Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice...

It was raining hard… and a certain Brunette is crying in the library while… a raven haired boy is walking towards the library

"I wish I can sleep at the library" he murmured to himself, the door fling opened as he enters the room. The librarian isn't there, he look for a place in which he can rest-he can't rest at the Sakura tree because it's raining and he doesn't want to be soak.

He see a Dark Alley at the back of the Fiction Books he neared the place and put on his manga and sleep when…

"Why did you leave me… why? I'm so sorry jii-chan I'm not on your funeral… I'm so sorry for everything… Jii-chan I promise to you…" and wailed louder

"What the—" then he stand up and go to the wailing sound coming… he found a brunette, he thinks she was sleeping but… "oi, who are you? If you're going to cry then it's not the place for you to cry…" then he still hear some sobs, heavy sobs. Great, so I just go here to what? Spoil my whole day, this Idiot is such a great with messing up's one's day… "hey! Will you stop your stupid sobbing or else (a flame comes from his left hand) I'll burn you into crisps" the sobbing stop then…

"What's wrong with mourning huh?" then the Auburn haired girl shows her face "what's wrong with it, tell me…" she is bursting with tears… and the rain mourn with her, a lightning strike… Natsume could only see her gloomy face, there are dirt in her face but still can see the radiance in her skin. She is surprised to see Natsume in the front of her…

"Oi, polka… why are crying?" his eyes are concern but his tone are cold as the snow in winter… "Will you stop acting like a moron… and please leave me alone…"

"What if I don't like…"

"please leave…"

"not until you tell me why are you crying" then he sits right beside her, she is very surprised to what Natsume did just now… Is he really willing to hear my problems? Why is he here in the first place? Why is it… he cared for me? Maybe he want to mock me in front of other people, Natsume your rude…

"Oi polka don't think that I like you… It's just you look hideous when you cry"

Really why are you crying Mikan? I hate to see you like that, I really hate it when you cry it makes me soppier than ever… Please stop crying…my beloved Mikan

"Natsume…" her eyes are still wet from the tears that were falling for sometime.


"Do you know how to feel when you loose somebody you loved?"

"Are you listening?"

"well…" the tears are now forming in her auburn eyes "my grandpa just… just… die…" and now the bitter tears trickling down her face, It really affects her when her grandpa died and the academy won't let her out to attend her grandpa's burial.

"is that all?" he asked her, she shake her head vigorously "the… the… academy won't… allow me to go to our house to attend the burial of grandpa" she sob so hard… strong arms clasp around her… it is warm, comforting and safe. Right she felt so safe in his arms and closed her eyes and fell on her deep slumber, the trace of tears are seen in her face, her expression lighten a bit as he look at her. The raven haired boy carry the auburn haired girl, she sleep deeply and its still raining outside, oh yes, he forgot that he doesn't have an umbrella and he doesn't want to get wet, but he can't carry her for all eternity so he laid her first and take off his jacket, put it on the head of the girl and carry her on his back. He run towards the girl's dormitory and go to the two star bedroom of Mikan. (Yes, Mikan is a two star level here ) But it is lock…

"Oh this Idiot knows how to lock her room, where's her keys anyway…" then he is about to put her down when he hear some footsteps and laughing students, if somebody found him there he'll be dead so he have no choice but to let Mikan stay at his room for this night. "MIKAN IS STAYING AT MY ROOM JUST FOR THIS NIGHT" he repeat it on his head, well he shout it in his mind, realizing what he had just said tints of red are found on his white face. "What am I thinking" then the noises come nearer still carrying Mikan he jump from the window to the branch of a Sakura tree to another until he reach for his room.

"At last, I'm here this lousy idiot is so heavy and also heavy sleeper…" he lay the brunette at his king size bed and lay beside her, he's so exhausted at carrying Mikan but his eyes refrain from closing… "oh com'on let me sleep" then he remembered Mikan's word awhile ago and look at her

"Natsume…" her eyes are still wet from the tears that were falling for sometime.


"Do you know how to feel when you loose somebody you loved?"

"Are you listening?"

"of course I do polka…" then he slowly plunge to sleep. The air blew, it is so cold and Mikan shivered and look for something or maybe someone who can give her warmth and when she reached his arms, she cling unto it and fall into sleep and stop her shivering.

Next day…