light in this room and thought it might be my room. I started to run for it. I didn't realize that you were in here, or that this wasn't my room and that just frightened me more. I'm terribly sorry."

Elizabeth started to cry once again as she herself eased out of his arms, but then found that she wished she were still in them. She spoke to him in a shaky voice as she walked to the window.

"What are you doing up in the middle of the night, Mr. Darcy?" Elizabeth stared at her reflection in the rain streaked window, waiting for his response.

"I couldn't sleep." He said slowly. Elizabeth stood silently as she gazed at the world outside. Suddenly she felt a warm and gentle hand place itself on her shoulder.

"I'm dreadfully sorry that I frightened you, Miss Elizabeth." He said so calmly, that it sent shivers down her back. He removed his hand, and Elizabeth felt cold again. She turned around a little too quickly and bumped right into him, not knowing he was standing that close. He instinctively puts his arms around her, so she wouldn't fall, but didn't let her go this time.

Elizabeth gazed up at his intense blue pools of eyes. She could feel his warmth start to radiate through her body once more, and hoped he wouldn't let go of her. She had never felt the joy of being in a man's arms before, and she found that she enjoyed it.

Mr. Darcy slowly bent down and brought his cheek to hers and caressed it tenderly. He could smell a faint whiff of lavender coming from her hair. It seemed to intoxicate his whole being as he closed his eyes. Elizabeth could feel his warm breath beating softly on her neck and shoulder, warming her whole body.

"Elizabeth…" And chills run through her when she hears her name come from his lips.

He pulled back slowly and gazed at her. It felt as if she was being looked straight through. But her eyes never left his. Elizabeth noticed him glance down at her mouth, then back at her eyes, as if asking her permission. It would be completely unlady-like. She tells herself. But I think I want it just as badly as he does.This is a man of high honor, how could he possibly want you? Who knows, maybe I'm dreaming. She felt him tighten his hold on her. Nope, it's definitely real.

Elizabeth looked at him carefully, and then gave into her wants. She leaned up to him, as if to motion her permission. She could feel his raged breath on her lips, full with anticipation. He slowly brushed his mouth to her and kissed her gently. Her eyes dropped closed as she responded a little. Mr. Darcy pulled back after a few seconds, and looked at her to see her reaction. Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes to see him looking at her. Her eyes sparkled as she noticed what seemed to be a little smile, flash on his face. He leaned down once again and captured her sweet tasting lips. He could feel her respond more readily this time, as she pressed against him more firmly.

This must be heaven. Elizabeth thought. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her hands run through his hair for a moment. She could feel his strong, protective arms go around her tighter, wanting to get closer to her. A small gasp escaped her when she felt his tongue flick across her lower lip, asking for entrance. She gladly obliged. A moan escaped from both of their throats as they enjoyed the wonderful new emotion that was coursing through their bodies. Elizabeth hardly noticed the lightening flash around them as he kissed her passionately. Thunder then rang above, and he jumped back. She didn't even flinch. He looked at her cautiously not knowing what to think. Her eyes are still closed, lost in the moment. He could see her lick her lips as she opened her eyes to him.

"I think you have been cured of your fear." He whispered to her. Elizabeth smiled gently up at him.

"And I think I know why." At her response, Mr. Darcy smiled. This is the first time she had really seen him smile. It makes him look more handsome. She thought to herself. She smiled wider at him as he leaned in for another kiss. A minute later she pulled back breathless and laid her head on his forehead.

"I should probably go to bed, Mr. Darcy." He just gazed at her, wanting to completely ignore her statement, but reluctantly nodded his head. He slowly released his hold on her and walked behind her as she padded silently over to the large door.

As Elizabeth reached the door, she turned around and looked at him once more. She smiled weakly, expressing what they both know just happened. It will be a memory that is locked in their minds for eternity. They stood there in silence, not knowing what to say. Elizabeth then swiftly walked into his arms. He held her tightly to him, and then kissed her fiercely before letting her go. Elizabeth quickly left the room and closed the door quietly. She stood there staring at the darkened door, as he stood on the other side looking at the spot she had just been.

They both know and realize the same thing. That will never happen again.

(a/n: ok, i hope this version was a little cleaner of mistakes and what not. i am wanting to continue it, but i'm needing some ideas, so if you have any feel free to tell me. thanks!)