Clang…, Clang…,

-Surrounded by four beefy guards, the heavily chained prisoner was escorted down to the hallway to the sound of echoing chains. Moments later a cell door opens and the prisoner is shoved in chains and all.-

Me: Oh, you're back I see. Apparently fast updates aren't my thing, oh and solitary confinement may also have had something to do with the slow updates. But still, that's no excuse.

-Struggles to free self from chains, managing eventually.-

Me: hey look five more locks for my collection, anyway here's chapter six, chapter seven's somewhat planned and should be ready by the 7th next year. So try to enjoy this sixth chapter and drop me a line, or review, or both.

-Takes out a cunningly hidden plastic spoon.-

Me: With this plastic spoon I should be out of here in no time.

-Starts digging right in the middle of the cell.-

Me: Well, what are you still doing here? Don't you have something you should be reading not too far from here?

The three kept walking down the ship's corridors, making their way to the bridge, a deathly silence surrounding them, until Chaud finally broke the ice.

CHAUD: Slur, I'm curious about something from the journal, something you could shed some light on.
SLUR: If I can…
CHAUD: Your portals never bared the Crest of Duo before, what has changed? How are they different now from the ones before?
SLUR: Several things about them have changed, and aside from the removal of a major flaw, most of them are just small tweaks.
LAN: Major flaw?
SLUR: Initially my portals would tear right through the very fabric of the network as they transported me to were I wanted to go. Convenient yes, but after repeated use, strange things would begin happening in that part of the network, ranging from mild interference to critical network failures. Something which doesn't happen anymore.
MEGAMAN: So the Crest reflects these improvements?
SLUR: Not quite. The reason my portals bear the Crest is that it is now my navi mark. A few of the scientists rewriting some of my missing data thought it fittingly ironic that the mark used to identify humanity's saviors before Duo, be used to identify Duo's former aid before humanity.
LAN: And you're ok with this?
SLUR: There's no reason for me not to. We know what the crest stands for better than anyone else.

A few minutes later and the three arrived outside the bridge door and as Lan was about to enter, Slur paused for a moment looking off in the distance, stated that she still had things to do in the area around the engine room and took her leave heading further down the corridor.

LAN: One wanders what the navigator of a ship could be doing in the engine room, but none the less… shall we go in?

Chaud glared down the corridor after Slur with a suspicious look on his face until she disappeared from sight and then turned towards Lan.

CHAUD: Yes, let's.

The two entered and amongst all the scientists running to and fro, spotted and were greeted by the familiar face of Mr.Famous.

FAMOUS: Oh, hey guys, you're just in time. We should be jumping into hyperspace any minute now.
LAN: Hey Mr. Famous, have you seen dad around?
FAMOUS: Actually I did. He was going to work on something in the engine room area, though I was hurrying to get here so I didn't stop to ask.
LAN: The engine room? Wasn't that wher…
CHAUD: Yes it was.
LAN: You thin…

Just then, Lan was interrupted by a voice announcing through the ship's speaker system that the hyperspace window was opening followed by a countdown.

FAMOUS: Better grab on to something, this could get a little ruff.
LAN: Oh yea!

Having completely forgotten what he was talking just a moment ago, Lan quickly jumped into the empty captain's chair and pointing straight ahead with his right hand exclaimed as the countdown reached zero:

LAN: Take us to warp speed. Engage!
MEGAMAN: You reeeeaaaally need to take it easy with the late night sci-fi reruns Lan.

Lan was marveling as hypnotic streaks of light rushed by at phenomenal speed, each one of the seeming infinity of different colors more mesmerizing than the last.

LAN: WOW! I've really got to thank dad for bringing us on this trip. I would have died of boredom back home.

The hours passed like moments, and even though Lan had been looking in awe at the spectacle before him for almost five hours, he showed no signs of fatigue whatsoever, only stopping when Famous pulled him away by force stating that both Lan and Chaud should get some rest.
Reluctantly Lan allowed himself to be dragged along, down to the crew compartments and his room, exactly opposite Chaud's.

FAMOUS: Ok guys get some rest, you need it. I'll be in my room further down.

And with that, Lan entered his room, and as Famous left, so did Chaud.
But of course, staying put is not the Lan kind of thing to do, and after a short amount of time in which our hero finds himself pacing around in his room, Lan started making his way down the corridor seemingly searching for someone or something.

MEGAMAN: Lan, where are you off to now?
LAN: I'm just looking around Megaman.
MEGAMAN: Need I remind you of the inevitable outcome to all your mischievous explorations?
LAN: Aw, you're no fun at all. Where's your curiosity, your flair, your thirst for adventure?
MEGAMAN: They're making way for common sense.
LAN: You think too much. Can't you just through caution to the wind and live the moment just for once?
MEGAMAN: Not while you're involved. Now let's get back before you run into any trouble.

Megaman's giving Lan the sternest look he can, hoping to for once, get him to listen, but eventually gives up with a sigh, proving no mach for Lan's stubbornness. Especially when Lan unleashes his infamous, hard exterior crumbling, hart warming super move. His patented super cute puppy dog eyes combined with his equally devastating support move, sunny weather.

MEGAMAN: I give up, but just for once Lan, try to break with tradition and be careful.

Lan continued walking until he reached the elevator, entered and a few short minutes later upon exiting it, quickly hid behind a corner.

MEGAMAN: What now?
LAN: Security cameras, don't worry Megaman, I know what to do. Now let's analyze the situation. Surveillance cameras mounted on movable supports, pressure sensors in the floor that could probably detect an insect, and of course invisible infrared trip laser alarm systems.

Lan, further ponders his course of action.

LAN: Do I:
A) Turn around and go back? No, that would prove Megaman right.
B) Go right ahead since I've got security clearance to be anywhere and do anything, no questions asked? No, that would be far too sensible.
C) Do my best spy movie moves, pointless camera dodgings, and all round silliness? Why of course, it's the Lan thing to do.

Lan stealthily peered around the corner and when the camera was facing the other way, quickly sprinted right under it from where he was, repeating this move for the next two cameras and quickly jumped into an empty room through an open door as the third camera was pointing in the other direction. Next Lan came across a pressure sensitive section of the floor to which his reaction was to immediately jump straight up grabbing the light fixtures and to swing from light fixture to light fixture to power cables to a wall mounted monitor and back down on to the floor.

LAN: Piece of cake.
MEGAMAN: Oh yea? What are you going to do about this next alarm system? A trip laser alarm system?
LAN: Just watch!

Lan first did a commando crawl under the first set of horizontal laser beams and scaling a sign on the wall, went over the second set of horizontal lasers.

MEGAMAN: Was all this really necessary?
LAN: Of course it was. I had to avoid all the security systems didn't I?
MEGAMAN: And look cool in the process?
LAN: And look cool in the process.
MEGAMAN: You do realize that the security systems are not yet hooked up to the main security grid don't you?
LAN: Huh? What makes you say that?
MEGAMAN: That sign you so neetly hung from to avoid the lasers.

Lan stops dead in his tracks and zones out as he ponders this stupefied, realizing the trueness of Megaman's words.

LAN: Well, you sure took all the drama out of that one.

Lan continued walking down the corridor, looking left and right, finally coming to a stop in front of one of the doors.

LAN: Bingo!
MEGAMAN: The Dimensional Area Control Room? Lan this isn't the kind of place to be fooling around in.
LAN: Mr. Famous said that the sky's the limit in terms of what can be materialized right?
MEGAMAN: Well yea', but… Oh, no! No you don't Lan.
LAN: Come on, what's the worst that could happen?
MEGAMAN: I really don't know…
LAN: See! Foolproof!
MEGAMAN:…where to begin.
LAN: Still…

Lan having entered the Control Room, looked around and then started typing on the central computer's keyboard.
A few hours later, Lan shot up a triumphant YES! and an "Enter" key later, a Heckler & Koch MP7 SMG (Sub Machine Gun) started materializing nearby, falling on the floor as soon as the materializing process finished.
Lan picked up the SMG, studying it before adding in a low voice.

LAN: Not bad for a few hours of work wouldn't you agree Megaman?
MEGAMAN: A gun!? You created a gun?
LAN: An SMG actually, a Heckler & Koch MP7 to be more precise.
MEGAMAN: I don't care what it's called, it's a gun!
LAN: Looks like it, doesn't it?
MEGAMAN: That's it, I'm coming over there.
LAN: Suit yourself.

And with that Lan took out his P.E.T. from his arm holster and tossed it into the air where it started sparking and a short while later, Megaman made a soft landing relatively close to Lan.

MEGAMAN: Lan, what's gotten into you? Don't you realize that by creating a weapon, you face charges of terrorism?

Lan with an evil grin on his face raised the weapon, pointing it at Megaman.

LAN: Terrorism!? We'll just have to see about that. But then again, you won't be around anymore now will you?

Lan's words and the look of evil on Lan's face left Megaman speechless.

LAN: And now my dear friend, it's time our ways parted and we said our final goodbyes. You will be missed.

And with that, Lan started pulling the trigger, almost in slow-motion as Megaman closed his eyes in disbelief, bracing himself for what's to come, not wanting to look at the one before him. His best friend, who now wanted him gone.
Milliseconds later, a flash erupted from the gun barrel of Lan's SMG.

MEGAMAN: What happened to you Lan…, what happened to you…

Well, well, well. Seems Lan's a little out of character. And finally the action kicks off, something which will be seen from now on in every one of my chapters. (Action scenes not out of character moments)